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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. I saw the name and immediately thought, "Coleman!" (his Cagney & Lacey role). It was a small role, but he was in most of the episodes, and I've associated him with it ever since. I think the only other thing I've seen him in is L&O: SVU, as a judge, and whenever he'd pop up, I'd think of Coleman.
  2. Adding Smashing Pumpkins to the Beautiful list.
  3. Oh, @roamyn, I am so sorry to hear about Lily; my condolences on your loss! I know it is a special type of difficult when you lose a pet so quickly and unexpectedly; seeming perfectly fine one day and needing to be put to sleep the next is very hard to process. It's also extra heartbreaking when you lose one at a far younger age than is typical. And then coming home to a pet-less house? You are dealing with a whole lot right now on top of the crushing grief that comes with losing a pet under any circumstances, and my heart goes out to you. That picture says it all, and I wish there was something to offer beyond my sympathy.
  4. The pinned post on language includes a link to the transgender section of the GLAAD Media Reference Guide, which is what the site follows. Lots of good info there (much of it is in the pinned post itself, but there's some extra information at the link).
  5. A: ----- --- --ss---- --t -s s-m- -r--- -----s? B: ----, -'-- --st r-- --t t- t-- --r-st --- -- r---t ----. C: --- ---- ---t? A: --- t---- s-- --s ----- s-r--st--? C: ----, - ---'t t---- s--'s --tt--- t-- -----s. A: --- ---- ---t -- ----- -s-? C: ---s----r? A: S---, t--s -s ---t -'m t------ ----t, t--s -s t--m--r-. C: -t r----- -s! Yea: M, R, S, T Nay:
  6. I've always liked the few times a candidate has told me she or he quit because the work environment was toxic. It's a perfectly valid reason, and I appreciate the honesty. We'll chat a little bit about what made it so unbearable, of course, to make sure it's not "They expected me to do my job!" or something, and then it's a non-issue when considering the application. I'm also a proponent of periodic breaks, so I don't care if an employment gap is become someone saved up to be able to take a few months to travel, take a class, plop down on the couch to work through one's entire movie collection, whatever, before regrouping and finding a new job. So long as they had a good work ethic at their previous jobs (including giving proper notice and wrapping things up responsibly), and don't have a pattern of flitting from one job to the next after short periods of time, I'm fine with a whole lot of reasons for leaving, and reasons for not having something else lined up first.
  7. A: ----- --- -------- --t -- --m- -r--- ------? B: ----, -'-- ---t r-- --t t- t-- --r--t --- -- r---t ----. C: --- ---- ---t? A: --- t---- --- --- ----- --r---t--? C: ----, - ---'t t---- ---'- --tt--- t-- ------. A: --- ---- ---t -- ----- ---? C: --------r? A: ---, t--- -- ---t -'m t------ ----t, t--- -- t--m--r-. C: -t r----- --! Yea: T, M, R Nay:
  8. Seven Four That second one was tough, deciding whether to go with season three or four; I like the average episode of season three more than the average episode of season four, and probably a good deal more, but season three has the steaming pile of offensive shit that is Isaac & Ishmael and the stupid Simon Donovan storyline, so that's a big knock against it.
  9. "Tigger, please" was low-hanging fruit, but it made me laugh. My mind somehow saw "Regina Hall" (with whom I'm not familiar) on the program guide and translated it to "Regina King" (whose work I know pretty well), so I was momentarily confused when Hall walked out.
  10. Four hours later, eight hours later -- let's forget the fact I'm coming a little late to the party and embrace the fact I showed up at all. A: ----- --- -------- --- -- ---- ----- ------? B: ----, -'-- ---- --- --- -- --- ------ --- -- ----- ----. C: --- ---- ----? A: --- ----- --- --- ----- ---------? C: ----, - ---'- ----- ---'- ------- --- ------. A: --- ---- ---- -- ----- ---? C: ---------? A: ---, ---- -- ---- -'- ------- -----, ---- -- --------. C: -- ------ --!
  11. I make mine with half mayo/half sour cream (because I don't like sour cream, so I have to combine it with other things), but I still unabashedly love onion dip made from the little Lipton onion soup mix packet.
  12. Heh; yeah, I use mine like a charge chard, not a credit card, and the few times I have called Citibank to ask for something, I've lead with, "I know you guys hate me, because in the 25 years I've had a card with you I've never carried a balance or even had an annual fee, but ..." Putting pretty much everything on my card so there's just one bill to pay each month is one of the rare situations in which I put convenience over privacy. (The rewards - like cash back or frequent flyer miles - are nice, but convenience has always been my motivation.) I don't have any particular security concerns, because in all that time I've never had a fraudulent charge show up, and when I've had a charge put through for the wrong amount (e.g. numbers got transposed), it has been very easy to have it corrected.
  13. I went through that with a woman trying to reach her niece. This was 20 years ago, and I still remember the niece's name was Molly, because explaining to Aunt Dingbat how phone numbers work turned out to be exhausting.
