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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. Bastet

    S01.E07: Race

    Go, Ziggy! She's a chip off the ol' block. Cruz and his kids were nice together. I particularly like the pregnant daughter. I do not understand how Cruz is suddenly in such terrible financial shape, but maybe I missed something in a previous episode. I also cannot at all relate to the objections to exhumation, so could not get caught up in the tension as to whether it happened or not. I mean, of course go get the evidence! I laughed at "I have plantar fasciitis and a hangover, but good luck" when the doctor refused Rebel's attempt to get her to run the race, and then "Run, Jackass, run!" when Rebel got the racist former (alternate) Olympian athletic director to do it. I thought Angela wasn't a "this is some black ops shit" professional spy, but someone who'd been sucked into helping Stonemore for personal reasons, so apparently I read that all wrong. I've seen Sharon Lawrence play enough bad guys, I shouldn't have assumed a less diabolical motive. Benji's fear and anger in the hospital was very well played. (I remember James Lesure from Mr. Sunshine, and, on a shallow note, that man looks even better ten years later.) Lana - whom I love even more with each new episode - leaving the hospital and marching into his office was fantastic. And I liked her "I see you" talk with him. Great to see Leonard Roberts at the end; I like him (and love his voice) and haven't seen him since Major Crimes and Mom. I wonder if there's really a Little Grady down in Torrance. I hope so, because I can't stand Grady and want something big enough to finally get Rebel to dump that son of a dick for good.
  2. Scotch Tape! Oh gods, I love when the roommates get up to goofy stuff like that, and always wished more of it was included in the episodes rather than being held for the "stuff you didn't see" segment.
  3. It seems from what was said that Theo actually kept his sex life not just out of the house but off camera, not just that they chose not to show his the way they did Cara's, but, yeah, I don't remember any of the RW men who did parade a stream of women through the house being treated the way Cara was.
  4. I just checked the archive since I'm going to be watching Nightwatch at 7:00. I am not happy with Sam's big lead heading into game two. The hitherto TS surprised me just a little bit. Pries, too, but I think that one they just couldn't come up with in time. I ran the computer category, so those clues must have been too easy for a ToC as that's not a strong subject for me. And that was the only category I ran in the first round; I missed two each in all the rest. So I was off to the poor start I'd predicted. I missed another ten in DJ. I only ran law. I was terrible in history, only getting one (well, I correctly guessed James for the $400 clue, but when inevitably prompted to BMS, I have no idea what random number I'd have thrown out there, so I can't give myself James I). I also missed two each in straits (I knew them, but couldn't get them from brain to mouth in time) and celebrity, and one each in science and religion. I also didn't know FJ, which I think puts me below 50% for correct FJ answers in this ToC. Fingers crossed for tomorrow night's game!
  5. I just watched the reunion and wonder if it might have been better if more time had passed between them seeing the show as it aired and getting back together (but, of course, MTV would want the drama of fresh feelings), but it was okay. I like that they banded together in defense of the edit Cara and Tonya got - not that it wasn't true, as they did do those things, but that it was very one-sided and it made it seem like that's all they did. Tonya seemed genuinely upset at seeing herself and realizing she was not really the person she thought she was and needed to change some things about herself. I appreciate that Theo is the one she wishes she'd gotten to know better. But I don't know if Tonya ever did change those things about herself. I think she'd have been better off getting back to the real real world and leaving this one behind, but I'm sure the Challenge money was hard to resist. And I like when Tonya said Aneesa didn't deserve what Tonya said about her, and Aneesa said, "Yes, I did - I am a spoiled brat and I was very selfish at times." Kyle is still an entire box of tools. Having just talked about how Aneesa needed to accommodate Tonya's discomfort with nudity - which it sounded like she ultimately did do - it was interesting to learn that Cara is really uncomfortable with bodily functions (her own or someone else's) being heard, so Tonya made the sacrifice of not being able to burp or fart in her own room at night since they were sharing. And, yeah, that's what you do - it's temporary, and living together depends on compromise. She said it felt weird, but was the nice thing to do, and Cara thanked her. Simple.
  6. I don't think nudity is rude (and find it very troubling to hear Tonya call it "disgusting"), but once Tonya straight up told her she was uncomfortable with it, Aneesa needed to compromise and put on a robe around her since it's Tonya's home, too. If it was solely that she'd been raised to feel comfortable with nudity, it shouldn't have been a problem to cover up around one person who was uncomfortable. So clearly there was also an attention-seeking element, not specifically of "look at my body", but of "I'm edgy and do what I'm gonna do". Pooping with the door open is not something anyone should have to bring to your attention as uncool in a shared bathroom.
