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Everything posted by WhineandCheez

  1. I saw Ginger live at Atlantic City and she sang, and was great. Very nice too. I want to qualify my quote here. Aja is NOT talentless, like Pearl is. She a good performer and oustanding LFYL-er. I was just commenting that Aja is also an Instagram/internet sensation, but in person her drag, when not Phottoshopped, is a bit....let's be charitable, rough.
  2. At 7 AM, Joe closed out the segment with Eddie Glau (?)talking about white non-involvement in African American issues by saying "TESTIFY!" and some other culturally appropriated AA phrase (Can't remember, that was pre-coffee). Mika looks like she wants her very DNA to meld with the upholstery of her desk chair.
  3. PEARL!!! yeah, she was basically talent-less. For me, she was the first Queen with a bigger online following than real life following. I remember thinking, "this is a new trend here." And that trend has lead to....AJA (Shudders)
  4. I thought it was a young slender queen, often wore a red wig??? Elaborate costuming???
  5. I know. The only real !star! is Valentina, but she has a subdued personality. I guess everyone is kinda middle-of-the road. I miss the mini-challenges, they brought out a lot about the girls' personalities. I don't get or like Nina Bonina's drag, with the skeleton face, huge boobs and MY HIPS. I do, however, appreciate her being here if only that it gives Ru the chance to add multiple names onto Nina's name. She used to do that with...oh God, I'm old, who was that Queen she used to do that with--about 4 seasons ago? Peppermint is cool but needs more OOMPH. Sasha has great style and panache.
  6. I was in the shower and couldn't hear, but was Donny starting to trash Sara Palin and Mika whispered that she was here? Or was that about Maxine Walters?
  7. GAH! She's awful. Her and her male cohort are both so wrong for this part. Terrible overly dramatic story line. Huck best be glad he's not hooked up to a life saving electrical device because Charlie is about to pull the plug... However, the most unbelievable line of the entire season so far was when Cyrus was asked what he wanted the most and he said he wanted to see Ella. Oh, you remember her NOW?? He should've said, "I want to see my daughter Bella."
  8. "And while you are at it, also pledge so we can purchase pork bellies and Frozen concentrated orange juice (FCOG)" Disclaimer: all my commodities background comes from dating a guy who traded but moreso, from watching "Trading Places" many times" It will be whatever PEOPLE says it will be!!! DONATE BITCHES!
  9. Enough with the frickin Churchspeak. A bunch of little kids don't have fellowship, they play, run, scream and have fun.
  10. Wow, you are right! https://www.rawstory.com/2017/04/stupid-or-nefarious-rachel-maddow-destroys-trump-administrations-many-missteps-in-brutal-review/
  11. Best Mika quote ever occurred this AM, approx. 7:42 EST: (what Trump is doing and Turkey hotel mishegas) is either stunningly stupid or stunningly nefarious. Edited to add: OH!! And who could forget the gratuitous T REX reference at approx. 6:52 EST. T REX--the 70s glam rock one hit wonder band, (not the dinosaurs that the Freedom Caucus probably doesn't believe the carbon dating of.)
  12. HEE. I enjoyed the American U professor with either a bad rug or Krazee hair who predicted every Presidential win since Reagan (including Trump) and has a book out about how Trump will be impeached.
  13. Dr. Z has a cable station?! (insert yet-undecided sarcasm font here)
  14. What the good god is Joe holding up? A trump tie? WTF? Also, what is this reference to Russell Brand. Was he on the show? And 3rd--Mika's brother who was the Swedish ambassador--does anyone know if his slight accent is Polish from Dr. Z or Swedish from living there? Just wonder, since Mika has none.
  15. CUTE. I kept waiting for Joe to refer to "Little Stephen Miller" but now apparently he's grown several inches in Joe's estimation. Also they keep speaking as if Bannon has his suitcase of rumpled, ill-fitting suits in the hallway as he is waiting to be kicked out. Bannon knows where the skeletons are buried, I don't see him going.
  16. HEE. Mika played Mean Girl again this AM. They were talking about Flynn, Bannon and KAC and she lumped them all together as the 3 that did the low class dirty work to get Trump elected, but now they admin needs to swing a different direction. She called them "inelegant," or the like. HEE. I hate them all. Anyway, all the Sirius news channels were on commercial this AM so I put on FoxNoNews and kinda jumped when I heard KAC. I had the luxury of forgetting about her, since the Real (ie Fake News in Trumpland) won't have her on anymore. That chick is a Liar-Pants-on-fire but boy she could think quickly on her feet.
  17. I know!! And no one mentioned the comments by the CEO that they said they would talk about in the segment teaser. And more importantly, what's with the multiple blergs on Jet Blue? Do they do product placement too on this show?? I mean, if you can't interview some guy in the crowd w/o blurring out a company name on his Tshirt, how can they both, AND Barnicle blabber on about how good Jet Blue is? It appears that Steve Bannon is circling the drain. (Yayyy) Deep inside, I wonder how Trump, who is all about appearances, hired such an unattractive person. Ivanka and Jared are beautiful people. That must please the President greatly. I am not joking or being sly either, I mean this. He's not exactly a deep man.
  18. Oakville is our roving reporter who dictates her/his extensive and well-appreciated recaps into her cellphone. I don't want to think of all the embarrassing close calls I've had with my voice-to-text feature. (You'd be surprised at how many words auto-correct into "PENIS.")
  19. And why did Abbey meekly go into the room to wait and perhaps be killed? ANYONE--did Abbey actually get the money or was that a sham??? Also What DID happen to Susan Ross?
  20. Immediately I thought it was the "French school girl look."
  21. Raven and Nicole.Paige.Brooks--"Never Gonna Get It (My Love.) The bra pad face mop? Priceless. Immediately I thought of a routine that JB Smoove did over 15 years ago where he mentioned terrorism and said, "Now some Sista's gonna be namin her baby "Osama. "The look on Michelle's face when Farrah walked out was EVERYTHING.
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