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Everything posted by JessDVD

  1. Hm, interesting. I'll ask my mom as her family is mostly in Canada, some in Toronto and some a few hours northwest. I think at my oma's in Canada might be the only place I've seen nanaimo bars (not eaten as I hate coconut), but I didn't realize that till now.
  2. Mr. DVD pegged the neighbor and I the lady who created covert IDs as in on it, go us. We also laughed pretty hard at Bishop's non-knowledge of Top Gun, especially the "Goose died?!" part because Top Gun is Mr. DVD's favorite movie and back in the early dating days I "watched" it with him, and I probably would have said the same thing if quizzed on the movie. I know someone died. That's a start, right? We really need to see more Gibbs doing stuff like going into that building as Spears because he is SO GOOD at it and it's much more fun to see him like this instead of all dour daddy to all the females on the show. I've mentioned this so many times it's beginning to lose all meaning but it seems like every episode of this season reinforces my gratitude that everyone is being written as a competent adult, everyone likes each other and works well together, and people are in realistic, happy adult relationships.
  3. Hey, even serial killers want to enjoy the fresh island breeze and the smell of plumeria while committing their final acts of revenge...
  4. At the risk of making stereotypes, I think it's safe to say that the idea of wearing a physical ring with the intent of purity behind it, would appeal more to young women than young men. Also, I'm not personally acquainted with the Bates nor any of these other super-fundies but the focus on purity I've seen in conservative Christian circles isn't just about not having sex, it's about being pure as a whole person in every area (physical, emotional, spiritual, etc). Take that or leave it as you like, but that's what I've seen. And yeah, if they're not making a distinction between making choices and being victimized, they need to. It would be okay with me if Gil addressed, even if just in an interview and not the show, why he continues to sit on the Gothard board, not just because of the allegations, but also because they don't seem to be stressing strict Gothardism for their children but letting them choose and obviously not all the kids are choosing strict Gothardism.
  5. I thought they were in a hotel room for a minute with the no other exit points, until they were showing the aftermath. I also wonder how much of a pain it is to clean lighter fluid out of thick curly hair when one has not put it up in a ponytail while attempting to detain serial killers.
  6. Wikipedia agrees, but that makes her only just 20 weeks this past Friday, which I know because I'm due July 13 and am 20 weeks today. My OB practice does ultrasounds at 20 weeks (mine is this morning), so Anna may have only just found out. I thought she was further along than that, but maybe I was thinking Jill.
  7. Plothole analysis of a TV show: I find it VERY hard to believe that Hawaii building code would have exterior doors open out for the exact reason that one can then be barricaded into their house. I immediately said, don't exterior doors open IN for that reason?! but we then saw in the next scene, that door opening out. Also, I find it hard to believe that homes would have one point of egress the way was implied. Of course, a good arsonist, the way that guy was portrayed to be, would figure out ways around those things also, but let's not make it easier for him. Is it really allowed for prison guards to carry matches around with them for the exact reason of prisoners possibly pickpocketing them? I already thought Arsonist Guy was creepier than I like on my H50 and now it seems like we'll be seeing him back. Sideplot was a little dark for H50 also, Amber just running over Psychotic Ex? I can't imagine a jury on the planet nailing her for anything outside of self-defense so I'm sure H50 will hand wave that. Clearly Non-ATF Agent never watched The Mentalist or she would have known better than to go on the news analyzing a serial killer.
  8. It'd be fun and totally unlike them (and reality TV "stars" in general) to not find out the gender. Says me who has the 20wk ultrasound on Monday and is not going to find out. :) Seriously though, I am surprised that neither People nor TLC has reported on it yet. That could be TLC's weird pretending that it's still last summer on the show despite many, many People interviews between then and now.
