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  1. Me too!!!😂 My kids when they were little called it "bank robbed"😂 Especially after they bought an obvious vowel
  2. I agree. I only watch Bill for his guests and it was a good panel. I remember Hurd as Beto's road trip to DC buddy. Bill is ignorant and arrogant.
  3. You mean hatchet-faced prison matron Joni taking Cosentyx for her psoriatic arthritis before ballet class? I can't stand her either! Maybe the side effects are making her a sneering bitch.
  4. Brandon Niederauer !!! - I recognized him from School Of Rock Musical from last year yanked out the old Playbill - he played Zack and melted our faces!!! A true musical prodigy http://www.brandonniederauer.com/about/ makes sense and fantastic to see him in another Andrew Lloyd Webber production.
  5. It worked on me too and I was lucky to have some Patron in the house to sip during the show ....and after
  6. I see Bill Hader
  7. It's funny! I agree that the youngest actor is adorable! When she kept putting her hand in his mouth to pull out stuff he was swallowing, along with the drooling from another episode I couldn't stop laughing. IMDb doesn't have his age in yet, looks like this is his first acting credit. He's a natural.
  8. Waving hi back atcha. Thank you for pointing this out! I didn't connect the dots. I heard and saw Rhiannon for the first time when she recorded "The New Basement Tapes". Think it was on HBO, I bought the soundtrack as well. She is a special talent for sure and I look forward like you to see what they do with her character.
  9. Yes you did! Gross!
  10. "Am I so old that I am the only one who laughed that "Chad and Jeremy" were on the same team? Probably." No you are not! I laughed too so we're both old!
  11. Martin Short killed it! I spit-taked when Dr. "Framph" re-inflated his face!!! I love this show - half way through the series and will definitely re-watch because I was laughing so hard.
  12. I thought the exact same thing!!!
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