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Everything posted by Brooklynista

  1. Clutch my pearls! The mouth on Debbie. Does she kiss her cat with that mouth? I think Debbie saw that Colt was unfulfilled in their relationship and agreed to him bringing in a sex partner. Her jealousy over Larissa consumed her in a way she could never have anticipated. Debbie is going mad and completely losing her cool. Also, does Debbie have a lisp or just not wearing her teeth? I'm convinced Chantel cannot read and that's why she has so much trouble delivering her lines. And I cannot stand this reality show habit of over confronting. Chantel told Pedro what Obed said about the beginnings of their relationship. Pedro denied it and professed his love. Done. Why does she now need to go confront Mama Pedro and Nicole? Let it go and take your man home. Ugh!
  2. Remember when Aubrey locked herself in her bedroom because she didn't want to get up in the morning? Way back when this show was still a little fun and lighthearted. Sigh...good times.
  3. Wouldn't professional cinematographer Andrew have better film equipment to capture his son's first birthday? A cellphone camera dude??
  4. Let's not forget Jay literally did not know what the word monogamy meant. 🙄 He wasn't ready and Ashley knew it. She wanted a bought and paid for stallion.
  5. But there would be no domestic incident if Ashley kept her hands to herself. She didn't call the cops and say "I hit my husband, come arrest me". She called because she couldn't control his dick and she should have been hauled in for abusing the services of law enforcement. We don't call cops because we've been cheated on.
  6. I know its supposed to be a lighthearted show but I really wished someone (looking at you Dean and Tarik) would have spoken to how uncool it was for Ashley to call the cops. We don't call law enforcement on wayward dicks. That could have turned out way differently for Jay.
  7. So Becky w the blond hair couldn't control her hired black dick so off he goes back to his homeland. Not in my America bitch.
  8. Juan is Pao's flying monkey. She uses Juan to say all of the nasty things she wants to say to Russ. I mean I get it, Russ is a putz, but it's still not nice.
  9. And why does she need to know everything going on w Larissa? She needs to learn to mind her own damn business!
  10. As quickly as she called the cops I would bet its not her first time calling them on a boyfriend.
  11. So Destiny thinks Jay got off easy with the cops being called on him. Hmm...I have to wonder what would have been a more satisfactory outcome for her.
  12. The mindfuck that comes from Colt and Debbie drives me nuts so I can't imagine what its like for Larissa. First they antagonize the woman til she spazzes out then they call the cops on her. She comes home and then these freaks try to lovebomb her. Get out of that house Larissa.
  13. Pedro was talking shit about you Chantel? Oh heavens! He should be more like you and keep private affairs between your family, and your girlfriends...and now Obed.
  14. Didn't expect more than this from Ashley. She's exactly the kind of woman who would put hands on a man and then cry her white woman tears. 911?? Because he cheated? Bitch
  15. I bet he never speaks to the other girlfriend in this manner. Kail is the backup broad when he falls out w the real love.
  16. Oh Kailyn. I applaud his honesty. The only reason he is around Kail is so he can brag about getting white girl head and using her pool. No doubt he has never returned that favor. Let Kail giggling about the disrespect Kail. Maybe she can eventually convince herself he really likes her. Spoiler alert: He don't.
  17. She has bruises on her knee. Maybe they started the honeymoon earlier than we think.?
  18. Dag Deonna, you can't even give Greg "smitten"? Geesh. She's a touch rigid.
  19. Ha! They don't have each others phone numbers. Too cute. Black girl secret coming: these sistergirls are going to be sorry in the morning if they don't wrap their damn hair before bed. I'm sorry but America would know that first about me.
  20. https://slate.com/culture/2019/06/judge-judys-new-york-times-profile-downplays-her-troubling-history.html Article touches on Judy's disdain for us poor folk.
  21. I'm sure it doesn't mean what she thinks it means.
  22. Except that would be an illegal lockout. Like him or not, Jay is a resident and Ashley would have to go through the proper channels to get him out. She's lucky Jay didn't know his rights and left willingly.
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