  7. This episode was the first time their interaction didn't annoy me, and I even kind of enjoyed it. Yeah, I figure there's a reason she's doing this - she's not a "professional" spy - and the cancer thing made me think that's at the root of it. That was indeed so terribly obvious in its staging. It's as if they thought cars needed to social distance. I need to see a healthy Helen, but I guess I have another episode to go until that happens.
  8. You didn't see Hidden Figures? It pops up on TV semi-regularly; check it out, as it's great (she plays Mary Jackson). I thought that was her acting debut, but IMDb says Moonlight came first. She was also in Harriet and, most recently, Antebellum. A few other things, including a lead role in an anthology series I've never seen (Homecoming).
  9. If there's a dime on the table, most families will fight over it - even the ones you never would have expected it from. It's really sad what happens. Another reason I'm glad to be an only child. Detailed wills/trusts are really important (but the heirs will still look for potential loopholes and fight over those).
  10. It did, and the stories we saw the most of were the worst (Lilly and Scotty seemed to be in a contest to see who could have the most ridiculous love life, and Lilly's stupid sister kept popping up - becoming a storyline for both of them) but some were well done, and none of it was enough to keep me from watching, if for no other reason than those terrific montages at the end, beautifully illustrating the futility of violence by showing how many lives were permanently altered in addition to the one taken away. Cold Case is one of a handful of cop shows I've ever liked, despite its problems. (The list is, in order: Major Crimes, Cagney & Lacey, Cold Case, Rizzoli & Isles [not particularly well written or acted, but the friendship between the two main characters is something I was thirsty for], Monk, and The Closer.)
  11. The reunion wasn't posted when I looked for it yesterday, but now it is (albeit in very poor quality, but beggars can't be choosers). It is so odd the things that stick in our minds - I remember a promo for it showing the clip where Cara asks, "Did I really say 'land the deal'?" and then saying in VO, "Yeah, you did, Cara. Twice." I'm going to watch it tomorrow.
  12. I once accidentally ingested a niacin pill, and what resulted was equivalent to an extreme hot flash. Holy hell; from the neck up felt at least ten degrees hotter than the rest of me, and I was truly miserable for the time it took to work its way out of my system. I've had horrible periods (thanks to endometriosis, ovarian cysts, and uterine fibroids) and expect a horrible menopause. I will treat any fool who finds my menopausal misery amusing the same way I've dealt with the "it's just cramps" idiots all these years - they won't find it pretty.
  13. Now I really wish Karen had won the first game; it would've been really cool to have three women competing for the title. I enjoyed Jennifer's reaction to winning, and the camaraderie seen among the three contestants as the end credits rolled. The salt TS surprised me, as did subtle a bit, as well as Belfast taking three tries to get to. It was not at all my game in the first round; I only ran dictionary and ones and zeros, I didn't get a single one right in children's lit, and I missed two each in all the rest. About the same in DJ -- I didn't have a blown category, but I only ran U.K. places (I've been to most of them, so that helped). I missed three fictional game shows, two each in mirage and ancients, and one each in seeing red and 3D. And I didn't get FJ. So I did not have a single good game in the semis; hopefully I do better in the finals, but since it's probably only going to get harder, I'll just have to take my enjoyment in their performances. It has been a good tournament so far.
  14. In the third episode, Montana says, "Kameelah has a lot of attitude, but as long as she uses that attitude for good instead of evil, I am all for her," and I think that pretty much sums up why I liked Kameelah. She had the growing up to do that all 19-year-olds do, but she was starting from a good place and I knew she would, indeed, grow up. I don't remember how I felt about Elka. The other women I remember liking, but I can't remember much of anything about her other than crying at her mom's grave and having a boyfriend come visit her.
  15. I said how I make it varies by what I have on hand, but I wasn't satisfied with the lack of helpfulness in that answer, so I poked around a little and came across this recipe which is very much in line with how I assemble the bowl in general, and specifically what I use for marinade when making bún gà nướng and how I make the nước chấm sauce for so many things. Tonight I'm going to make scallops saltimbocca - scallops topped with sage leaf, wrapped in prosciutto, and seared just enough to crisp up the prosciutto and cook the scallops. I think sautéed spinach and mushrooms with a drizzle of balsamic for the side, and some sort of arugula salad.
  16. A contender, definitely (along with Mike and Jay from London), but I think his voice made whatever he said sound boring, even if it was actually interesting or insightful.
  17. I can't stand being around children, so I'd have done something to get fired on day one. I thought the same thing watching Chicago - I wouldn't have been able to pass the swim test (I'd have tried more than Cara did, certainly, but I'd have known from jump I wasn't going to pass, and told them what she did - there are a lot of things I can do, but saving someone in the water is not and should not be one of them), so then I'd have just wanted to go home when I found out the B job was making a mural with kids (I can't draw any better than I can deal with kids). I remember the poor guy - Anthony? - who was their boss. I had forgotten about Syrus's job being on the line, too - he dated a kid's mom, right? The one thing I vividly remember from the center was Kameelah expertly dealing with the little girl who said she hated gay people. I can't wait to re-watch that.