  9. It'd be such a growing experience for everyone... I'm game!
  10. Mr. DVD and I took bets halfway through about whether Anton was good or bad. I won. I'll be here all night. I would totally watch the Gibbs/Fornell show. CBS, are you listening?! Didn't really catch or care about the supposed Ari link. I've already forgotten what's her name who sat at Bishop's desk before and don't care to hear about her ever again really. Sergei monologuing with Fornell was dumb but I can hand wave it in that he was so confident in his ability to outsmart Gibbs that he didn't think about it. Regardless, I am happy to never see him again. Really loving Tony/Tim/Ellie's dynamic. Tony standing up to Gibbs! Tim competent!
  11. Of all the bad grammar I've ever experienced on the internets, this one was pretty small potatoes. People don't speak with correct grammar, even people who are sticklers about correct grammar, so if this was an interview and they just transcribed what she said, I'll give her a pass. If she wrote like that on her own blog, it's not the worst ever but she could have worded it better.
  12. JessDVD

    The Judges

    I think it's lame but it doesn't really annoy me. It's clearly part of the show, that the judges judge based on their own personal tastes (which I can understand to a point, it's hard to rate a meal well when you just don't like it and judging food is subjective to start out with), and there are a billion episodes that re-run ad nauseum on FN. So if a contestant doesn't watch as many old episodes as he/she can and learn what each judge likes and doesn't like (heaven knows half of us here can recite the likes/dislikes for each judge), I don't tend to feel too sorry for them. There was one a few eps ago who got dinged several times for not using salt, and he kept saying that he doesn't like to oversalt food, which I agree with so I was inclined to feel sorry for him BUT the judges always, *always* complain about and often chop contestants who don't salt their food. Either play the game or don't... you can salt your food however you want in your own restaurant.
  13. I did a google search for Medicaid and braces coverage before writing my post a few up, and several states showed that they did cover it, though I didn't search every state of the country. We used Medicaid for a mercifully brief period of our child birthing years, and it "covered" dental but most actual dentists didn't accept it, only one that I was aware of that was pretty far away from where we live, plus the dentists who work in the Family Health Centers. We never used regular Medicaid for dental, but when we moved up an income bracket and used a program in Michigan called MI-Child, which had a tiny premium charge and was through Blue Cross, we had regular dental for our kids that dentists accepted and I'm almost positive that covered orthodontics, though our kids weren't old enough to find out before my husband was offered health coverage through his job.
  14. I'm fervently hoping for the sake of Chad, Erin, and their baby to come, as well as order in the universe that all this "We asked Chad to help!" business is just camera fodder and not what it's like all the time.
  15. Haven't seen the ep because no cable sad face, but I can weigh in on my experiences, at least with the childbirth thing - the offices around here will induce if you get to 41, 41 1/2 weeks. I hear about half and half induction was awful, induction was awesome. I was induced with my 3rd at 39 weeks, after delivering a 10 pounder the traditional way at 41 weeks. 1st and 2nd labors were 36 and 22 hours, epidural had worn off, painful, long, and awful. 3rd labor, the one induced at 39 weeks, was 11 hours, a breeze, no pain after epidural, laughing at the OB's jokes in between pushes. Also, they want the baby to be born within 24 hours after water breaking to avoid infection, so that means either pitocin to get things moving, or a c-section if that doesn't work. I also have seen a lot of the "Must have the perfect labor" sorts of people, and can definitely see Whitney wanting reassurance that God's gift to laboring women is okay. There are risks with epidurals too, nothing is perfect, so that may have been part of it also.
  16. The swim dresses that the Duggars wear are made of bathing suit material. I (don't judge me) did actually look them up once to see if they had kind of a gateway between what I could find in regular stores, and what the super fundies wear (they did not), and they are definitely made of regular swimsuit material. I couldn't say if that's what all the families use, those swim dresses aren't cheap. Also, I can understand why they would want to wear them on TV. I consider myself to be a moderately modest sort, perhaps, and I wouldn't be comfortable wearing a bathing suit, even mine which has wide straps on the top and a skirt on the bottom, on national TV. To the beach, sure, in front of church people, sure, but not on national TV. And we really can't say for sure what all these people do when we're not watching. Regarding Medicaid which does cover braces - I'm sure that most of the fundie families who are self-"employed" use Medicaid like the aforementioned Rodrigues family, and I don't know if the Duggars did before TV (they probably did), but I'm sure they don't qualify now. The cut-offs can be fairly generous especially as a family grows larger, but not *that* generous.
