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Everything posted by zillabreeze

  1. Just Barely. Was it smart with pithy writing? Then, of course it was short-lived. I'm getting vibes of "Dirt Sexy Money"- Peter Krause & Jill Clayburgh
  2. I missed having a silly "tele-novella" type show this summer. So far, this works just fine! My catty inner bitch also likes to see a woman my age (Kim) finally puffing up and aging, too.
  3. IKR? With all those idiots riding bareback with strangers, I'm surprised there's not a STD superbug pandemic.
  4. Me too! But Bowie is the one that really shattered my heart!
  5. No doubt she stanks!!! I've worked around truckers that just oozed the smell and it lingered in my office for hours. Gag. But pretty sure my issue with Angela would be that her own life is a giant clusterfuck. I certainly don't need her help or advice in screwing up my own shit.
  6. And we'll have to root for Malcolm. I figure he'll at least bother to learn the child's name. What's Michael gonna do with a boy baby? Calling it "handsome" sounds creepy
  7. She's like that friend in a bad relationship that just wears you out..."he's lying, cheating, beating, stealing" Whatev. Burns up your phone with the 24/7 bawling when it's bad...then can't go to lunch with you when he's back and on good behaviour.
  8. I think you're right. The "drama" got very contrived. Grandma always in a hurry to get back upstairs with Brother Heywood was a good giggle. "How are you Grandma?" "Oh, I'm right with my savior and tight with my bookie!" 😂🤣😂 I'd love to see her in something new! She has great comedic timing. It just floored me that I found no Gospel songs by her. I had assumed that she was a professional singer that just happened to act.
  9. The Brits are really good about having the characters look like Real People. The human face shows such much more expression when it's not distorted with fillers & frozen with botox! I suspect Hollywood would have laughed at and kicked Nicola Walker to the curb. A UK treasure! If she's on the screen, my butt is on the couch!
  10. Well this chat is dead in the water. I've just been running it in the background for funny noise lately and feeling judgey.🤣 So. There's a distinct line of either writer "issues" or Melissa Mc getting full of herself. The season ends with the Wedding, then Bam!. Writing tanked, cast started phoning it in and it was all Melissa doing stupid slapstick physical comedy, with canned guffaws. Yuck. The early writing was pretty thoughtful, smart and original. It sure didn't bow out that way. I did just re-remember how very much I enjoyed Cleo King (Carl's Grandma) voice!!! I always assumed that she had a presence in the Gospel world. Went web looking for some tunes and got squat. That's a total shame.
  11. It was my "don't Even think of interrupting me show" on first go round. Such good writing!!!! And in the beginning I didn't have a DVR! So, no skip backs to catch the stellar dialog! You had to focus! The fast talking hallway walks were script gold. I think it's a safe bet that a series that ended 14 years ago and has never gone into syndication, is a damn good watch.
  12. I'm just now doing a series rewatch. The TV cop names of the dogs are so cute! I've got a big ol' Korsak crush this time around. If there are middle aged men like him out IRL, I'd sure like to find one.
  13. The second I hear a litigant justifying their rip-off by referring to the victims' wealth, they are dead to me. So??? it's cool if I shoplift because Mr. Costco has more money than me??? Same. Plaintiff deserves props for calling that arrogant asshole out on national TV. That'll be an excellent Google find for rich folks that are tutor shopping! It should really expand his client base! Dumbass will be the topic d'jour at the next P's next cocktail party. You can't buy that kind of publicity! 🤣😂🤣 As we say in construction " That boy can't think any further ahead than the tip of his dick".
  14. No suspect about it. Makes me violently stabby to know that people can do that and still sleep at night! His mom was there with him. She should put a stop to those leeches getting phones on his account. That's exactly what happened here, too. D got word that he was ripe for picking. I had an uncle with a TBI resulting from an auto accident, made worse by a GM fail. It took the family years to convince the courts that lowlifes (acting as friends) were bleeding him of the settlement that would have taken good care of him. It was too little, too late.
  15. My other "oh stop it" beefs with the judges: Quit tee-heeing and twittering everytime somebody refers to using weed! Don't they film in Ca? Or even NYC? Legal. Also, the mention of owning a firearm does not require all of that pearl clutching & feigned concern. Normal folks have guns.
  16. I'll take that bet. My pretty good hinky meter pegs Schill out as pretty far right politically, he chokes on things like racism & Covid. There's tape of him several months ago parrottng the "Covid is just the flu, no big deal" party line.
  17. Girl clearly loves riding bareback and makes epic stupid life choices. Poor decent Malcolm will prob end up planting the next seed. She'll get bored with his calm, normal demeanor and dump him for more Michael Drama. Malcolm will man up and end up paying child support for His kid, while Michael & Sarah cash his checks.
  18. Aw, sweet naive AZC! Those nekkid udders are on display in every prison in a five state area.
  19. I forget where she lives, but smokes are spendy! 7-16$ pack. What's her income stream anyway?
  20. I dated a really great guy, about 3 mos. in, still excuses for my not seeing His house... At the same time, I'm seeing a little pile of flotsam accumulating in My Garage. "Can you believe somebody tossed/lost this!!? I'll just put it here for now". 😱 His next move that was SO hoarder - He stopped by one day while I was Fall cleaning the garage. Moving lumber to a nice stack, tossing paint cans, putting tools back in their spot, wiping workbenches, sweeping....he kindly offers to "help" and then sits down with a plastic organizer box that has 18-20 drawers and starts picking through every little bolt, washer and screw.😱 You don't have to beat me with the red flags! I broke up within days - I couldn't get Hoarders out of my head🤣 Who says A&E/trash reality TeeVee isn't educational????
  21. They're tolerating all kinds of irrelevant drama just to fill show minutes. MM does, too IMHO. Our CourtTV loving selves have to face reality. There's a limited supply of legit litigants and a mess of court shows. There's two OMG! deep night christer shysters that are jaw dropping. The guy selling holy water for $ that makes all your wishes come true. AND Jim Baker - after Tammy Faye and prison time - is selling buckets of doomsday vittles for the imminent Apocalypse. Just like robo calls, it must be lucrative or they wouldn't do it.
  22. "Picking the wrong breed" is the root of the sorry state of shelters, also for the boom of marauding dogs (mostly pits) & their irresponsible owners. I blather with other kindred souls on reddit about the subject. Breeds have DNA that drives behaviour. You can't love or beat it out of them. Trying to only ends badly or sadly. I walk the walk! 20 years ago, after much research, I found out that greyhounds are lazy as hell, with very short bursts of energy and love to eat. Oh! oh! Me too!!!! 🤗🥰Six of six perfect matches.
  23. How would we know? Screeching banshees looking for their Reality TV break are starting to run together....
  24. Tonight, US is ep 3. But I've seen repeats floating around on the weekends. If you like med dramas, you're good to go. The root premise is fairly original-ish. A genius savant is working in his field while having credential "issues" - if you watched "Suits", that's the gist.
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