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Everything posted by Aulty

  1. Ten quid sais we'll get a final montage with Jane - Editor of Scarlet - meeting with Alex, the Editor of Pinstripe. In the background we see a TV screen shwing successful politician Kat giving a speech while somewhere else, Oliver hands over the keys to the fashion closet to Sutton.
  2. Pauline sent the text as part of the most pathetic storyline this show has ever seen - I know thats a very competitive category, but it might just have the edge over Chad & Thad. Is Pauline afraid her daughters like new mommy Quinn more than their new Princeton daddy because she is loaded and can buy them ponies and stuff?
  3. "I did all on my own and now I have to take the blame for other people lying to me. Yeah I am vulnerable and so brave. Look at me basically doing my job. Also I know we need to sell ads, but this speech is all about me, I am not to tell you anything about my vertical and what it is about" - Jane, Future of Scarlet. I am all for Alex taking a job somewhere else. Its nice to hear that Jaqueline is prepared to beat Pinstripe's offer because Alex is so great, but she should ask herself why she hasn't already promoted him, given him a vertical or whatevs. Ugh, Adena.
  4. ๐Ÿฆˆ๐Ÿฆˆ๐Ÿฆˆ all that was missing was a 4t iron bar
  5. The nice thing about the Ranking challenges on any show is that if he likes someone's work he'll often give them a chance to work with him. I don't know if one MUA staying back to help him for the rest of the day was planned or not. Last year he hired Eve to do make-up on a whole spread. Sophie's creative makeup reminded me of of Franz Marc's painting of the blue horse. But I am not that keen on designs that veer too much into body painting. I liked Craig's blended base, but I was surprised about the judges raving about the finished look - I though the sound waves could've been a lot neater and crisper. Dolli's was impactful, but I'd still put her in the face-off. Take the wig off of Jack's model and you're left with very little craft. They were really disappointing. Yeah, I thought the same - put them all in the face-off. But they probably don't have a set of identical quadruplets on stand-by (not that that mattered for the task they were given). That face-off challenge though?? Surely, that would be the time to break out you body painting kit and airbrush gun. Those poor lads looked so greasy.
  6. Yeah he did. Ali's boxer was his favourite and he also liked one of Paul's and Chelsea's fashion pictures. TBH what I expected from a show like this helmed by Rankin was a lot more guided challenges like the fashion shoot. So far the results from the smartphone challenges have been disappointing and the professionals they've invited for the outdoor and documentary challenge are just there for inspiration. Why don't they have them give the contestants a short masterclass beforehand? There is very little in this that helps me understand the basics of photography or helps me to take better pictures. Not that watching Blown Away has made me a better glass blower but its given me enough armchair expertise to judge if an idea is gonna work, plus to appreciate the work that goes into glassware or . The best part of the show is Rankin's female assistant (or creative director??) - she is beautifully eloquent.
  7. Considering how much of a tabu dating someone at a different seniority level at work is, it crops up quite a bit on this show. And to the backdrop of an abuse at work story. I can always count on Jane to give my cringing muscles a full workout. The show certainly has its moments, but does anyone else feel that the writers never outlined the story they wanted to tell with that show and just worked season to season with too much focus on viewer reactions - especially when it comes to romance? Not that life in your 20s/early 30s is that predictable, but it feels like those 3 girls are always playing a game of pass the bad luck/decision parcel.
  8. There are frameworks that allow you to simultaneously develop for multiple platforms, the code is then compiled into platform specific packages. Its handy for quick and simple apps, but limited in what you can do with platform specific functionality. Between Claire working for Google, the show's obvious product placement deal with Apple and the show having so far failed to explain the bigger picture and concept of Inkubator and its authors, it is highly confusing.
  9. I love the cold openings and comedy bits with Esme and Patrick and their deadpan expressions! They seem to be really into it too. You don't tell Esme that you will have to make a smaller bow. Mammy wasn't happy! Damien saying that he snookered himself - loved that old school reference.
