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Everything posted by Greta

  1. I just flat out don't believe this will end with King Bran. I think there will be moves in that direction not just in the show but the books, and perhaps a reveal that this was 3ER/Bran's plan all along, but it won't be successful. It's just an opportunity to allow GRRM to comment on the (bad) idea of a god-emperor.
  2. I would love for Cersei to live, not triumph, but live to see everything stripped away from her as she slowly withers and dies. I think there's a bit of foreshadowing in the books, when Cersei repeatedly thinks with horror about the Maidenvault, where Baelor kept his sisters imprisoned. There's also the Melara in the well story in the books, which is somewhat echoed in the show with Ellaria in the dungeon. I could see an ending where Cersei is imprisoned, either in KL or at Casterly Rock by Tyrion or Jaime, and left to grow old while knowing the world and all the power games she loved are going on just outside her cell. That's a really slow choking the life out of her by a little brother.
  3. I haven't watched in a long, long time, but I can't quit lurking on this board, vainly hoping it will get better. That said, any chance this Hank/Shiloh person is Willow's babydaddy, with her fleeing the cult and giving up the baby to keep him safe, but now thinking she's out of danger and wondering if maybe she could raise the child herself?
  4. Not necessarily. If Dany is dead, the Unsullied don't really have a leader to follow or a home to go back to (or really, any means of getting to Essos en masse without assistance from whoever is in power). Maybe some of them make their own decisions about who to follow. That's the point of being free, isn't it?
  5. I didn't start watching until the late 90s and don't watch now, but let me know when the Gail tribute is so I can watch to support the out-doing of Sonny's me-me-mepisode.
  6. dubbel zout, how dare you misrepresent the immortal line: "My FRENNZZ call ME Kiki!"
  7. One tweak would have fixed this: Anna had a Secret!Baby! result from seducing unknown target of WSB interest, that Faison then found out about and raised as his own. (Peter wouldn't even have to know that Faison wasn't his father.) And if the next sweeps revelation was that the unknown target was one Stefan Cassadine, well that would just be further proof that I could write a pretty good soap.
  8. Meh, the secret father of your long-lost child who is An Enemy! of your family? Who you think killed your half-brother who may or may not be dead? Yeah, that's who a soap heroine ends up in a torrid affair with. But of course this show's writing makes sure to avoid leaving open the possibility.
  9. A dirty-hot affair between Valentin and Lulu makes perfect soap sense which A) is why this show would never choose to do it and B)I really can't see with these two actors.
  10. I said a long time ago that Emma needs to be the sixth Mrs. Sonny Corinthos as Robin's karma for defending him. It needs to be put out there in the universe so it can come to pass, like Soily. I said a long time ago that Emma needs to be the sixth Mrs. Sonny Corinthos as Robin's karma for defending him. It needs to be put out there in the universe so it can come to pass, like Soily.
  11. If Prince Charles died tomorrow, Prince William would become heir to the throne, not Prince Andrew. That's how succession works in monarchies (and titles generally). I'm sure someone can find an example of some tiny country with a different succession rule, but we've seen nothing to indicate Westeros doesn't have the typical system. The whole point is to set up a situation for Dany to see what she does when she can't claim that she is the rightful legal heir to the Iron Throne, something she believes right now. The (f)Aegon story in the books is clearly headed in this direction.
  12. I'm really going to miss this show and not even in a "so bad, it's good" way. (Although I think a big part of the show's problem with the network and with ratings was that the way the show was directed made the production values look cheap, when I suspect the costs were actually really, really high.) All the family and political intrigues really started to hit their stride in the last couple of episodes. With all the Scotland mentions, was Tessa supposed to be Lady McB?
  13. I have no idea how to find it now, but I remember last year someone worked through a family tree to determine that after all the Baratheon deaths, Robert's closest living male heir would have been... Tywin Lannister. There was a Lannister-Baratheon marriage generations past directly referenced in the AGOT when noted geneticist Ned Stark was researching the "black of hair" marker. Of course, the throne has always gone to the closest male heir. And since Tommen retired Jaime from the Kingsguard, the closest male heir is standing right next to Cersei.
  14. It was gloriously awful. I just DVR'ed the season. I actually did love the bit about Montague Sr. being the one pulling the strings on R+J's illicit romance.
  15. You know, if they drew the comparison for the purpose of revealing that Alive! Georgie is what's behind the door Jake draws, the entry to some sort of WSB/Cassadine joint venture for growing new agents, it might make up for getting Alive! Morgan.
