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Everything posted by zamp33

  1. I thought drywall was his own business - if he worked for the town/city then he would be getting a pension. How much depends on how long he worked for the town and if was there long enough to be vested. I seem to remember how happy they were when he got the job working for the town and I believe they mentioned a pension way back when - but then again both Dan and Jackie both had sons that seems to have been forgotten about so who knows about the pension. If you pay into the pension, you are not paying into social security so that may be affecting what he is getting. But his jobs have been so hodgepodge over the years who knows?
  2. It is nice to see Janelle smile and have a nice experience with Logan and Michelle!
  3. I think the twist of Fruit Punch mix was really unfair. It is a strong artificial overly sweet flavor and really could only potentially work with a couple of cake flavors. I think the twist concept is ok but I really hate it when they are so out there that they basically undermine what is being asked of the bakers. Also if you get the vanilla flavor, then you may be able to work with the fruit punch, but chocolate or honey - that is hard. I still am angry about the ridiculous Green Apple Coffee twist a few seasons back, but this one is ranks right up there as one of the stupidest twists. That being said,the one baker who did not have to do the twist got sent home.
  4. Janelle posted on instagram to thank everyone for the donations to the shelters in Garrison's name. She also said his cats would be going with his siblings. I cannot figure out how to post it here- maybe someone with more skills than I can.
  5. I am horrified that they listened to police scanners, to me that was trying to exploit the death to get it out first and get views. Some sites have posted very brief messages and given out information about 988 and places where we could donate to as we are all feeling very upset about this news. It is always so sad to hear of someone taking their own life but this really hit me hard, probably because we have been watching for so long and we have seen Janelle worries about Garrison's mental health (during covid) and have seen Garrison mourn for their prior family life, and Garrison continued to be an active presence on the show and on social media - last year he even gave space for Janelle to garden. I think viewers are trying to find a way to be respectful and commiserate, but not in a way that is offensive or upsetting to the family. So the sites that have brief mentions I am ok with - but the scanners mention - ugh.
  6. Hello - not sure if this is ok to post here, but I was so sad reading about Garrison and I know he loves cats and just rescued one. Someone on a post suggested that maybe if people felt like they wanted to do something they could donate to an animal shelter in honor of Garrison. I found that my local shelter where I adopted my cat had a amazon and chewy wish list, so I donated some items from that for the shelter. My prayers and wishes are with the family - how utterly devastating.
  7. @Sandy W and @Orcinus orcaI believe in one of the last specials (look backs or something) Meri's friend Jen said that Meri was looking for someone 6ft 6 and a pilot. They were joking around and laughing , but I believe she was referencing her and Jen's conversation about what her next man would be like. I am guessing because those episodes are still not streaming the reference might be lost on people who did not see it.
  8. I liked that Meri admitted she was not being completely honest after the knife in the kidney monologue - I think we all suspected it but it was nice that it was confirmed. Robyn sure got off easy from production - she did not have to watch any clips that gave her "panic attacks" and in the talk back she was not given any questions directed at her. I really don't like that she got the last word, but I think production, as @NoWhammies so brilliantly broke down, showed us that it was indeed mostly Robyn and Kody who betrayed everything that Robyn listed. I think Robyn must be aware of her culpability in the demise of the family and does not want to face the truth and would rather continue spinning lies and gaslighting the viewers. And just wanted to share this..My son came in while I was watching the episode this morning and said "what is up with that guy's hair?
  9. You all have made so many great points about Robyn being the puppet master -here are mine and I apologize if I repeated anything: Robyn has made sneaky passive aggressive comments about weight throughout the seasons. Here are some I can recall.. In one of the tell alls, I believe it was last seasons and the most blatant example, Robyn made a comment Kody loved his wives despite their stretch marks, weight gain etc. She ordered Janelle and XL shirt and went on and on (rushing in at the last minute when the cameras were on( how it would be to small in the episode where they ran the 5K - and it fit Janelle. When they all first went to the gym, she went to and watched the weigh ins even though she was pregnant and not participating in the workouts. Also she kept harping about how she wanted the family but she drained all their financial resources while never working - and when she wanted to have another baby she was whining to Kody that she could not get pregnant now because the other wives were not helping her enough (oh and she had a nanny at that point too!) Her stringing Meri along all these years encouraging her to stay when she knew that Kody had no interest in Meri - AND never making plans with Meri, and not letting her hang out during covid despite Meri following the absurd rules (and yes, having a NANNY who came from outside the home the entire time!) AND to me her greatest show of how she felt was when she did not insist that Kody go to Ysabel's surgery. To keep a child away from their parent in their greatest time of need shows that she had no empathy at all for the other kids. Remember she also said that Sol and Ari could not be without their Dad for more than 2 nights numerous times. She was very covert and passive aggressive in my opinion while playing the victim card.
