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dubbel zout

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Everything posted by dubbel zout

  1. I want some acknowledgement that Drew realizes the threat of physical violence was way of out line and he regrets it.
  2. Yes, yes, yes. Let's hear him try to justify that. And how pathetic that our strong, independent female lead can't be without a love interest for more than a few months. I don't want Drew and Nina together because their banter at the moment isn't fun and snarky, it's cruel and abusive. And I will never forget that Drew was upset that Nina was a woman and he couldn't punch her in the face for telling the SEC about the insider trading.
  3. Can you blame her? Her husband is as appealing as raw boneless, skinless chicken breast.
  4. I had to laugh that Willow's idea of putting your own doubts aside and trusting your partner involves breaking a bunch of laws and putting your professional reputation and livelihood in danger. And she doesn't think that was such a bad thing! LIESL IS YOUR LITERAL LIFESAVER, WILLOW.
  5. "I just came by to see what you're up to." Nina is plotting the downfall of Crimson so you go bankrupt, Drew. FFS. Though he's such an asshole to her I want her to put him into bankruptcy. And I wish Nina would call his bluff on Crimson: If he thinks she can't do a good job (all evidence to the contrary), replace her. I love the police academy guy. He side-eyes Anna's reasons for wanting to fast-track Dex through academy admissions, he gives Dex the proper amount of skepticism about his past. He's also easy on the eyes. Of course Curtis keeps his progress about walking a secret. Spare me these idiot men and their egos. I'm also really tired of Jason's stare-offs. He doesn't look tough or intimidating. NGL, I'm so disappointed Jason is protecting Carly and not Michael.
  6. Same. I thought they had Dante wake up too soon to exonerate Jason in his shooting. Jason should have had to sweat things out longer, as Dante was the only one who could say for sure who shot him—or didn't. I would like to see Jason's sons accept him for the crap father he is and tolerate him because the alternative takes up too much of their energy. And I would LOVE it if one of the boys needs Jason but Michael has a problem that Jason has to solve, and Jason helps Michael first, as he would. Let's lean into how Michael is Jason's priority. How much are they really going to spill, though? Jason would never betray Sonny (regardless of what Sonny thinks these days, heh), and I think even Dex is smart enough to know that if he tells too much, his days are numbered (fingers crossed). So everyone in PC getting all excited is going to be sorely disappointed, as usual when it comes to the mob.
  7. Is Blaze's mom her actual manager or is she just barging in to cause trouble? She doesn't seem to understand how being the face of a cosmetic company works. I liked how Elizabeth didn't give away that she thought Jason shot Dante. I'm not sure the old writers would have allowed that—she'd have had to fall all over herself apologizing for ever doubting him. I also liked how Jake called Jason on his behavior, and I hope they have him hold on to his anger for more than a day or two. It's always annoyed me how Jason is given the benefit of the doubt way too often and way too quickly. And I wish someone would admit that Jason is a crap father and that probably won't change. It makes her looks really dumb, IMO. She's had ample opportunity in the past to do something about Sonny but hasn't. Law enforcement has always been completely inept about shutting Sonny down. I'd rather they just come to an agreement that as long as Sonny's bidness doesn't interfere with daily life in PC, live and let live. The show doesn't seem to want to get rid of the mob aspect, and I can't watch yet another botched investigation into Sonny that goes nowhere. LOL that Sonny still wants Jason charged with something. Objectively speaking, he's probably right, but it comes across as Sonny trying to punish Jason for his "betrayal." And frickin' Molly for making Alexis doubt she can continue her sobriety. Good for Diane for pointing out that the Invader is a nightmare and Alexis isn't slugging back fifths of vodka. Isn't one of the tenets of AA that you can fall off the wagon for any reason, or no reason at all? Which is why it's one day at a time and all of the other steps?
  8. Now the writing for Drew and Nina has some spark. Before it was Drew threatening Nina with physical violence, which is never acceptable. And Spencer lied to Trina about who he was for too long, IMO. I'm not a fan of men treating women like shit and then the woman falling for them. I don't think Spencer got enough grief for how he treated Trina at the very beginning of them knowing each other, and Drew had better grovel to Nina for his awful behavior toward her. Ugh, and they're doubling down with Molly and TJ and Kristina. I sort of understand that with Molly's infertility they feel powerless about starting a family, but it's always a crapshoot, no matter how the baby appears. For them to suddenly want a baby RIGHT AWAY when we saw them talk rationally in the past about wanting to establish their careers before having kids is something of a betrayal of the characters, IMO. I can't think of the last baby on GH that had any sort of lasting impact on the show.
  9. Same, especially because he doesn't look that much more mature from when he was on GH regularly. That's not his fault, of course, but NAC was obviously cast (to me, at any rate) because he did look more like an older teenager, early 20-year-old.
  10. I disliked Drew and Carly so much I would have accepted that she had only 2 percent milk for his coffee and he uses half-and-half as a reason to end things.