  16. God help me, I had the flu and watched an episode that got me sufficiently intrigued with the Anna and Valentin story that I actually youtubed some clips and, it pains me to admit, DVRed this week. We had the possibility for Nelle Langston Quartermaine, told by her mother Nikki that Carly was the reason she and AJ never got back together and that they were poor (didn't even need to be retconned, could just be a story Nikki made up to justify some other bad choices she made), even leaving the possibility if TIIC were set on Michael/Nelle that AJ wasn't really her father, but she believed he was, and instead we got Nelle Benson?! I'm about to up and die of not surprised that TFGH is still TFGH. If Nelle was set on vengeance against Carly because the Metrocourt had bad lighting that ruined PC High senior Nelle's prom pictures, it still would have been a better story.
  17. Well, so many soap people seem to have been involved in the production- maybe they just assumed it was a soap-death and thus not necessarily an impediment to returning.
  18. I am now highly suspicious of Eric's (or his father's) executive assistant. All these clues she keeps discovering or revealing are a little too convenient.
  19. Milton and the entire Catholic canon would disagree. No one and nothing is beyond God's forgiveness, if they truly repent, which is where I think the nun was going. If the demon truly repented, it would stop the possession. It's certainly interesting to see Marcus realize that his way isn't the only way. I like the way this show very skillfully interweaves the up close and personal family drama with the larger conspiracy. It deserves better ratings and it gives me hope that Jessica is supposed to be awful. Did anyone else suspect she deliberately left that note out in the open hoping someone besides Tomas would find it?
  20. I didn't see last season of this show, but I am interested in this mystery, even if I did keep confusing it with Dallas. It seems nice and soapy. I think the friend that hates women is too obvious, but might be Kate's previous (or current) baby daddy. My money is on the blonde sister in law or Dad. The family scenes were especially well done and well acted. They established the relationships without being too expositiony
  21. I am just going to go full kitchen sink and say both Tom and Sophie are involved. Maybe all SBK's victims were involved in corruption somehow. Tom was the one who switched the boxes on purpose. (Allison seemed a little confused at how she could have made the mistake.) And then when his mentor died, he started to play a long revenge game. Are we even sure he stopped killing? The silver bells might have just been SBK's kink. And Sophie has to have stalked Cam for some reason. Maybe she is SBK's daughter or the child of one of the people Mitch swindled. If the first, Jack's creepiness doesn't come from ( at least entirely) from the Hawthornes. And I really like the idea of Jack as the red herring, when the real bad seeds, maybe revealed only to the audience, are the Shining twins. One of whom is named Harper, in what I just realized might be an homage to Harper's Island.
  22. If they had done the Jeyne Westerling story, with Robb marrying her for duty and honor, and then showed a few scenes of them falling in love, it would have been far more sympathetic and added to the surprise* and tragedy of the Red Wedding. In the book, Robb did seem very fond of Jeyne and she seemed to be sincerely grieving his death later, so it wouldn't have been a deviation from canon. *Because then the arc of non-readers would have seemed to be "aw, the sort-of arranged marriage turned to love match trope."
  23. I don't think the show would go with the adoption angle when half-sister with a Revenant or other otherwise Other!* Daddy is the other option. I thought Bobo figured it out (at least part of it) when Waverly "Earp" burying the totem didn't actually work. Maybe Wifebeating Daddy set her up on purpose to think she was responsible for the protections being broken since he was already planning on leaving with Bobo. I hadn't realized how much I enjoyed Bobo and Michael Ecklund until he was killed off. He and Waverly had a wonderful rapport (in terms of acting not sexytimes) that I would have liked to see more of. Oh well, maybe Wynonna getting shot will "kill" her temporarily, re-setting the clock and putting all the Revenants she shot back in play next season. *It seemed like too many "others," yet they all have purpose!
  24. Boo Boo Dornish Kitty better step off Lollys' man! Brollys 4-eva! I actually really would like to see Bronn and Lollys revisted because Lollys' story in the books is such a sad one, so I would like her to have a happy show ending. Also, I am interested to see if the Lannisters really do pay their debts. That said, Bronn will probably die tonight since I can't have nice things and because whatever goes down at Casa Frey will have to involve at least one casualty that the audience actually likes.
  25. If the Mountain dies in KL, but Arya didn't do it, he would still be crossed off her list
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