  17. Mine is probably 1 & 2 (it's been too long since last watching to pick a winner), 3, 12, 11, and then 4-10 probably in that order. I re-watch 1 and 2, and would re-watch 11 and 12, and probably would re-watch 3 at some point, but I can't imagine ever re-watching 9 and 10 (barf) and based on the above reminder of 6/7 having Rivkin and MAH, skip those also, and I didn't care for most of the Reynosa part, whatever season that was in, and I hated Jenny and didn't care for the Frog/what's her name thing... none of these except 9 and 10 were painful to watch originally, but I didn't like any of them enough to ever see them again.
  18. I can count zero stores, at least that I'm aware of, in my beloved southwest Michigan, where one might find glam maternity, but yes, the need dictates the availability and Anna clearly has no excuse.
  19. Not to mention that wearing hose while 20 weeks pregnant is not exactly comfortable (been there, doing that right now...) but I still wouldn't go to an event like that without them, at least in the winter. I recognize that I may be in a swiftly dwindling minority on that. I actually meant in my post a few up to mention over the hose, that I thought Anna's dress was a poor choice since it's clearly not maternity and is too short in the front. I was about to say that it could be a tall order to find appropriate formal wear that's also maternity, based on my own experiences searching for maternity clothes, but surely there are some options in the larger cities.
  20. I know... but I like dressing up now and then and don't really have anything to do it for, being a stay at home mom and with my husband's aforementioned non-black tie job. Most of the time this is fine, but sometimes I feel a brief pang of longing, like when GEML was talking about dresswear above.
  21. Man, that just makes me want to go to a black tie event! :-) My husband's office's idea of a staff party is beer & brats at his boss' house, or first round is on the boss at Wings Etc, so I have to live vicariously through all my friends who post pictures of them & their spouses at their work Christmas parties. (sigh) Consequently, I couldn't really tell you what's considered appropriate for a party like this but I do agree that Anna should have been wearing hose and it looks like she wasn't, and Michelle looked ridiculous but doesn't she always, and Josh could have used an iron, but all in all it could have been worse and hopefully Josh & Anna, at least, will learn in time.
  22. I'm aware that I'm already predisposed to believe what the Bates kids say about what they plan to do as adults related to their upbringing over the Duggars, but man, I sure do actually believe Erin when she says that her parenting will be similar but not necessarily the same as her parents' parenting, that they're going to consider her health over a mega-family, etc. So she had 3 miscarriages before getting pregnant this time, and they were married in November of 2013? If she's 22 weeks/due in early June, she would have gotten pregnant in mid-September, which means there were about 9 months during which she would have had those 3 miscarriages, so they really must have been back to back to back. That's rough.
  23. Jeans?! It's like you can't even count on sorta weird but we'll roll with it uber-conservatism anymore! I don't really care for Allie just in this case because it's so similar to Alyssa, but with Allie Jane, it does sound like they're trying to combine Alyssa and John and I like "Allie Jane" and would call her that. I love a good pair of maternity jeans (at least when actually pregnant, which I am right now), and if I'd had to wear skirts for my previous 19 years and didn't really want to be, I'd be all over any pair of jeans.
  24. Ha, I've been wondering that too. I figure at the very *least* they have a significantly better publicist. But, since they do seem to be a little more "in" the world, as it were, than the Duggars, it seems possible they could be aware of a little of the less-positive perceptions, as well as the criticisms of the Duggars (TLC and the Duggars seem to be unaware of these things about 95% of the time, except for the occasional FU Internetz episodes of the show), so could be trying very hard to not be coming off like that.
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