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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. Yes, sorry - I'd read that exchange last night, and when the question was asked this morning, I just remembered the comparison of Lansbury's and Streep's performances in the two Manchurian Candidate films, forgetting it had started with comparing Lansbury's and Carter's performances in Sweeney Todd.
  2. So now USC has a QB question for an interim head coach to answer. After a rough start, Jaxson Dart had a first game for the ages, and as a true freshman no less - skill, yes, but also energy and confidence. His "swagger" has been talked about so much it's irritating, but the plain truth is the entire team played better after he went in. Hopefully Slovis's injury necessitates another week on the bench while USC faces a better division opponent, giving Dart a second game to see if the first was a fluke without Williams having to choose to start him.
  3. Ooh, that's a must-read; thank you for posting. It's Cynthia Greenlee's account of being the only Black person in the '95 college tournament: and how her disappointing but relatively painless loss (in her second game) quickly revealed racist assumptions:
  4. Being a cat, Riley spends a good bit of time sleeping, so the 99.9% of the time she's home consists of many hours that I don't see or hear her. But, boy, if I have to leave her at the vet, her absence is something I'm aware of the whole time she's gone. And with a cat-less house due to death, the emptiness becomes an almost palpable entity. @isalicat, I'm glad to hear for your sake and that of whatever cats are lucky enough to become your next companions you'll soon be ready. I hope when the time comes you find a bonded pair, but, if not, I've had great luck adopting two at random - they were both just so happy to have a home, they dealt with each other fairly quickly (Baxter adored Maddie, Maddie tolerated Baxter - and then there were adorable moments where she admitted she loved him [and she was very protective if something scared him]).
  5. He's hilarious on that show, and also very funny - and sweet - in the behind-the-scenes features and interviews I've seen, but I don't find him at all amusing in that commercial with Kate McKinnon. And I don't find her funny in it, either, despite cracking up at most of her SNL clips I've seen.
  6. I have endometriosis, and I suffered for years before getting a diagnosis because even gynecologists are too often dismissive of women's statements about what their own bodies are doing. Debilitating pain (those with endometriosis who've given birth equate the worst of the cramps to the transition period of labor & delivery; how many women in transition are expected to go to work, make dinner, or even get up off the bed in the midst of that?) and bleeding that saturates a super plus tampon in two hours is not just having "bad periods"! I still suffer, because there's no cure, but knowing what I have and what few options are available is a psychological and physical help, and there's a relief in knowing I'm not alone and none of us are hysterical women. So I really appreciate when celebrities who have endometriosis like Padma Lakshmi and Amy Schumer use their public platform to educate. I have never wanted children, so the effect on fertility did not affect me personally, but Lakshmi and Schumer did, so I'm happy they were both able to have a child. Angela Lansbury, who brilliantly played Eleanor (she was nominated for the Best Supporting Actress Oscar) in the original film adaptation of The Manchurian Candidate.
  7. What I'd like to eat under any other circumstance - whatever most appeals to me among the restaurant's selection of regular menu offerings and specials for that particular meal.
  8. I'm sorry to hear about the death of Louis, @isalicat. His suffering is over, but yours is intense. These early days are the hardest, when the absence of your pet punches you in the heart, and you'll be in my thoughts as you muddle through them.
  9. The side air bags clue was quite particular, between the initialism and specifying side impacts, so I was annoyed at the lack of a BMS prompt when the contestant just said "air bags". I'm normally very good at vocabulary categories, but I missed three in "we". Other than that, I had a good first round, just missing two in people and one in union. Not so good in DJ. Not terrible, as I missed eight, but I didn't run a single category and I was again suffering an odd vocabulary deficit; three of those misses were in words. I correctly guessed FJ, but it was much more lucky than educated. Still, it counts!
  10. That's not at all what the article says. She's not paying for his "recovery road trip" - because he doesn't want her to. From the article, which summarizes his televised interview with Gayle King:
  11. I can't stand Seven Brides For Seven Brothers, but agree that Powell's performance is terrific. And I enjoy her playing against type in The Female Animal. That's an interesting watch all around, because it's a film not at all worthy of its cast, who were all unhappy their careers were not what they used to be and never would be again (in fact, it wound up being Hedy Lamarr's final film), but you mostly can't tell that from the performances.
  12. Yeah, I like her at the party. Which is good, because she bugs me at home. She's rather dumb to not ask, "Wait, what? It is? Where did you hear that?" when her friend seemingly says it's a costume party, but I'm glad for the misunderstanding because that frumpy shirt she has in her hands is too casual for a business dinner, so she comes off better giving everyone a laugh about the costume misunderstanding than she would if she'd shown up looking dowdy (society is not kind to overweight women, and that outfit was going to do her no favors).
  13. Yes - well, sort of, there's sometimes an overlap. It's a bit of a nebulous concept. But most things shoved out there into broadcast space as ASMR either don't do anything for me or irritate me rather than giving me the tingles, so I share the peeve. I remember looking up the first Super Bowl commercial to capitalize on this phenomenon that it brought to my attention a couple of years ago, and I'm not any more impressed today.
