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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. I wasn't familiar with any of the three, but I decided to root for Bellamy Young based on her charity. It was sad to see her lack of confidence. Yes, it was an incredibly easy set of clues (I ran the game, even though there was stuff in there about religion/mythology, which is one of my weakest areas), but within that context she was smoking her competitors. I disagree with Alex that every answer was offered up in a questioning tone, as she seemed sure of quite a number of them, but that was certainly a common occurrence, yet there was no need for it. I was not aware Amy Schumer was related to Chuck. Where have I been? In the senses category, my neighbors must have wondered why someone was screaming, "A sight, you idiots!" And then sputtering as to why Josh Gad left the category when the answer would have been obvious even without a clue. Even I knew Judas, so that was another surprising TS. Same with Om. And Prague, and Bern. At least with the latter, Young seemed to know her answer was dumb almost as soon as she said it. Unless it was editing, Gad didn't wait to be ruled correct after the Snow White clue before selecting the next clue. There was something about it that seemed deliberate rather than just a case of nerves, but he never did it again. For FJ, I didn't specifically know Oprah Winfrey had charted with such a book, but based on the rest of the clue I figured it had to be her.
  2. My uncle used to make ice cream back in the day - before you could just dump it in a machine, and instead had to crank away forever - and it was divine. Unlike with salty, crunchy treats, I have willpower when it comes to sweets and could thus make ice cream without worrying I'd down it all in one sitting. I don't really want a machine I won't use very often taking up storage space, though, and I've heard the alternate ways of making ice cream take more time and effort than I'd want to put in and/or don't turn out as well. Maybe I'll see if any of my friends have one, and say, "I'll bring homemade angel food cake and egg yolks, let's make ice cream."
  3. Me, neither, in general, it's just the specific circumstances above (not when Person 1 has 20 items and Person 2 has 10, but when Person 1 has a cartful and Person 2 has a handful) that my annoyance kicks in.
  4. At my local Costco, the employees checking the receipts are really fast (probably because they're not actually checking them against the items in the cart unless they see you're hauling out a big-ticket item), but I've also seen them wave to the front of the line someone who's just holding a few items. That takes me to another peeve of mine: People unloading a cart full of groceries who don't invite the person standing behind with just one or two items to go ahead of them. They're under no obligation to do so. But when they look right at the person and see that's all they're buying, and it's obvious that person could be checked out and gone before they even finish unloading their cart, I think it's the polite thing to do to extend the offer. Especially when the store has no express lines open.
  5. I haven't made that in so long (because I loathe egg yolks, and thus hate having a dozen sitting there when I'm done - I know I'll never use them, but it seems so very wrong to toss them), and now I'm craving it like crazy! Especially with strawberries in season right now.
  6. I found the "something's coming" stuff quite lame, but I do love this Coneheads version just as I do the original. Jane Curtin is great.
  7. Some relatives have a cat with no teeth, who eats - canned and dry - like a champ. My Maddie has always had terrible teeth, despite regular cleanings for the time I've had her (I adopted her from the shelter 15 years ago, where she was housed as a young adult stray), whether due to genetics or inadequate nutrition when she was a kitten, and has lost quite a few of them over the years (including both fangs). She had three more extracted last year, leaving her with not one place in her mouth where an upper and lower meet. Once she healed, she didn't miss a step at the food bowl.
  8. Which is why every single doctor my dad talked to when he was diagnosed with a-fib said they could not, in good conscience, prescribe Xarelto or the other Coumadin alternatives. They're more convenient on a routine basis, because you don't have to think about how much vitamin K you're eating every day or keep going in for blood tests to monitor (although the Coumadin monitoring isn't as bad as it sounds, because once the INR is consistently in range, you do it less frequently), but the flip side of that is they're terrible - potentially deadly - in the event of an emergency. Great, you didn't have to research all the things other than dark, leafy, green vegetables that have enough vitamin K to potentially render the dose you're taking inadequate, pay attention to how much of all those things you eat, or go in for blood tests. However, if you need emergency surgery, suffer a serious accident, etc. you may need to kiss your ass goodbye (because you bled out) when you otherwise wouldn't have. Not exactly a fair exchange for skipping those inconveniences. So I love the timing of those commercials -- the "call if you've been harmed by Xarelto" immediately following the "Be like me and take this great drug" one.
  9. I spent the whole episode wondering where I recognized Wendi from, and Bridesmaids finally came to me after FJ. Then I looked her up on IMDb and realized she'd been in Modern Family, too, and I never once put together that "Pam" was the woman from Bridesmaids. I was rooting for her because of her charity, and because Alex was such a sexist prig during her interview. They all wrote their names obnoxiously. So many Kids Tournament-level clues. But, sadly, pointing to Lisbon on a map is something that would happen in a regular game these days. I cannot believe the "course of true love" quote was a TS. A journalist pronouncing Iran "Eye-ran" is pathetic, but given the state of American journalism - and CNN in particular - today, I should not be surprised.
