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Everything posted by Brooklynista

  1. Did Debbie forget to put her teeth in? Or has she been drinking from her coffee mug again.
  2. Has anybody ever tallied how many calories are actually burned during these nonsensical workout?
  3. Or at least have a better clapback. "We were talking about going to Petco for dog food...oh wait"
  4. My guess is the TLC producers never buy any tickets. Nicole is the only one who doesn't get the punchline. I guess because she IS the punchline.
  5. This has become an absolute jumbled mess! I want to make fun of morons but I have to play Go Fish thru 100 forums to do it. I need TLC to slow down a little bit.
  6. Props to Nathan for not calling Barb out right there for that bit of bullshit. "Things are cool on the land???" Why sell out Babs?
  7. Where does Miss Priss think she's going to stay? At the home of this family she constantly insults? Pedro pays the bills over there he can keep her locked out.
  8. Doesn't she lose something like $175 for a change fee on each ticket?
  9. Is TLC even bothering to buy these plane tickets at this point? I see some producer in an office telling the crew to just pretend they bought tix for Nicole.
  10. Well i want her found! Not tomorrow, not after lunch, now!
  11. Careful Chantal. It's always that girlfriend that tells you to leave your husband that becomes his new happy 2nd wife. Anyone of those broads would gladly do what you can't and tell their momma's to go screw to keep Pedro happy.
  12. Why is Chantal pouring from a nips bottle? It can't be so bad that that don't have a grown up size bottle if liquor in the house.
  13. Question. Do people really order the fruit and yogurt platter from room service? That shit is around 12 bucks! I know the Trashley's want to look enlightened but no. Even on TLC's dime if I'm ordering, I'm getting FOOD!
  14. Good, Trashley is on. I can go check my chicken in the oven.
  15. The halting speech pattern and the lockjaw makes the NY'r in me very punchy. Spit it out!! Obed is not in any Dominican. He's sitting right in Mother Chantel's living room.
  16. If they aren't going to show me the chaos on the Land when Nicky and Mallory heard they were being fired, then I really don't care.
  17. Pao's attitude about her breakfast attire will change soon enough. Let one of her good espicy girlfriends come to stay and visit the baby. Let that girlfriend come bouncing down the stairs in what Pao displayed for her in-laws in front of Ross. I'm positive her head would explode and she'll be demanding that friend cover up and show some respect in her home.
  18. I can try but I've already been sucked into the 90 Day Fiance ever expanding circle of hell 😥😂
  19. It's a slow day at work. I think this deserves a rewatch. I 💘 love stories!
  20. Nicole going thru the window!! I swear this room has so many comedy writers.😂
  21. Cheating?? When did Pedro cheat? All I saw him do was dance. Perhaps a bit provocatively for middle America but it was still just dancing.
  22. I bet she has as well. That new love weight. Just made myself sick
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