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  1. Yes, it's very noticeable and distracting. I don't know if this show can keep the energy up without Leighton.
  2. Wtf, one episode only? I was really looking forward to season 3 and a bit more history hopping.
  3. I think the brother was mentioned once in passing, but shouldn't the whole being called Durin and wearing the necklace confirm his place in the line of succession? Wasn't that a big thing about being the 'current' Durin and that it wasn't his real name but his title? The Balrog thing is like not going to the dentist with a tooth ache and expecting it to just go away. I enjoyed the choreography of the moves in the fight between Sauron and Galadriel, sword against crown. But the sequence was too stop and go, and dragged on for too long.
  4. I think this episode was decent because it was focussed on one region and finally tied the orc, dwarf and the two elf storylines, plus Arondir, together. I slightly dread the finale if they attempt to give us Sauron, Celebrimbor, Galadriel, Elrond, Adar, Numenor, Elendil, Gandalf, the dark wizard and the Hobbits. Tom and Durin we are probably done with this season. Did I miss a hint somewhere that this is going to be a 3 hour episode?
  5. With all those disjpint storylines and characters getting only a couple of scenes every other episode this show would benefit from a different release schedule. There are shows that need spacing out with a one episode per week release. RoP imho would be a better watch if there were two big drops. With one episode per week there is time to look for the Easter eggs, but also to get annoyed with the bigger picture stuff they get wrong.
  6. Was there a reason given why Elrond and the elven company went on foot and not horseback? Seemed a bit strange and a waste of precious time.
  7. I watch it on the old iPlayer when nothing else is on. And I am out of Antiques Roadshow. I had a go at sewing something recently and realised how shit I am (but TBF I did french seams, which this show has taught me), and somehow my own incompetence has taken the shine off this show for me a bit.
  8. There are a few more shots of the property in the 8th episode, the hallway and a scene in the drawing room. And there is at least one male servant, probably a footman rather than a valet, around.
  9. I have to agree. I somewhat understand why they (or maybe it was Nicola) wanted to have a bit of cover, but I feel that a clever selection of angles would've been better. If only to avoid the 'she needs a cover because she isn't skinny' trope. Or they could've started out with the sheet and it slipping off when they got really going - that could've been really hot. Sheet aside, it was still a well done sequence. Nicola has a lovely pair of knockers on her and beautiful porcelain skin. I think the corset was totally wrong for the period??
  10. The open mouth season continues. I love Hyacinth
  11. I only half-heartedly watched this show (I think all the fawning about Simon was shallow (and that RJP isn't a mediocre actor) and that Anthony was an arsehole until the final episode of series 2) but I was somewhat looking forward to Pen and Colin (I'm a hypocrite, because Colin has me breaking out my fan). I was a bit disappointed that the story in the first 4 episode seemed so rushed and without much romantic build-up. I went an got the audiobook (the books are not for me, but kudos to Shonda for realising their potential as a TV show). The time frame up to the coach scene is fairly narrow and a lot of the romantic story relies on internal monologues. Still there are a couple of scenes that should have been in the show (first meeting, Barkley square) or more fleshed out (Colin finding Pen reading his diary). Now I am curious how far they will take it in the second half of the season (IYKYK). I like the fashion design, but there is too much chiffon. Some of Pen's dresses looked like glorified Shein purchases (I have something very similar to her coach dress). But I love her hair.
  12. It is, and I quite like him too. So far, he isn't as slapstick as some of the others (this show has had a lot of hosts, hasn't it?). I hope he gets to try on a few pieces at some point during the series - the equivalent of Bake Off hosts having a nibble surely is a Sewing Bee host who occasionally dons a creation? That has always been missing for me.
  13. I wasn't surprised and somewhat in board. I don't get the faffing over Matt, who made some basic mistakes and ran out of time. Those lodges are modern on the outside, that grand baroque style was an odd choice. And on that budget, in small rooms and over 3 days it was always going to look unfinished/DIY. Roisin, I get the criticism of her kitchen/living room, but the sleeping rooms would have gotten her praise with Dan and Sophie in die olden days too, Dan was always for going big with flowery wallpaper. They would've rooted for lace curtains. It is also in that Bridgerton aesthetic that is still popular (and there is a huge amount of product collabs for the new series). Plus, Roisin had Steve and Stu on her team! There was a lot of criticism around Michelle and the judging this year, but apart from sending home Domnall over Francesca (who went the following week anyway and Domnall proved himself a sore loser on SM) was there really much she got wrong? She didn't want to kick Anthony out and, personally, I think Matt should have been sent packing for that sand pit but people would've cried over that as well.
  14. That's one of the favourites for a spot in the finals gone. But the guest judge offered him a job (as per his IG) with her afterwards so that's a win. It probably should've been Matt because his sand station was really unsuitable for a retail environment and I hated the moss boards (both of which the owner has removed since) Ben does well in team challenges when there is someone else to ground his grandiose ideas. Same for Roisin.
  15. Domnal would've done well in this challenge, shame he was such a bitter Betty last week. (Michelle explained on IG that the couch/judging goes on for a good while and we only get to see a bit in the episode, that F took responsibility for her mistakes but D didn't and was defensive throughout and that's why she sent him home). Francesca, where to start, absolutely blew it this week. Everytime someone prances in with a Matisse inspired theme it ends up looking shite (imho because they don't scale up the shapes to the bigger specs of the room/flat and it ends up looking too squiggly). And the lightshades were fugly. I liked the blue entryway. Absolutely the right choice to send her home and I doubt she and her on screen persona will be missed by many. The others weren't perfect this week but had interesting elements. I agree with Michelle praising Ben's desk and divider combo but don't get why they singled out Matt's head board as not being easy for a tennant to take down and move to a new space. The head board was sectional, so I would argue that it actually would fit other rooms. Anthony's backsplash and panelling surely are much harder to reuse. Personally, I thought that most workspaces were unsuitable, and an ergonimical nightmare, to seriously do more than a couple of emails, let alone work from home scenarios.
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