  10. I really don't understand the legal status of Inkubator with regards to Liza and Kelsey's contracts with Empirical. I would assume that for someone at their level all book related work is exclusive to Empirical and - especially with Millenial ditched - they can't just start a little side shop, privately pay for an author's advance, comission an app or allow articles in Vulture that make Inkubator look like an Empirical endeavor. And I am with Kelsey on all her suspicions re Charles' motives. What I do understand though, as a computer scientist myself, is that game-developer Claire throwing together an app in a day without a detailed brief on design or functionality is not very realistic. Would Google allow her to have a side hustle (she did it for free, but they hinted at her working for other clients)? I loved Lauren calling Claire a STEM angel. Maggie got her Cindarella moment - didn't come as a surprise. With the dean showing up to apologise in person (and sending the art critic to her show) they at least capped that uncomfortable story off well.
  11. I think they are judged on their whole body of work in the final episode. It was really anticlimatic that there was no elimination during the episode, he could have at least ranked them. The first episode was really disappointing - the beach pictures were terrible, half the nature pictures were staged and I am sure they expected the photographers to at least look at the clothes available for the shoot and maybe choose an alternative. Why did Rankin not give them a masterclass, a technical challenge on lightning/composition/... or something like that - or go to Brighton and take pictures himself to show them what they could've done.
  12. Fo anyone interested: The Great Photography Challenge starts tonight (May 24th) at 9 on BBC Four. Its only 4 episodes for the first series.
  13. Why does my psychic streak never come through with the lottery numbers? The Great British Photography Challenge starts tonight (May 24th) at 9 on BBC Four! Even I know who Rankin is - and they had a Glow Up challenge with him last year. Edit: And they will have one with him this year - in the semi final - aswell.
  14. Quick question - although I'm probably trying to apply too much logic to this: whatever happened to that Millenial incubator deal with Reese Witherspoon's company? Did that die together with the imprint? If that cooperation is still active wouldn't it go completely against Charles' new 'only established, bestselling authors' policy and be the perfect leverage to get the unicorn author published.
  15. Kelsey "I was publisher here once, I know what I am talking about" - LOL on soooo soo many levels. If she had learned anything, they would make sure Inkubator is tied to Empirical. But then, Charles isn't that much better as pblisher of Empirical. He is ok with signing the popular surfer who can't write sh*t but passes on a great novel because its written under an unknown pen name? At least Kelsey knows a good book when she sees one. There is something terribly off with the pace of the different stories this season. Liza/Charles/Quinn and the Inkubator arcs are jarring. Oh and incidentally, I made grilled cheese with mayo on the outside of the bread last weekend. It does give a nice crust.
  16. The way the judges talked to and about the contestants gave me the impression that they really wanted either Hugo or Tamara to win. Hugo the young, innovative one; Tamara with her feminine designs (I disagree, but what do I know) and risky techniques. And Dan. I loved some of Hugo's stuff - especially the penguin brooch - so, congratulations. It was great that the final challenge was something not traditionally British. Indian wedding jewellery is really oppulent and interesting. I loved it even if the results where a bit meh. Bit annoying that Kathryn pointed out all the materials in Tamara's when the bride and her brother had a look, but said nothing about the others'. I am not surprised the bride didn't pick Dan's - it was very Arwen and would probably get lost with all the other jewellery she's going to wear. There was a call for participants for a series 2 after the episode, thats good news. I do have a wishlist though: Replace one judge - I quite like Solange's dry style and there is also something charming about Shaun trying on all the earrings. But they don't vibe together. Challenges with enamel More challenges with natural materials like wood, non-precious stone, shells etc. A challenge focussed on piercing designs (imagine Shaun trying on nipple rings ๐Ÿ˜…) More over the top statement pieces Some upcycling (I've seen nice things done with porcelain shards) Belt buckles (like on those old silver nurses belts)
  17. Finally. I am sure she is a nice gal, but it was about time they sent Samha home. That being said, Dolli really needs to step it up now, or she'll be next. I didn't expect Riley to pull out a winner like that in the creative challenge. Well done. Sophie, and thats probably down to her personal style, is my favourite but I didn't care much for her toothy creation. Also, didn't someone do something with teeth last year? I assume Dolli's creation looked better in person than it did on TV - the iridescence make-up looked patchy, as if the it was only partially applied, if you know what I mean. The ASOS challenge was another big name opportunity. Craig did a great job, but he was also really lucky to get that model - she was stunning. Dolli should've known better than to put a prominent lip like that on her model. They eyes did look very modern either. Still, I was surprised they put her in the chair and not Sophie.
