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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. No. It, and the Hallmark Channel from which it spun off, are cable channels. If you mean basic cable, the answer is still no; in fact, HMM is often first available in a programming package above that which includes Hallmark Channel.
  2. Cats generally don't need any extra vitamin C beyond what they're getting in their food and their body is synthesizing; deficiency is rare. But most cats can be given a vitamin C supplement without issue, because it's water soluble -- the extra is not stored in the body, but is just peed out. I believe there are some chronic conditions for which it's nevertheless contraindicated, though. So, for most cats: no harm, but no evidence of benefit, either.
  3. I only have a few leftovers that I eat cold, but those few are things I love cold -- primarily pizza and fried chicken. I had a slice of cold pizza (wheat crust, garlic-infused olive oil sauce, mozzarella cheese, Italian sausage, and spinach) for breakfast this morning. Dinner will be pub grub and beer, as I'm meeting friends at a local brewery.
  4. Oxo makes a lot of good stuff. I have quite a few Oxo utensils and gadgets in my kitchen drawers, and they come in first in a fair number of America's Test Kitchen equipment testings.
  5. This is hard! It's Jed. No, it's Leo. But it can't be. Ugh! Biting the bullet and voting against: Leo. 1. C.J. 2. Jed
  6. It was totally outlandish, and I loved it. The first episode, not so much. I liked moments, and I'll get to those, but the two big storylines – Emma and Birdbones deal with the client from hell and Maggie goes on her first date with Clive – annoyed me. Re. the first, I just do not find funny, and thus do not enjoy, “comedic” storylines in which characters lower themselves to cater to some completely horrible character who has zero respect for people. Fuck that girl; tell her to get lost. As to the second, Maggie was so completely out of line! She didn't "request a simple favor," she just announced that she'd told the other nurse he could leave early, something she had no authority to do. Then she was inappropriate in how she spoke to Clive about it when he confronted her, and batshit crazy in getting pissy about it. The things I liked: “Will she be coming too?” when Maggie asked Clive out. Mark getting excited about carving meat and having a sword. Mark's guac squawk. Guacamole needs to sit a while to be at its best, so I have issues with table-side guacamole, but I loved his excitement. And that looked like quite a presentation. I love that Clive stayed to have it after Maggie left. “I hate all the words you just said.” I don’t watch GoT, either, so Emma's reactions were amusing me. The moment between Emma and Birdbones, and later between them and Mark. I love so many things about this show, and how they've handled that dynamic is near the top of the list. Hm, that's a lot of liked moments for an episode whose storylines pissed me right off. Yet another reason I love this show. As for the finale (Finale? Really, that's it? For the season, and probably forever? No!!!): “Nobody needs a crimper.” “I’ll straight-up Truvy that.” Fabulous Steel Magnolias shout-out. Then channeling Tina backstage when they offered to do Proud Mary. Miss Congeniality 2 ripoff on stage a bit, but I don't care. Who's the ice cream truck driver? The first two seasons were so long ago, I can't place him even though he looks familiar. Mark and Clive stuck having a culinary adventure at “Simon” was fun. “It’s a bowl of dirt.” “I don’t feel like they’re mine.” “Did you pay for them? Do you have the receipts?” “I had to upgrade my data package” about Clive dealing with Emma's "Am I going to die?" texts during the wee hours. Closing on "Your two mommas love you"? I want more!
  7. I'll be right there along side you... Okay, but when you vote against C.J. again, I'm going to shove a motherboard so far up your ass!
  8. A: - --- s--- the -res--e-t's ---e. - h--e h-s s----t-re ---- -rett- ----. B: --- --- s--- the -res--e-t's ---e? A: -e-h. B: -- - -----e-t re------ h-- -r-- ---er --- h------ -t t- s--e--e e-se. A: -e-h. -r -- --- th--- the -h-te H--se ----se- ----- s-- th-t --s - --- --e-? B: - th--- the -h-te H--se ----se- ----- s-- -t --s - ---- -'et-t! Yea: H, T, R, S, E Nay:
  9. It was posted somewhere upthread that (per the Facebook page of someone from the show) he has a rare condition called Dubowitz Syndrome.