  14. We do it with (homemade) horseradish sauce, too. Ina served it with gorgonzola sauce, but neither my mom nor I like gorgonzola, so that's out. (I've only ever eaten this at my parents' house; I don't eat much beef to begin with, and I'm certainly not cooking myself a whole tenderloin, so it's something I eat when my mom makes it and I go over for dinner. It's usually a holiday meal, but the butcher had the tenderloin on special, so she couldn't resist -- lucky me!)
  15. Probably a little under four pounds (I didn't cook it - I was at my parents' house - but that's what it looked like). I only eat steaks grilled, so the only oven-cooked beef I ever eat is when my mom makes tenderloin while I'm there. I loathe pot roast, so she never fixes that when I'm there, and I'm only mildly excited when she does prime rib on the rotisserie. But the beef tenderloin is good. She's done it several ways, and I think this is my favorite. It's hard to remember; I don't eat beef very often, so the experiences are spread out.
  16. I mentioned this in the Barefoot Contessa forum, but last night I had beef tenderloin cooked via a method Ina Garten demonstrated: cook in a 500-degree oven for 22 minutes (for rare; 25 for medium rare), then wrap tightly in foil and let it set for 20 minutes. This is the second time we've used that cooking method for beef tenderloin, and it is just delicious. I'm not sure what tonight's main course will be, but the side dish will involve squash, because at this point I think it's growing out of my ears, never mind my garden.
  17. Last night we cooked beef tenderloin following Ina's method of putting it in a 500-degree oven and cooking it for 22 minutes (seemingly random time, I know, but at that heat it goes from rare to medium rare with just three more minutes cooking time), then covering it tightly with foil and letting it set for 20 minutes. It was the second time we'd used this cooking method, and it came out divine both times.
  18. If anyone else wants to put up a puzzle, go for it! Otherwise, I'll do so late this afternoon (so, about 4-5 hours from now); some last-minute crap came up that I need to deal with now.
  19. In the previous quote, it was chain yanking I couldn't come up with for the life of me; it was either after I quit watching or something I just don't remember, so I had to just figure out the words on their own, and those two were stumping me! This one, though, I know and love (although my favorite part of it is the next line): A: You told the press I have a secret plan to fight inflation? B: No, I did not. Let me be absolutely clear I did not do that. Except yes, I did that. A: Josh, I'm a little confused. B: Sir, there was this idiotic round robin. It was sarcastic! There's no way they didn't know that. They were just mad at me for imposing discipline and calling them stupid. (Followed by "Okay, before we go on. C.J., if blood is gushing from the head wound you just received from a stampeding herd of bison, you'll do the press briefing.)
  20. Damn right. Voting off: seasons five and seven. Okay, voting against seven isn't entirely fair because I've never seen it, but so be it. Season five is when I started drifting away from the show, somewhere in season six is where I quit for good, and nothing about the season seven storylines I've heard about over the years has ever made me want to go back and watch (just Josh/Donna and CJ/Danny are enough for a hearty no thanks, never mind the rest).
  21. Congratulations to your parents and Sandy. That's cute about her heading to the foot of the bed shortly after your dad gets in; given her history with men, I think the fact she's already doing that with him is a very good sign. His kind treatment can help her heal, and she can help him be more present and engaged.
  22. I don't know this quote at all, so there are two words I can't yet come up with. Maybe filling in the Is will help, so: I
  23. When Becky is 14, Roseanne is 36 (and a half, heh -- per the exchange between Becky and Roseanne in the episode where Becky and Dana get drunk), so that would put her around 22 when Becky was born. And I'm actually impressed they waited that long, since they got married pretty much right out of high school. But some other references to how long they'd been married, might contradict that if we compared it to Becky's age at the time, and indicate them as being younger when she was born; that's just the reference to Roseanne's age and Becky's in the same breath that springs to mind. Even if 22, though, that's still young, and, indeed, having kids young is one of the many reasons the economic cycle continues. Interesting that Darlene was even younger when she gave birth, and Becky about the same age (assuming the pregnancy referred to in the finale did, indeed, result in a child). I was friends in high school with a girl whose mom had been 17 when she had her, and her grandma had been 15 when she had her mom. Following the pattern perfectly, she had a kid when she was 19.
  24. I think he's a lot better in Psych than he is on WW (where he's not actually bad, just incredibly outmatched by the acting giants he's surrounded by), and it's just a cute little show. I haven't seen a lot of it, but what I've seen I liked. And when they do a parody episode, they seriously do their homework -- wonderful allusions to the source material via camera work, score, casting, dialogue, etc. My favorite Charlie moment is the Celestial Navigation phone call. (I like the "You're taking extra protection, right?" scene a lot, too, but that's entirely because of Leo.) I love his relationship with Jed. I don't particularly care for Zoey, and think Elisabeth Moss does a pretty poor job playing her, so I can't get properly invested in his relationship with her. And I definitely think they should have let that go a lot sooner than they did.
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