  18. Ok sorry, I might have caught that somewhere else but its not hard to find as apparently it comes directly from her autobiography: "It has been documented that Maria was frequently violent with the children, using corporal punishment to keep them in check. As a result of this, the city of Salzburg recently rejected a request to have a trail named after her. A spokesperson stated that, โ€˜on one hand, thereโ€™s no doubts on the merits of Maria von Trapp, especially for Salzburg, but on the other hand if you look into her biography, into her autobiography, you can read how she educated the Trapp children and there was too much violence against children and we canโ€™t accept this today." (theculturetrip.com, washingtontimes.com)
  19. Thanks for the summary. I wouldn't be surprised if they put that analogy in to hint towards a Charles/Liza reunion. The last time the did a SoM bit on the show was the episode where Charles and Liza got together, wasn't it? I vaguely remember watching a documentary (Climbed Every Mountain) about the Sound of Music many years ago because Sue Perkins presented it (this was when Bake Off took off). I remember 2 things: most Austrians don't really like or watch it and that the real Maria von Trapp was the Joe Jackson of her time - as in she was known to beat the children. One more question about the show: Is the Vassar acapella group really called the Treblemakers? I only now that name from Pitch Perfect ๐Ÿ˜…
  20. Esme and Patrick penguin-waddling towards each other!! The unicorn coat certainly looked great, a really fun idea ... until you get pleated tail soaking wet for the first time.
  21. Last week Liza told Kelsey that she had some ideas re Inkubator. So far she hasn't found time to explain them to her and now we get an akward, out of the blue, scene with Liza telling Kelsey that she somehow got a big piece in Vulture? Is Liza editing the book on spec? What are their plans on getting it published - and where? Will they spring the solution on us in the last episode? Handy that Josh found his inner Social Media Sherlock in time to solve Maggie's Twitter puzzle for her. But it was an easy deduction to make - art students, after all, are well known for not using any terminology older than their morning's porridge. Never watched the Sound of Music - whats the deal with the baroness?
  22. Dan's cuff bracelet was nice, but overall I wouldn't describe any of the 4 as feminine. The engraving on Tamara's wasn't very refined - much like Sonny's skull on his signet ring. I didn't understand the judges gushing over it, nor do I understand what made her jeweller of the week. Should've been Dan. Kathryn was right pointing out that the judges tastes are very different from the client's. I wonder if they melt the pieces down again afterwards and recycle the stones to keep the production budget down or if they are sold / displayed somewhere. We all wanted a longer semi - oh Kathryn ๐Ÿ˜…
  23. Ah TikTok. I still have no idea why that is a thing. It should come with an epilepsy warning. Some of the videos were definitely cringey. Alex' pixel filter reminded me of the BEP's Dirty Bit video. Nice idea, but the execution was SO SO clumsy. I wouldn't have put Jack's fungi thing down as a filter - but I am sure I have been attacted by something like that in Elder Scrolls Oblivion. I found very little to like about Dolly's besides the lashes. While Sophie's looked really realistic and well done, I couldn't help but think about it as the domestic violence filter. But I'm really looking forward to see how Sophie does in the special effects episode. Craig did well! I'm getting a bit tired of Samah and her season pass to the face off. Its S2 Eve all over again.
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