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Everything posted by Brooklynista

  1. One date and he's "honey"?? Careful Doug.
  2. She's gonna have to move those legs if the date goes well😋
  3. Who is she performing for with these tears?? The camera crew?
  4. I'm sorry but this syrupy voice of hers is driving me batshit.
  5. "THE BED IS FOR SLEEPING!" I'll never forget those nurses chasing me out of bed after my fibroid surgery. God bless that woman.
  6. Que theatro! The drama is strong with this one.
  7. Oh Cassandra, your facial expressions are my spirit animal. I heart you.
  8. And in true Kail fashion, her opinion is the only one that matters. Hypocritical or not.
  9. Dollars to donuts says Kail doesn't consider Javi's new baby as a full brother to her boys. Kail considers HER sons "brothers". I doubt she will extend that same theory to the kids outside of her house. Oh yeah! Didn't she say she wasn't going to get sweet lil Vivi a gift when Jo found himself on her shit list for the umpteenth time?? That doesn't sound very sibling like to me.
  10. I think Debbie would be a great grandma...to Colt's kids. She hasn't been welcoming at all to Larissa and I can't see her embracing any extension of Larissa.
  11. I would have a bit more compassion for Debbie feeling left out of Larissa's news if she said she was now worried about never becoming a grandmother. Debbie doesn't strike me as the type who would bake cookies for the kids and welcome them as her own grand.
  12. Same! Was Robalee going to look under the trailer? Down by the creek? Kripsy Kreme?
  13. If my years of Judge Judy have taught me anything, this is very true. Plenty of shiftless men right here in the States who would love to take advantage of her desperation. Nicole does not have to go all the way to Grenada to be scammed.
  14. Annnnddd she's still not talking about why she was going thru her ex husband's phone. So who exactly needs to grow up Kail?
  15. I can't say that I've noticed the "I'm not black, I'm Dominican" vibe from the Family Pedro.
  16. Why are we still pretending Jenelle gives a shit about those kids? The only reason she ever feigned an interest in them was to amuse the boyfriend of the month. Now the show is gone and the eyes are off of her. She'll go thru these court motions to please David for now but she could give 2 shits if she ever saw any of those kids again and they are better off because of it.
  17. I work in what's a super casual office. Jeans and tshirts for the most part EXCEPT for the ladies who started in the company straight out of high school. There's never a day when the 30 year plus seniority crew is not dressed to the nines complete with blazers and skirts. Pantyhose every day ( ugh, I would die!). I would bet it was only a few years ago Miss Joyce stopped wearing white gloves.
  18. That Jon is one angry little man! I simply stated on a fanpage that Rachel is nothing more than a fancy prison wife to Jon. He'll never live in the States and she'll never move abroad. This angry hobbit of a man replied to my comment with "absolute retard". Now, I'm not sure if he was saying I was a retard (his term) or if my theory was absolutely retarded. Iono. But his reply was so swift and mean. I asked him to point out where I was wrong about what I stated...no answer so far.😏
  19. It reminds of a lot of women I see, hanging on to dead/split ends instead of getting a trim. The length doesn't count if it's ratty as hell.
  20. Ok let me play Devil's Advocate here, why would Justin need to holler into the phone that he wasn't going to visit Steven?? Just don't go see him.
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