  10. I love it, too. Everything that has already been mentioned, plus: When they show up at the store and Roseanne looks at the girls and asks, "Weren't there some boys in this class?" One of them says they didn't want to come; they think grocery shopping is a girl thing, and Roseanne says, "Yeah, well, get used to that." Darlene's horror upon learning she's eating generic Frankenberries, and her quest to keep that quiet. Jackie speaking in pig latin, and Roseanne's "O-kay do-kay" reaction and Dan's even better one that doesn't properly translate in writing. Jackie trying to take Dan down and his, "Ouch! You pulled a hair out." Someone in the class asking Roseanne what she really wanted to do with her life, and her saying, "Well, I tried lounging on the beaches of Europe, but somehow that just left me empty. No, believe it or not, I really wanted to have a family. Maybe not the one I got, but ..." Meryl picking a steak at the meat counter, and Roseanne saying that's okay because her dad's a dermatologist. "How about somebody without a trust fund. Darlene, what are we having for dinner tonight?" Darlene: "Well, I'm eating at Meryl's house." The in-jokes about the tabloids. The recipe for meatloaf concluding with it being done when the oldest kid comes downstairs and groans, "Not meatloaf again." Meryl saying, "I don't see why I have to be stuck in this kitchen cooking dinner for this family," prompting all the others to agree, and Roseanne saying, "This is a proud, proud, proud moment for me, girls. Now you're sounding like real housewives." One of them asking Dan what salad dressing he wants, and Roseanne translating it for him to "orange or red?" Darlene telling Roseanne this has made her realize how tough Roseanne's job really is -- so she's going to get a really good job or marry a rich guy so she doesn't ever have to do it. The entire exchange with the bully's dad, especially "Settle down or I'll give my wife a doughnut to kick your butt" and "The kid's a genius/He's an extortionist!" about D.J.'s Twinkie plan. And the tag, where Jackie jumps on Dan in a sneak attack, and he just walks around with her clinging to him. "If you start to black out, tap me twice."
  11. Yep. "You know what makes me mad about this? How come it's automatically made out to you and not me?" "Honey, I am the professional in the family." "Oh, right; I forgot about your Master's in drywalling. The real reason is just 'cause you're a man. ... Like I'm not good enough for their little junior high school career day? Like some housewife doesn't have anything important to say?" The Becky, who is pissed at Darlene for taking something of hers without asking, says, "It's an outrage, Mom. I say go show them how tough your job really is." Roseanne says maybe she will, Darlene objects, we get the great "Are you embarrassed of your mother/Don't get offended; I'm just as embarrassed of dad" exchange, they get distracted by the D.J. has a twinkie bully revelation, and then we get back to the conversation that precedes the cut to the scene at school.
  12. A: - --- s--- th- -r-s----t's ----. - h--- h-s s----t-r- ---- -r-tt- ----. B: --- --- s--- th- -r-s----t's ----? A: ---h. B: -- - -------t r------- h-- -r-- ----r --- h------ -t t- s------ --s-. A: ---h. -r -- --- th--- th- -h-t- H--s- ----s-- ----- s-- th-t --s - --- ----? B: - th--- th- -h-t- H--s- ----s-- ----- s-- -t --s - ---- -'-t-t! Yea: H, T, R, S Nay:
  13. A: - --- ---- th- --------t'- ----. - h--- h-- -----t--- ---- ---tt- ----. B: --- --- ---- th- --------t'- ----? A: ---h. B: -- - -------t -------- h-- ---- ----- --- h------ -t t- ------- ----. A: ---h. -- -- --- th--- th- -h-t- H---- ------- ----- --- th-- --- - --- ----? B: - th--- th- -h-t- H---- ------- ----- --- -t --- - ---- -'-t-t! Yea: H, T Nay:
  14. It worked wonders on Maddie's arthritis - she was back to running and jumping like a young cat - and every owner I've ever heard talk about using it on their pet saw at least some improvement. It's meant for dogs (there's also an equine version), but it's prescribed for off-label use in cats, too. The problem is it's a course of two injections (the amount per injection is based on weight) per week for four weeks (some vets prescribe it differently, with ongoing maintenance doses, but the manufacturer put out a "knock that shit off" letter, saying it's designed to be given as a series of eight doses, period; they have no evidence that maintenance doses do anything extra). It can be given via subcutaneous injection, but it's more effective via intramuscular injection. So, @ABay, with ability to wrangle the boy cat being limited, I suspect it's really not feasible to capture and inject him eight times (you don't have to take him in for the injections, you can do them at home [a vet tech can show you IM injection options if you're not familiar - I always find the thigh easiest - and want to try that, or you can just do subQ injections], but still). Cosequin is my back-up recommendation when a cat isn't injectable/pillable and the only option is something added to the food, so boo to him detecting its presence from 50 paces. But, you can only do what he'll let you do. You take such good care of him, including taking his stress level into account. Yay for Bilgisticat eating (and, yes, I'll go knock on some wood immediately).
  15. A: - --- ---- --- ---------'- ----. - ---- --- --------- ---- ------ ----. B: --- --- ---- --- ---------'- ----? A: ----. B: -- - -------- -------- --- ---- ----- --- ------- -- -- ------- ----. A: ----. -- -- --- ----- --- ----- ----- ------- ----- --- ---- --- - --- ----? B: - ----- --- ----- ----- ------- ----- --- -- --- - ---- -'----!
