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Everything posted by Brooklynista

  1. Yoooo!!! Who punches someone while their going 70mph on the highway??? Not that you should punch people...
  2. 😂 Chris doesn't let up on making Kail look like a damn fool. And she really has to stop saying he cheated on her. They were never together. Letting someone swim in your lady pool and backyard pool does not a boyfriend make.
  3. I wonder if he told her not to bring her ass and home building ideas within 100 feet of his neighborhood.
  4. Ashley keeps saying the girl Jay was texting was "opposite " of her. Opposite mean black right? Is that what we're saying? The girl was black?
  5. Oh Elizabeth gets bonuses from work...and somehow that's not taking money from dad?
  6. I hate that Elizabeth makes me side w her dad. Ugh! Let's move out of the free place he's giving us and ask him to pay rent for us on another place?? In what world??
  7. I want a supersized episode with only Cassandra's facial expressions. 😂
  8. Did they have to tell her she didnt have the operation? Wonder what her progress would be if she went home thinking she had a smaller stomach and couldn't eat mich.
  9. They stopped no less than 8 times to eat. Was that all the money they had?? How were they paying for the truck guys to get home? They have NO MONEY??
  10. These are the same people who pack their medications in the checked luggage. Why didnt they look for it while it was daylight.??
  11. Did they at least check to be sure the flying mattress didnt kill anyone?
  12. VNA's world just ended because she lost what was certainly a $50 mattress. I'm thinking Allen would do much better without her.
  13. Ok i might be able to get behind his plan. They can wean off the bad stuff and slowly go on plan. Maybe share a pizza? Order 1 spaghetti entree instead of 2 a piece.
  14. So this is the marriage huh? No dates, no Wednesday night specials, no vacations. Just eating.
  15. And she has to do it with Debbie listening on the other side of the door. Give Larissa 2 green cards.
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