  10. Mo Rocca always drives me insane. I often enjoy what he's saying, but I find it very hard to watch/listen to him say it.
  11. K is for Sophia and Max's pizza-knish stand that burned down.
  12. Damn, I forgot to watch. I really enjoyed Antonia on Top Chef, so it would be nice to see her again. I cannot stand Marcel, so I'm glad to know that when I catch a repeat, I won't have to endure him for long.
  13. I agree, so, given her age, I'm not particularly bothered by her rude reaction. I am, however, disgusted her father doesn't react. And I'm a bit bummed Lily feels bad about her own Bedazzling interest, since what I've always liked about her is how low-key, comfortable with herself, happy without being annoying, just very "normal" comportment.
  14. Oh jeez, I'm having flashbacks to the 1997 Golden Globe Awards.
  15. I couldn’t remember what came on day 12 in the 12 Days of Christmas song, either. I don’t know who “Mr. Wonderful” is, and after seeing that written below his name, I don’t want to know. I hate the Packers and Aaron Rodgers began bugging me two or three years ago, so I was rooting for Mark – whom I respect for being an astronaut, and for being married to Gabby Giffords. I kind of lost track of TS and bad answers, but Harley and Davidson blew my mind. And Gregory Peck kind of broke my heart.
  16. Yeah, it was particularly nice to see Dan enjoy having her around (even offering to let her live with them), since he was so annoyed by the presence of Al and Bev. It showed it wasn't just some stereotypical "I hate in-laws" thing. Roseanne Barr was quite close to her grandma, and could talk with her in a way she couldn't with her mom. She thinks grandmas can be a tremendous asset to a family, and that's how Nana Mary came to be. Listening to Roseanne talk about Shelley Winters is a hoot. Winters was a method actor, and the cast got a real kick out of her being in Nana Mary mode for the whole week, reverting to normal once taping was completed. It's also great to know Roseanne and Laurie said at the time that in 25 years Roseanne would be Shelley and Laurie would be Estelle.
  17. Yeah, that would be fun. I didn't know Game of Thrones, Jon Voight, or George Clooney's ex-girlfriend.
  18. There are two films that most people I know enjoy, whether they find them good or, more commonly, so silly bad they're entertaining in that way, that I just find stupid: Legally Blonde and Bring It On. In Legally Blonde, I like when Jennifer Coolidge gets her dog back, and in Bring It On, I like the "Hey, Mickey" end credits. That's it. I'm not sure if this is unpopular as well, but while I have Reese Witherspoon on the brain -- I don't like Sweet Home Alabama. Great supporting cast (Candice Bergen, Jean Smart, Mary Kay Place, Fred Ward, Mary Lynn Rajskub), a nice moment or two, and a few great lines (e.g. "People need a passport to come down here"), but I don't buy that there's still anything between her and her ex (or not so ex)-husband, and certainly nothing worth leaving Patrick Dempsey at the altar over.
  19. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    That's a satire/fake news publication.
  20. C is obviously for cheesecake, but also for the expensive champagne Dorothy couldn't afford to pay for during their dinner celebrating her CFS diagnosis, prompting Sophia to demonstrate how one can scam a free meal.
  21. While I think it's stupid to serve him raw onions after he has already complained about it (or ever, given his history of complaining every damn time he tastes them), I also think Scott should shut the hell up about what is nothing more than a personal preference. If raw onions don't work for a particular dish - they're overwhelming or conflicting with other flavors, the texture is out of place, whatever - that's a valid criticism. "I don't like them" is not. I cannot stand egg yolk. If someone served me something with a Hollandaise sauce on it, I'd just defer to my fellow judges as to whether that sauce was appropriate to the dish rather than huffing that someone included in their dish what may be a perfectly valid ingredient that I happen to hate.
  22. That's why the "depreciation?" and "what are you supposed to do, drive three-fourths of a car?" ones piss me off so much. Things are worth what someone will pay you for them now, not what you paid for them back when you bought them. Some things appreciate in value. Most depreciate. Cars fall into the latter category. Get over it, Liberty Mutual assholes.
  23. I think I hate the one encouraging drivers to just tear the bumpers off other people's cars rather than learning how to parallel park the most, but all those Liberty Mutual commercials showcase stupid people with massive senses of entitlement.
  24. I took all things as confirmation they'd been sleeping together for a while. I suppose I should try to do the same, so I'm not pissed off if he is, in fact, a storyline in this revival, but I'm not there -- I so badly want him to just be safe with his parents, and never again more than a quick mention (if that) on the show.
  25. I like the Coneheads, and especially when working "mass quantities" into conversation, so I don't object to this take on the commercial, but I still think it would have been better left as is. Or, at least, it would have been better had this new commercial suddenly appeared, without the stupid "something is coming, Earthlings" ad in the interim.
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