  18. I thought that was weird, too. I liked this show when it was on (I don't think I watched all the way through, though), but haven't watched it much in syndication, so my memories are hazy. My thoughts went to Jaleesa, Dwayne, Whitley, and Freddie. But as soon as I saw her (uncredited) in that picture, I thought, "Oh - Kimberley!" I scrolled back up to see if I'd missed talk of her, but nope, just that one mention by Jasmine Guy.
  19. Since her family/friends waited nearly two months after she died and then placed an obituary in the local paper, which entertainment media picked up on, I got curious when she last worked -- steadily up until 1996, and then nothing since. I wonder if she retired or took ill. Anyway, I never saw her on stage, but looking at a picture of her I immediately recognized her from an episode of Remington Steele.
  20. This season is up on YouTube, and I am bound and determined to judge Sean on this alone like I did the first time around, not knowing the professional dickwad he became, but looking at him or Rachel now tends to make me twitch, so it will be an effort. I've only watched the first episode so far (the second is missing), and, wow, I did not remember Jason being a jerk in the beginning (a bit of a pretentious twit, yes, but not a jerk). About five minutes after the first half of them arrive, he decides his "vibes" are telling him no one else is worth his time so he's just going to be rude and exclusionary on day one. Okay, dude. I remember loving Kameelah, but her first move being to quiz everyone on whether they drink and snotting "I don't put alcohol in my body" wasn't a good introduction, either. It's not like anyone was shoving a glass in her hand and mocking her.
  21. Tonya has a lot of annoying qualities (and, oh my gods, this fool legitimately declared with a straight face that all the women in the house are jealous of her) and I have no idea why she did this show when all she wanted to do was sit around exchanging insipid "I love you" talk with Justin, but she's also been through more shit than anyone should have to deal with, and I like the roommates who acknowledged the simple fact both those things are true. I think Kyle's only good moment in the whole show was when he reflected on the fact that if he was hospitalized, he'd have a room full of family there supporting him, and if the roommates don't step up, Tonya has no one, so they need to rotate their asses in and out of that hospital. Tonya's story also illustrated how infuriating the healthcare system is in this country. Her best option is that creepy relationship with the photographer, because she cannot accumulate enough of what she needs to pay - not anywhere close to the whole outstanding bill, mind you, just the part the hospital demands in order to go ahead with her scheduled surgery - and be able to keep going to school on the money she makes from her two jobs. As common as it is, these folks' unwillingness to put themselves in someone else's shoes is aggravating. Theo never acknowledges the role sexism plays in the form his disagreements with Tonya take, Tonya sure as hell never admits the racism that exacerbates her reactions to Theo, Theo and Kyle, in patting themselves on the back for going to a gay bar or party with Chris despite their discomfort, never think about how Chris is supposed to be comfortable as the only gay guy in numerous everyday situations, etc. I just have the final episode to go, but I'm too tired to finish it tonight. But I have to reiterate just how much I hate Kyle; he's disturbingly effective as a gaslighter, but then he shows himself like a neon sign when he absolutely loses his shit the two times Keri calls out that everything he does is projecting an image to further some future career. He's awful, and people like him succeeding really pisses me off.
  22. I generally don't like procedurals for several reasons, including the lack of personal storylines, but I watched L&O: SVU for a bit because I liked the chemistry among the cast (it's the only L&O I ever saw more than an episode or two of, and I've never seen NCIS; I like Mark Harmon, but not enough to interest me in a show about law enforcement and the military). There was a lot of time - for a procedural - spent on Elliot's family, and his family was incredibly annoying (he has a shit ton of kids and most of them are played by kids who are horrible actors), but I wouldn't call it soap-ish, like ER became.
  23. I didn't see Ryan's quarter-final game, and seeing on the archive how many of his responses included commentary, I couldn't tell if it would have played as awkward or annoying. Turns out mostly the former. But, wow, once his acting as if he was playing in his living room rather than on television meant spending the rest of DJ after his missed DD pouting (extra inappropriate since he was still very much in the game) I upped the intensity with which I was rooting for Veronica. Great job! I loved her reaction to winning. (Ryan's reaction to losing, not so much.) The polka TS surprised me, given the "dotty" hint. Anheuser-Busch a bit, too. I heard Palantine from Veronica, which would make sense for her being ruled incorrect. (The archive spells her response that way as well.) I think the way Ryan emphasized the correct pronunciation of "tine" when he answered made it seem like that was all she'd done wrong (which wouldn't have been an appropriate reason for ruling against her). I only ran double vowels and family business in the first round; I missed seven clues among the other categories. In DJ, I only ran medical milestones, missing eight among the others. So another meh game for me, but I did correctly guess FJ.
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