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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. In my lifetime of cat ownership, I've only had one who fit the impossible to pill stereotype -- but I still laugh every time I read one of those "how to give a cat a pill" things. I always give a water chaser with pills (so they don't just sit in the esophagus), so that forces a swallow. I just use a syringe, and squirt water in from the side of the mouth -- never aimed directly at the back of the throat. I do about .5 mL to one mL max at a time to avoid choking.
  2. Yeah, I can't imagine how low the ratings for the early episodes would have to be for them to yank the second half, nor can I imagine ratings being that low.
  3. Are they opposed to flavor? I use boneless meat in a few things, but to sit and eat it basically on its own ... bone in, definitely. I grilled a T-bone steak last night, so tonight's dinner will be something with the leftover meat. Maybe tacos, maybe a salad. Quesadilla? I'll figure it out by dinner time.
  4. Yeah, I wondered if they had set it up that way for the 2 kids/3 kids joke, but I've have much rather ditched Steve's part of the joke and given him his own segment with Jon later. Ed Helms looks really different ... and really good.
  5. On one hand, I wanted to tell the brother to either shut up or buy his own house, but on the other his main insistence – that the house have two bathrooms – was reasonable, so I couldn’t get too annoyed. For me, there are way too many adults in that house, but if it works for them, great.
  6. Jon Stewart's election coverage has been, in terms of years, a fairly minor part of my voting life. Yet I'm still having trouble imagining going through the 2016 election without it.
  7. I love that they spent so much time on the piece about the staff. That's not something the average audience member cares to see, so it's not normally given that much airtime. This whole thing felt like a very personal farewell, done more for those who made the show than those who watched it, and as a member of the latter group I'm perfectly fine with that. I cried when Stephen talked about how Jon hadn't just provided them the gig that opened doors, but also provided the example they take with them through those doors. And then I cried again with Springsteen. I'm going to miss this version of the show so, so much. I've had my issues over the years, but I wouldn't trade the experience for anything.
  8. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    That this isn’t a parody, but instead a real initiative that multiple people signed off on, is just downright sad.
  9. I saw the pilot for the first time yesterday, and am currently watching the second episode. This one I recognize, and remember the precise moment I decided I was going to keep watching: Maxine telling Lauren, "Your opinions are not as fascinating as you think they are." Maybe if Amy hadn't spent the previous six years telling her the opposite, Lauren might not be one of the most annoying children on the face of the earth. God, I hate that kid.
  10. Well. The actors have their work cut out for them making that dialogue sound better than it reads.
  11. As another poster above noted, I believe that referred to Jazz’s specific scenario of 8+ kids, all carried and birthed by Ari, who would then serve as the nanny. The issue of how Jazz might go about having children in the future was serious, but that little interlude was just for fun and got wackier as it went on. Like when a kid tells you how many kids they’re going to have, what their names will be, etc. You smile, nod and move on.
  12. This allowed someone to market a tool specifically designed to cut such plastic … which, you guessed it, itself comes packaged that way. You need the tool to get to the tool. (I’ve never used one – I just use a box cutter – but I’ve seen it, and cracked up at the packaging.)
  13. No. This forum is for the show House Hunters, with different threads for the different versions of the show: this one for House Hunters, one for House Hunters International, and one for House Hunters Renovations. There is a real estate shows thread in Genre, though.
  14. Emma's "meet cute" at the end -- as she's walking away from the restaurant wearing Maggie's milk-stained blouse, she crashes into a man walking out of a bakery, sending his many, many loaves of bread to the ground. They talk for a minute or two, he asks her out, she says yes, the end.
  15. I thought she said the latter, with the idea being "you couldn't sell it at $50k, and now you're asking $80 despite all these issues, so let's just go back to the original $50k and call it a day." Now, what resemblance that bears to what actually happened, who knows.
  16. Starring real-life couple Paula Prentiss and Richard Benjamin. That was a good one, indeed.
  17. It was the mother; Maura said "Mrs. [Whatever]" as she was relaying the events. But, as noted above, if the girl was home sick at the time, that's just extra gross. Count me in with those confused why "where will Jane stay?" is even a storyline. She'll stay at a hotel or with someone for a couple of weeks while she apartment hunts, and then she'll move into her new place. I got a good laugh at Jane dismissing the trauma of losing all her possessions by saying something like, "I lost 20 identical shirts."
  18. The Buffalo episode was a nice change from the usual boring script. The knee-high snow on the ground showed why I’d never live there despite the dirt-cheap (as compared to my market) housing, but watching someone tour three interesting homes and then begin work on restoring one she’d bought for $50k (!) was enjoyable. I wish they’d held this episode back in order to get follow-up footage from further into the renovation. I lost track of which homes were in the historic district, but if any of them that had vinyl replacement windows were included I’m stunned the owners could get away with such a thing.
  19. It's strangely quite refreshing to have a woman on television be opposed to waxing her pubic hair within an inch of its life. Was that the Hootie and the Blowfish guy as the band member date? That baby had a perfect serious expression for the bathtub scene, so they really lucked into that one (or spent a whole day waiting for it). I liked Maggie giving it a try, but then standing firm when she realized she wasn't ready to date. And I loved the Paula Abdul dance.
  20. This show is so charming. I'm always leery of babies, and the "career woman returns to small town and discovers what life is really about" idea, but so far this series isn’t falling into most of the old traps. I like the family dynamic that is forming with the two friends and the father, and think this could develop into something pretty special on TV. Can anyone refresh my memory as to why Mark's wife forbade contact with Emma? I can't think of much that would justify such a demand, but I'd like to know if she's as offensive a jealous stereotype as she seems to be at first blush.
  21. Maker's Mark will be involved, that's all I know for sure.
  22. I only snore when I'm sick and stuffed up, but under those circumstances I wake myself snoring, too. It's an odd experience. I guess snoring would count as a pet peeve. I know people can't help it, so it's unfair for me to react as I do, but I cannot abide snoring. If you snore, you have to sleep elsewhere. Another room, another house, I don't care - but not next to me. I can sleep through many things, but not the sound of snoring. I once slept on the sand with a beach towel for a blanket because of snoring. My best friend, her brother, and I had gone down to visit their sister and several friends at a beach house they rented for a long weekend every summer and wound up needing to spend the night. It was my best friend and I on an air mattress on the living room floor and her brother on the couch, and both of them were snoring to wake the dead. It was either sleep outside or kill them, and since they're family to me I opted to let them live ... after some deliberation.
  23. I scared my cat out of her sleep watching the Fox News segment (which is rather cruel, since she's recovering from a second bout of pancreatitis), but I couldn't help cheering and simultaneously keening that we're going to lose this sustained, on-point dismantling of the bullshit Fox News produces.
  24. I wrote pretty much all my college papers in marathon overnight sessions, too. Such "procrastination" is another way of doing things that gets unfairly derided.
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