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Everything posted by Brooklynista

  1. Why does Destiny have a problem leaving her kid to go to Texas?? Angie let somebody else raise all of hers so... Some people are so selfish.
  2. Umm...where are Desiree's breasts? They've been absorbed by her stomach. Which one is the episode on??
  3. I miss the MTV that made Real World Ruthie pull over when she was driving drunk. The MTV that insisted she go to rehab and dry out if she wanted to continue on the show.
  4. I want this moron to build her own version of the crunchwrap house Tyler built. Then I want to see her figure out how to pay the light and gass bill after this show gets cancelled.
  5. Guess he saw Kendu get a payout from Mary J so he figures he'll give it a shot.
  6. The Family Chantal doesn't even know Winter is in the room. Pedro would have been welcomed with open arms if it was Winter that had brought him home instead of their precious Chantal.
  7. The Family Chantal needs to have someone show them tape JFK Zapruder style. Back and to the left. BACK and to the left!
  8. Mother Chantel needs to stick that taser someplace that hasn't been shocked in a while. If she did then maybe she could climb off of Pedro's back.
  9. Yeah Cate, you're a real badass in your JC Penny's swimsuit. Rock on.
  10. Oh Pedro! I wish I knew how to quit you!!🤣🤣
  11. WHO HOLD'S A CUP LIKE THAT?? Colt is a serial killer! Forget his flat affect, its the way he holds a cup!. Does he have Ken doll hands?
  12. So Pedro gives them what they want by saying he wants to return to the "Dominican" and they immediately talk about following him there. WTF!?
  13. Oh my...Winter has been eating feelings. Hard to be in your sister's shadow isn't it? I know...
  14. Chantal, you are married to Pedro. Pedro IS your family. Leave/ Cleave and all that good shit sweetheart.
  15. Coltee's thighs are really struggling to bust out of those jeans!
  16. I'm 40 something and mommy will always be mommy.🤗
  17. Chantal and River should double date w Coltee and Deb.
  18. Oh, so River is trying to toughen up his image this season? Mkay..we still all saw you get your ass kicked.
  19. Chantel's...not so much. That stunted way she speaks drives me nuts. SPIT IT OUT!
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