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Everything posted by CoderLady

  1. I really, really hated it the season Alton Brown was on. His Chosen One was a bumbling, camera-hogging middle-aged guy whose name I have mercifully forgotten who was most likely told to ham it up as much as possible. As infuriatingly bad as he was, on one episode he went too far and totally screwed up his project to the point where he had nothing at all to present when the time ran out. The judges had to have another contestant give him some of their work to turn in. Now, on a normal show this would have gotten him slung out on his ear, but they pulled the "no one is going home" bullshit to save him since there was no one else anywhere near as incompetent they could sacrifice in his stead. ETA: Leo.
  2. Ripped off from https://cheezburger.com/14133253/animal-memes-for-hilarious-saturday-dreams I asked a librarian if she had a book about Pavlov's dog and Schrödinger's cat. She said it rang a bell, but she wasn't sure if it was there or not.
  3. I agree. If the other kid hadn't been an idiot who stomped on the accelerator while Judd was trying to get control of the car they wouldn't have hit that tree. The thing about guilt on TV (and real life!), it isn't rational.
  4. I have. Not to get off-topic, but peas conform to a body part much better than ice cubes. And they probably do it on TV to save time: it's easier in a scene for someone to grab a bag of mixed veg than to wrangle a tray of ice into a ziplock.
  5. I don't know if this happens in real life, but on TV when bad guys/iffy business people realize the law is closing in on them they frantically try to cover their tracks as they flee and one of the things they do is start stuffing all their paper documents through a shredder. This is futile because there's always a team of puzzle-crazed geeks who sift through the mountains of shreds to completely reconstruct exactly the one smoking gun document that brings down the villain's empire. I'm not a bad guy in a hurry so when I shred documents I do a batch, toss the pieces like a salad to get them thoroughly mixed, then stuff handfuls into various wastebaskets around the house. Since some don't get emptied into the recycling bin for weeks, it reduces the odds of a room full of caffeinated techs being able to piece together anything incriminating personal should the occasion arise. ETA: Remembered a brilliant workaround for when the good guys didn't have access to the shreds and had to work fast: on Person of Interest they managed to install a document scanner onto the bad guy's shredder, so that every page still got trashed but a copy was sent to the good guys as it happened.
  6. It's mercifully long gone now, but there used to be a clickbait ad that displayed at the bottom of some entertainment sites' pages showing a photo of her in a low-cut top inviting the user to see lots more. I can only imagine where that lead to but it couldn't have been good so yeah, if I were her I'd probably be disgusted and angry too.
  7. If you don't want to wait until next week to see the first two Bounty Hunters episodes, Discovery Go is a free (with ads) streamer you probably have access to through your cable provider. Look on the on-screen app menu that comes with your service. You just have to enter an activation code from your phone or laptop to sign up. Enjoy!
  8. George Wyner. You may remember him from Spaceballs as second-in-command to Dark Helmet.
  9. Slowly tiptoeing forward, looking straight ahead. This gives the intruder time to get into position for the inevitable jump scare.
  10. I think he was going to try to use that current rescue situation to explain his nickname but he'd already had it for years. The real explanation must be epic.
  11. Oh gawd, more nonstop pouting and bitching. Hard pass.
  12. The 4400 reboot on the CW I don't know what to feel about this. This show was appointment TV for me when USA was "characters welcome." It had a diverse cast of interesting main and supporting characters and good stories. I was sorry to see it go, but it went out on an intriguing and satisfying ending. I'd like to see Promise City (previously known as Seattle) again after things settled down, but I'm afraid that on CW this will just be one more fantasy drama about outcast young adults with superpowers being all defiant and angsty. It's sad that there is no other, better network for the show. I'll probably cautiously watch the premiere, but I'm prepared to be bitterly disappointed.
  13. I did. There was one with a woman carrier dropping off a parcel on a front porch decorated with lights where one light was out, and as she turned to go she reached over and got it lit again. That was the only ad I remember.
  14. But the slacker, having gotten into a prestigious university that all but guarantees he/she will be set financially and socially for life, will pass up the opportunity because it would mean moving away from the community. Nobody leaves home no matter what.
  15. I was interested in this stuff because it sounded like a more secure alternative to Command strips, but there's teeny tiny print at the bottom of the screen during the ad that blandly states that it will stick permanently to painted surfaces. It should be worded more strongly as an actual warning. But from the reviews, it doesn't even stick all that well to other surfaces when it should. I'll pass.
  16. I was so shocked by her dead face that I haven't been able to watch that scene again after one viewing. It still haunts me.
  17. Yessss. Most of the other builders are good sports, giving credit and respect to their opponents but the Mammoth guys seem to take every opportunity to come off as arrogant dicks. And I still think their bot looks like a wardrobe rack.
  18. I'm finding that I like skill-based games like Forged In Fire, Ultimate Beastmaster, American Ninja Warrior and even sillier ones like Man vs. Bear and Floor Is Lava, which employ pass/fail criteria to win. If the thing you make doesn't pass technical inspection or survive tests applied equally to all contestants' entries (FIF) or you fail to conquer exactly the same obstacles following exactly the same rules as the other contestants, you lose. The other type of game, where you could lose because a judge doesn't like the color of your buttercream or your artistic vision isn't bad but it just isn't what he/she personally would do, is more frustrating to watch. These are the cooking competitions and anything to do with body adornment like Face Off, Next in Fashion, or Glow Up. YMMV, but now unless I'm up for the food porn or the pretty colors, I pass on the second type. Unless it's Nailed It!. I'll always watch that.
  19. Chomp's design changes didn't address its biggest flaws: it's still big, slow and clumsy as hell -- actually even more so now. The turret is a great idea, but what happens if it has to go up against a multi-bot configuration like Gemini, where one bot can distract it while another one attacks from another angle? Could it get taken out by a mini bot high centering it? I also wonder who would win in a fight between Chomp and one of the tall skinny bots like Huge or the one that looks like a wardrobe rack. Mammoth, I think. So many questions.
  20. I'll bet the ad copywriter is from Southern California, where "the" is common before freeway names and numbers but I don't recall anyone ever using it before PCH. That is odd.
  21. I saw that, too. It's breathtaking. I had no idea it was an ad for a product until the very end.
  22. Ah, thanks for the ID. I leap for the remote as soon as I hear the ultrasound heartbeat the commercial starts with. If I'm not fast enough his singing makes me feel like someone is trying to pick me up by the ears. Ack.
  23. Plus, in anticipation of getting to the third round, I'd preemptively go over all my home forge equipment and make sure everything was mechanically sound and recently maintained, I had at least a 4 day supply of fuel for the forge on hand, was reasonably sure that the extra activity wasn't going to overload the electrical system, and had good fire suppression equipment handy. All these things have caused a few unwelcome surprises.
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