  10. Just wondering if I missed something - but were ANY questions directed at Robyn or was it all Kody and the OG3? Robyn's body language clearly showed that she did not want to be there but I noticed that she did not have to answer any questions directed at her. Also I really wish they would have played the clip of Kody missing Gabe's birthday when Robyn was talking about what a great dad he was when they all had covid and how he took care of them all. Love Jen - she so was all of us and could see through Robyn's horrible treatment of Meri. I am glad she was part of the show. Watching them watch clips is so much better than the show was this last season. I hope they do more - I mean they cannot really do "Sister Wives" anymore, this could be a cheap and easy way to continue to milk all they can from this show - and yes I will still be watching.
  11. Just my thoughts, but ultimately, I think tv stardom was bad for Kody and Robyn, but for the other wives and for the kids it got them out of the polygamist bubble and helped them to go on to happier lives. Which is ironic because you usually hear all these horror stories of reality stars and children actors - but the Brown kids all seem happy, settled and thriving in their post-Reality lives. But Reality TV exposed Kody and Robyn and their intentions. Not that I endorse people putting their lives on tv, I just think it opened up another world for most of the Browns that they may not have accessed prior to leaving Lehi and going to Vegas.
  12. Totally agree with both - when you are dealing with a narc, they can twist, turn and manipulate everything and say it is your fault - remember, Kody kept referring to Ysabel's surgery as a "vacation". My ex one day drank 12 beers - and was hiding them - when I confronted him he literally told me in front of the kids "2 is really one". When my kids found his texts with his the woman he was having an affair with he told them oh I am helping her with a spreadsheet. And was screaming at them about she was just a friend..those texts said otherwise! (I was in the process of leaving him at that point, but the texts were from when my oldest was in the hospital with a life threatening infection - I really cringe at how stupid I was!! But we are all thriving and happy now) My point is - you can have the evidence and they will deny it and twist it into a narrative that fits their point of view. I am guessing Christine did not want Kody to do that as enough damage has been done to Ysabel. ETA: I believe that Christine was totally working with a therapist in her calm non-reactions to Kody, that is the best way to deal with a narc. And it actually infuriates them more because they cannot retaliate with their twisted logic.
  13. I personally think that this format is so much more interesting than the one on ones! I have been really enjoying it. Could Robyn be anymore dramatic at the sight of the commitment ceremony?
  14. I was rewatching season 14 - (I cannot remember the ep number now but I can re-edit this post later and post it.) Robyn said at least 3 times in that episode if someone was not happy they were free to leave, no one was forcing wives to stay. Kody said the same thing. I do not understand why now Robyn says she needs "permission" to be happy from Kody's ex-wives. Does she expect them to grovel to her and apologize and then give her their blessing- (I think she does.) Also Kody saying that he has to be made out to be the bad guy so David will accept Christine - is that what happened with Robyn and her ex- she had to say she was in an abusive marriage in order to be accepted by Kody?
  15. I was really hoping they would all watch the clip when Robyn told Meri that it would not be "safe" to have Janelle's kids over for Christmas. That would have caught Robyn in another batch of her lies about Christmas. So many lies unraveling -from the personality test, the Christmas text thread and the catfish!! it was obvious that Robyn was having trouble keeping stories straight. I liked Suki this episode! I think she is finally figuring out the dynamics of the family.
  16. This statement - about the older kids - "So their focuses started to shift to kids that have left home to go live their life, instead of focusing on their relationship with Kody." Duh - that is what older kids are supposed to do! That is the natural order of life. And if your relationship is strong it continues to grow even as they leave home and start their new lives. And her blaming Vegas - she was only in the family a year at that point, so how does she know that it was all Vegas? Then she blames Flagstaff - she engineered that move to be close to Dayton when he went to college. The family had a great set up in the cul de sac, she somehow convinced Kody the homes were going to depreciate and they had to move to a MORE Expensive area. (and would have made more money if they stayed) She uprooted the kids, moved the family away from the older kids in Vegas, and in Flagstaff they were totally separate. Does she believe she is going to convince viewers of the show of her reality?
