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Everything posted by CoderLady

  1. Thinking of the drug gold mine diphenhydramine, aka Benadryl. It has a list of effects which drug sellers can pick and choose from: it can be used for allergy, cold, or motion sickness symptoms and as a bonus (and here's the genius IMO) since one of its main "side" effects is that it makes people drowsy it is also used as a sleep aid. All are really just effects, period. The Linzess people could start leaning into the laxative angle if they're not making enough on it since the setup seems to be there already.
  2. Speaking of fresh cool water, you could also freeze meatsicles in ice trays while the power is still on. Something like tuna juice or bone broth might be nice.
  3. Is that because he can't wait to get out of the shower? Because if he finishes his shower he has the option of getting out, grabbing his towel and wiping his fogged-up bathroom mirror so that he can stare pensively at his reflection. Personal preference, I guess.
  4. Steady, good programming has been pretty much CBS's game plan for ages. Sure, people sneer at them for their "old people's shows" but these have great longevity and loyal audiences, which probably thrills their advertisers. CBS also benefits from having a streaming service for the good shows their broadcast network audience might be less interested in, so they get the best of both worlds.
  5. Same, down to dumping SyFy when they canceled Dark Matter. But I nearly snorted my smoothie over your theory about Warehouse 13. Cheers!
  6. Just guessing, but I'm thinking that what your cat is doing is imitating you because he loves you and that's what cats do. I admire his ingenuity: if he doesn't actually have to sneeze too, that sound is probably the closest he can voluntarily get. After too many sneezes (in his opinion, of course), he's probably thinking "Ok, that's enough -- you're on your own."
  7. To give an actual TV example of what you're talking about, on one of her guest judging appearances on Beat Bobby Flay, Bobby asked Carla Hall how many pairs of glasses she owns and she said 53. Now, they might just be a fashion accessory for her but since she always wears glasses I'm thinking they must be at least mildly prescriptive. WTF. I've been extremely nearsighted all my life with my prescription worsening every few years and I can't imagine buying multiple pairs of glasses which I wouldn't be able to wear without constantly having to replace the lenses to recoup the investment, because frames are fucking expensive. I'd be pissed at Carla but damn! That lady has the most glorious natural hair on the planet.
  8. Oh, good gracious yes! Way back when the show was first run, I started losing interest in it as it went on because I'd often watch an episode and think "That was pretty lame." As time went on it happened more and more and by the time it was canceled I'd pretty much stopped watching it, all because of the substandard episodes. I've been unenthusiastic about revisiting the show because even though I don't remember specific episodes I remember the feeling of disappointment.
  9. I'd watch that. It would be two talented artists relying on their work rather than their fame to see them through a competition, but I wonder if Duff and Buddy could actually work together or let their egos and clashing styles sabotage the quality of their entries.
  10. I feel for the little boy at breakfast at the end. His expression is priceless. I have a jar of the stuff I bought at Cost Plus a few years ago and every time I try it I have the same reaction.
  11. I saw something on TV last night that I never expected to see. For all the people who have speculated if this thing was even possible -- yes, it is and there's proof. On a Columbo episode from 2003, "Columbo Likes the Nightlife," the detective rolls up on a murder scene being his rumpled, disheveled self and first thing, asks for a cup of coffee. Someone hands him a large, open top styrofoam cup and there is actually coffee in the cup. A 3/4 full cup of something dark enough to be seen through the side of the cup. He drinks out of it and carries it around for a few minutes and even though this is Lt. Columbo we're talking about, doesn't spill any which to my mind is the most unreal thing about it. So maybe carrying full carryout coffee cups is a lost art only veteran actors can pull off, but now I've seen it can be done.
  12. I finished it in a very few days and loved it. It was a treat, and I was sorry to get to the end of the series. I was impressed at how seriously he took what he was doing and even when things went wrong with stuff due to his inexperience, or uncooperative weather or the dozen or so other unavoidable things that happened, he solved the problems and kept going. This series (season?) is all about getting started. I hope there will be another one following up.
  13. I scrolled down hoping to see this. Cheers!
  14. Thank you! It IS "You're darn tootin'." Haven't their scriptwriters ever seen a '40s Western? Or they could have gone with "You're darn right." Either would work.
  15. Dryer sheet or could be the "fragrance" in the detergent is the culprit. Cats like or dislike smells we humans don't appreciate or are even able to detect. I had one cat go nuts for the left armpit of a particular t-shirt but never the right pit, and no matter how many times I washed that shirt whenever I wore it he would dive head-first into it and try to roll around. All 17lbs of him.
  16. It was the elegant woman reaching up to scratch behind her ear as she complemented her stylist that clued me in. It was also fun when the two dogs decided to take a turn around the room. So very Jane Austen of them.
  17. But if the door is open and no one answers you, you do not just walk in. Someone has been killed, the house has been ransacked, and if you go in you will get thumped on the head by the killer as they rush out.
  18. Actually, that sounds exactly like the way a retiring Deputy Chief would maneuver his first choice of successor into taking the job based on his knowledge of the two candidates' past histories and personalities. The man ain't no fool.
  19. I was curious so I tracked this down (early season 18, for anyone else interested). Good god, you were right. The 2 men contestants seemed to be mostly beneath her notice but she was really knives out for Sarah from the start. What made her unrestrained bitchiness, sneering and eye rolling so extra was that Sarah was making a great effort to be friendly and respectful to all her fellow contestants in spite of being quite shy by nature. Even when the judges noticed her behavior, called her out on it and gave her a chance to do better, instead of checking herself she doubled down. The look on her face when she got chopped and her last futile, boneheaded attempt to make Sarah feel bad were wonders to behold. She didn't learn anything from it, unfortunately--she was shit-talking all the way out the door. Ugh.
  20. On Columbo, some poor deluded fool would try to blackmail the murderer for money, a romantic relationship, or a dream job without thinking this through. I always found it hard to feel sorry for them when they would agree to meet the killer alone for drinks or dinner to discuss their mutual future, which for one of them was going to involve poison or explosions or cut brake lines.
  21. Son of Whyachi really, really needs a self-righter. Maybe when it got its reputation as fearsome it was the baddest thing spinning, but there are smarter drivers and better bots out there now. IIRC one of the other last times it got beaten was by a bot flipping it.
  22. What I love about the May/Athena conflict is that Athena went full warrior queen on May for wanting to give a proven enemy another chance. It was a doomed approach, but it was unhesitatingly geared toward urging May to be strong and smart rather than using her own considerable pain over the attempted suicide to guilt May. I'm glad May got the full perspective from the 911 call in the end, though.
  23. Angry person walks into a room, stands there fuming and looking around, and sure as shit always does a forearm sweep of everything off the nearest flat surface. Bonus points for smashing a mirror and staring into the jagged shards. I hate that I just can't roll with the raging because of my "Who's gonna clean that shit up, fool?" internal voice.
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