  11. Please, yes. Like I wrote a few days ago, I wish Joss would acknowledge that everyone is entitled to their feelings about Jason, but at least she didn't cut Trina out of her life for her negative feelings. And yes, the actors work very well together. Did they? I feel like as long as Jason wasn't in Port Charles, Drew could pretend that he was Carly's top priority. But once Jason reappeared in PC, Drew is faced with the reality that Jason will always take precedence over everyone else in Carly's life. Her feelings for Jason have been consistent over the years and she's made no excuses for them, so I always have to blame the dopes who think they'll be the exception. I think Trina is still hanging too much of her life on what she and Spencer would have done, but as long as we see her deal with her grief, I'm okay. But we (okay, I) need to see some progress soon, like maybe Trina has decided to go back to PCU in the fall.
  12. They really undercut things by having Marshall stay away for so long and then be so obstinate about saying why. I think part of that might have been the writers figuring out what they wanted to story to be, which of course also undercut the basic idea. JL did an excellent job with the exposition, and I think it drew a decent line under the story. It still was a story told badly, but at least the new writers were able to wrap it up with thoughtfulness and economy.
  13. That was deliberate on Jason's part, though. He doesn't want to tell Sonny or Carly what the FBI is holding over him, so it's easier to say he's protecting himself. Given that it likely involves stupid Michael, Carly, at least, will fall all over Jason to thank him for keeping them safe. Depending on where things are with Sonny, he might give Jason a grudging thanks.
  14. If he's on contract, does he get paid even when he doesn't work? It also might be that NAC will return to wrap up Spencer's story for the time being, and he'll do that on a recurring basis.
  15. If Val is also running a CIA training school for single moms, my heart will burst with happiness. As long as they don't weep and moan over it. I've had it with their tears.
  16. LOL. I guess not every pharmacist can be kindly old David in those annoying Prevagen commercials.
  17. Here's hoping this doesn't send Anna into another torrent of tears. Two teenage boys would be easier for Dante to deal with than his weepy mother. They've done a good job of setting up Sonny's paranoia so no one would immediately think his meds were being tampered with. I had to laugh when Valentin said he'd made an agreement with Sonny's "source" for his meds. Uh, would that be the pharmacist at the local CVS? Val made it sound as it Sonny met someone in a back alley somewhere for illicit drugs. I thought that was realistic. Danny is desperate to keep thinking of Jason as a good guy, not some murdering thug. Carly is awfully blasé about Jason being an FBI informant. Was Pentonville always considered maximum security? The way people are able to come and go certainly doesn't back that up, LOL. She has to be, otherwise it makes no sense, and for once I think the show is actively trying to make sense. I wish they'd drawn out Dante exonerating Jason for a bit longer.
  18. Uh-oh, the dreaded long-term facility talk! (But of course that's what snaps Dante out of his coma, LOL.) Again, if Molly can't get remand for Jason for allegedly shooting a cop, she's useless as an ADA. There should be automatic remand for that. Five million is absurdly low, but whatever. This is GH, where everything is a plot point. And of course Jason is going to plead not guilty. Why that was drawn out was ridiculous. And of course Sonny makes Dante's shooting about him. At least Sonny has the self-awareness to realize Dante made all of the compromises so they could have a relationship of some sort. Oh, Brennan is back tomorrow. I wonder if he'll cross paths with Carly.
  19. Very well put, @jsbt. I know some people find LW's take on Carly OOC for Carly, but it makes sense to me that at this point she's become a bit too cocksure of her place in PC, even if it's only because of who she's been married to. LW does overplay Carly's smug, but that's also in the writing. ETA: As for Carly's feelings for Jason, I agree she will always have them.
  20. When Sam isn't in conflict with Jason, she's a doormat, so I'm very pleased they're keeping Sam out of his orbit as much as possible. That's what they did for her last time, and even that seemed to be an effort for LC. I think she simply doesn't have the energy—physical or emotional—to be on the show anymore. It's a shame, because Monica has been a very important part of GH for a very long time. If LC is up to it, this would be great.
  21. When Joss was being understanding toward Trina about her feelings re: Jason, I really wished Joss had acknowledged how unfair she'd been to Cam for the same thing. That would have shown some growth to me.
  22. They could do that without making Robert and Anna look terrified of their adult daughter who lives on the other side of the country. Just say Molly was the only ADA available. ETA: Sorry, I'm kind of cranky these days.
  23. Why are Robert and Anna so afraid of Robin? She knows what Jason does. She knows what her parents do. She knows those things can occasionally collide. I found myself a bit annoyed with Robert, tbh.
  24. It makes sense that Sam is the first civilian to see Jason at the PCPD, but I hope Carly finds out and is annoyed. It was very gratifying to see her read Jason the riot act about being a crap father, but of course she's delusional if she thinks Danny won't seek Jason out, whether she wants him to or not. And Jason won't work that hard to keep him away. Speaking of Carly, will she bellow about "conflict of interest" with Molly being the ADA handling the case? It's so blatant I'm surprised there wasn't a line of dialogue addressing it. I had to laugh that Molly needs to prepare her argument to keep Jason from getting bail. He allegedly shot a cop. If she can't get him remand for that, she has no business being in the DA's office. Trina is such a better friend to Joss than Joss is to her, not that this is news. Trina needs to see a grief counselor so badly. Has anyone suggested this to her? The Jake/Danny fight was pretty well done. It didn't look as fake as it could have, especially with two inexperienced actors. Of course Jason outsourced Valentine's Day. Age comes for us all at some point. I'd rather not see LC struggling. Her last appearance was hard to watch, even though they made it as easy on her as possible.
  25. Sorry; weird computer burp. The correct post is below.
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