  16. I'm glad they got together because they both suck as romantic partners, so if they paired off for good, they permanently spared anyone else getting involved with either one of them.
  17. But Roseanne never had any intention of just letting it go. Right after that, Jackie asks, "What's the matter, Darlene having problems at school?" and Roseanne says, "Not yet." Then we cut to the home-ec class. They may have cut the scene early in syndication.
  18. Another great Jed quote! "I'm just going to sit here and think about plutonium and the things I can do with it." (I'll be back; have to think of a quote - suddenly my mind is empty of them!)
  19. I'll just be over here, muttering about how there is no one I don't hate right now. Voting off: Josh 1. C.J. 2. Jed 3. Leo
  20. Yep, the protein makes them feel more full, and for a longer time, so they eat less. Thus, the greater per-can cost may, depending on how much more it is than the current food, be offset so that the total monthly food costs aren't any more than what one is currently paying. It's something you don't always think about in the moment you're standing there comparing costs.
  21. How sure are you on it not being an infection, because URIs (upper respiratory infections) are common in cats. They're usually caused by one of four viruses, herpes being the most common of those (there's a blood test to identify what's present); the virus mostly lies dormant, and then flares up when the immune system dips for some reason -- like the majority of humans harboring HSV-1 and thus getting a cold sore when our immune system is busy elsewhere, most cats have been exposed to the feline virus, and may, in times of strain to the immune system, get some or all of the symptoms including runny eyes, congestion (ranging in severity from something you can only detect with a stethoscope to something readily apparent), and sneezing, and may develop a secondary infection if left untreated. Not being able to properly smell their food keeps them from properly eating it; this can even become a severe problem, where serious congestion leads to not eating at all, despite being hungry. L-Lysine can knock back a mild flare-up of the virus, and a targeted anti-viral (e.g. Famciclovir) can take care of the more significant ones. Whatever the cause of congestion, steam can help alleviate the symptom -- sitting in a closed bathroom with the cat and cranking the shower up to hot, holding her/him at a safe distance from a facial steamer, etc.
  22. This struck me, because other than a fair number of screwballs and only that same general number in the many decades since, romantic comedies are not my bag. There is something about the trailers for this one that appeals to me, though, and I've been thinking of going to see it (and, if not, will definitely rent it when the time comes). Hearing it described that way is a definite point in favor.
  23. It's ridiculous the company's relocation package doesn't cover a home-scouting trip between accepting the job and starting it, but the fact is it doesn't, and you've thus already budgeted for covering that on your own. I'd go ahead and spend that money as planned to take the trip and look for a place; so many other things will be new at the time you move and start the job, I'd take my best chance at crossing "scrambling for a place to live" off that list. The corporate housing is a back-up should you not find something, but I'd want to do everything possible to minimize that interim, move to one place then move to the real place time - for me, and the cats. Now, if Sunday would be a largely wasted day because few places are actually available to look at, and the fee you'd pay the airline to change your return flight to late Saturday is offset by the money you'd save in hotel, car rental, and food costs, I'd make that change, yes. I just wouldn't skip the scouting trip altogether.
  24. It is ridiculous how long that took me. I have a freakish ability in these hangman games to identify quotes with which I'm familiar with very few letters filled in (I think my record in the X-Files game was two), so when I looked at the puzzle, the quote came to me quickly. But then as I started to write it out, I noticed the discrepancy. I sat here, and sat here, thinking, "Hmm, I may be remembering it slightly wrong, so what '--ta' word makes sense in place of 'gets'? Hell, what word fits, period, other than iota, and that's definitely not it. Okay, I give up; I'm just going to post that I know the quote but one of us is wrong on a word." Minutes had gone by through all that. And then mere seconds after I posted, the light bulb went on. No one had guessed A. That "a" was just a typo. The keys are right next to each other, after all. Total V-8 head smack moment.
  25. Ha! I love this quote so much. But I'm completely confused on the eighth word in the second sentence, currently filled in as --ta, because I have another word in my head. So one of us has the quote wrong, and it may very well be me; I just can't figure out what the right word is if I'm the one misremembering. EDIT: Oh, duh -- it's just a typo. You put an a instead of an s. I can't believe I stared at it that long before grasping the simple fact A and S are next to each other on the keyboard. So, here it is: They sent me two turkeys. The more photo friendly of the two gets a presidential pardon and a full life at a children's zoo. The runner up gets eaten. If the Oscars were like that, I'd watch. Now @betsyboo can put hers up.
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