  14. I've only ever heard "slow as molasses" or "slower than molasses" without any month attached, but for the clue that obviously called for a winter month, I correctly guessed January. I can understand why, like the other two contestants who also didn't know the specific phrase and were just calling out cold months, Emily opted not to even try, though. And, like someone else said, I think Keisha Virtue is a great name.
  15. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    If the Giants put half the effort towards winning they dedicated to throwing away this game against a mess of a team, the season might not be a total embarrassment. Holy hell! It's been quite a while since I saw a team squander so many opportunities out of utter stupidity. And I thought I'd resigned myself to my G-men deserving the loss, but, nope, when the game came to its inevitable conclusion, my "I hate everyone" fit prompted my cat to come check on me (and she's five years used to "the yelling season" as I figure she calls it).
  16. Kit Carson shoutout! It would be an archive game for me since I'll be watching football, but the archive is still down, so I found a recording online. The Leon Spinks and Joe Frazier TS both surprised me a bit; those are two pieces of trivia that seem to come up fairly frequently on the show. Poke was another one I wasn't anticipating going unanswered. I wish they'd shown Matt's reaction to learning his missed DD was kickstarter, because I was surprised he didn't figure that one out and wanted to see if he had an oh, of course! face when it was revealed. I missed one each in rivers and Harrison, but got everything else in the first round. I did well in DJ, too, missing three in books, two in prime, and one in names. I knew FJ instantly, but what I initially said was Mahala. I knew that wasn't right, but somehow that's what my brain sent to my mouth before correcting itself.
  17. I'm rather underwhelmed by them as a couple (I don't dislike the relationship, and found their trajectory from friendship to romantic love interesting, but haven't much cared about it once they got together), but that's the only promising tease from Helford I've read so far - hopefully they finally address some of the conflicting emotions the kids would inevitably feel, no matter how much they like Louise and are happy she's good for Dan. I'd particularly like to hear from D.J. (and think Michael Fishman could actually pull it off, given how close he and Roseanne used to be in real life), but all three have been short-changed so far in this storyline. I know the writers have to be careful, not wanting to remind the audience too much of Roseanne Barr, but Roseanne Conner's absence is much more significant in the characters' lives than has been shown (they moved at a natural pace and addressed the elephant in the room with Dan because John Goodman insisted on it, and we got a Jackie freak-out, but a "this is weird" conversation among the kids has been glaring in its absence) and Dan getting remarried ought to finally force them to deal with it.
  18. Agree. There is absolutely nothing in Helford's description of the season that interests me, and if those two romantic relationships are what they're going to focus on, I'm going to get really bored really fast. Hopefully it plays better than it reads, and I only still watch out of inertia and nostalgia anyway.
  19. Yeah, she was great, but given her "day job", she very much seemed like a true guest host as they were originally intended - celebrities who are fans of the show and have the on-camera experience necessary to do well with a guest host gig that will keep the game flowing and raise money for charity. I doubt she was ever hoping for, or being auditioned for, anything more than that, but if there's a comment from her to the contrary out there I'd be curious to read it.
  20. It depends; sometimes it would be obvious more is needed and sometimes it would be known because they discussed it in the rundown, so in those cases the host would ask, unprompted. But sometimes it wouldn't be clear, and the host would look over for instruction. And sometimes the host is too quick to accept an answer that shouldn't have been accepted, and the judges have to step in and overrule, and then we get the on-air explanation of the score change.
  21. The insouciant TS surprised me, since Matt was close. I almost ran the first round, but missed two in novels. I came almost as close in DJ, missing three - one each in possessions, USA, and Olympics. I didn't know FJ, though (I've never read Lord of the Rings, and trying to think of a British author who wrote a book with a fake language didn't get me anywhere, as I didn't even know there was a fake language in that book - I know virtually nothing about it other than it's an epic fantasy, which doesn't interest me). So, I had a great game, but was a big fat dud at the end.
  22. That's Anne Murray. Annie Murphy is a Canadian actor; she played Alexis on Schitt's Creek. I thought that was her in the birth control commercial (I saw it for the first time last night, and only saw about half of it), but wasn't sure.
  23. I brought it over here for you, @chitowngirl. Just use the multi-quote button (+") to carry a quote over to a different thread.
  24. Clue crew guy who is now the show's stage manager.
  25. Oh, look - a Bible category. I was terrible at fiction and wild west, missing three in each. I also missed two in reality shows, but I was happy to have correctly guessed the other three since I've never seen any of them. I ran the other first round categories. In DJ, I blew Old Testament (shocking, I know), missing all but one, and names, missing three. I also missed two celebrities, but got everything else. I got FJ, and it was really fun to figure out - I didn't know that fact (had, in fact, never heard anything about it), but knowing it had to be a portmanteau of the names of three men who did something famous and scientific in 1969, looking at the letters in the mineral it came to me fairly quickly.
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