  17. I was wondering the same thing- none of Robyn's children were on that call - not even Ari or Sol. If Mykelti has this amazing relationship with Robyn and Kody she keeps going on and on about, I would assume Mykelti would also have some kind of connection with the children. Also with the names on the zoom call, Ari could learn the names of her siblings. They can claim that Robyn is a cheerleader all they want but it was Robyn who said that inviting Janelle's kids for Christmas would be "scary"- that does not sound like a cheerleader to me.
  18. I was just coming here to say that I was really upset that Kody and Robyn screwed up Aurora's and Breanna's relationships with the other kids. Last season Robyn lied to them and said they do not want to spend Thanksgiving with us - when it was the protocols and them being unable to do them in time for Thanksgiving 2020- and if I recall they did spend Christmas and Ariella's birthday with them, it was Robyn who outright told Meri Christmas 2021 that inviting over Janelle's kids would be scary and it was also Robyn who messed up the sibling gift exchange. Robyb's oldest children have only heard Robyn and Kody's side of the story - I wonder if they are even allowed to watch the show. And early on, Robyn did a lot to keep her kids separate from the rest - having separate child care, and later keeping her kids home from school when the other kids went back after the early months of the pandemic. After Breanna and Aurora's snarkiness about Janelle's trailer last year I really did not like them, but it is clear that they are also victims of Robyn and Kody's gaslighting and Robyn always having to be the victim. It was really sad to watch them while at the same time strange because they are so much like Robyn! I did like that Aurora spoke well of Gabe. I hope they do figure it out and get to live a life away from Robyn and Kody and figure out who they are outside of Robyn.
  19. I was rewatching seasons 5 and 6 and just was floored at how horrible and mean girl Robyn was when it came to My Sister Wives Closet. The part that really irked me was when Janelle was basically telling Robyn she was out of MSWC and that it would not be more than a hobby business. Robyn was so vile throughout this, first gleefully reporting that they made a profit of $750 - that did not factor in hours they spent at the expo to sell 19 pieces of trinkets. Then when she admonished Janelle by saying - I don't understand you I see this as helping the whole family. I do not know how Janelle did not get up and scream in her face how she, not Robyn had been the primary breadwinner for years and years and Robyn took and took and took and now Robyn has a profit of $758 to split among 4 families. And Robyn was just so mean to Janelle and dismissive of any criticisms of the business or pointing out all the red flags that this was in fact a hobby business. I cannot figure out what exactly Robyn wanted everyone to do...she clearly just wanted to design and do nothing else. And when Kody asked what do you want me to do - and she was like support me - so basically I interpreted it as she wanted Kody to force the other wives to do all the other work. You can really see Robyn's attitude towards the other wives becoming more outwardly apparent in this season. The other episocd that stands out is that she cries to Kody that she cannot have another baby because of all the work she is doing on MSWC. Hey Robyn - millions of women work and take care of children without a nanny every single day. That was also the episode where Robyn was mad at Meri for daring to "go back to school" because she wanted to fulfill a dream and a career - but its all about Robyn's dreams and desires - it is so interesting to rewatch these episodes knowing what we know now. Robyn always bugged me but her machinations have been out there - she was not as stealth as she might have thought Also - rewatching Meri cry about the wet bar, and needing a 5th bedroom and that she takes care of her nice things- just watch Janelle's face. You can tell how upset she is. I really do not know how Janelle lasted as long as she did.
  20. I am so sorry - my compuer did something weird - IGNORE!! If the admin can delete this mess I would appreciate it.
  21. They should have called this episode "The Writing is on the Barndimonium" I guess Kody is sick of paying for U-Hauls to keep on the property for storage. I was impressed that Meri made the connection of Kody storing her with things he doesn't want anymore or doesn't have room for. As that was filmed more recently I wonder if she has been going to therapy and the therapist has shown her that Kody will never come around and Robyn as just been manipulating her and playing mind games with her. Boy, I never ever thought I would feel badly for Meri but watching Kody barely containing a grin and Robyn - (who by the way is driving the truck that Kody said he did not want used for "soccer mom" stuff and why are they driving separately and happen to arrive at the same time??) saying see he wants you out there continually and trying to convince her there was hope was awful. I would love to see the lightbulb moment when she finally realized they have been stringing her along - and if I had to guess it was probably the tell all filmed at the end of season 17 where Kody and Robyn told that ridiculous story of him wanting to get back with Meri but was blocked by Christine. Season 18 was filming at that time. I hate how they are dragging this season - and if they were dragging it by interspersing clips of older episodes that directly contradict what Kody and Robyn are saying then I would be all in on that, but they are really dragging this out. One more thing - Kody's narcisissim was on full blown display on the "date" with Janelle. All he wanted as adoration and praise for making a reservation at a fancy restaurant and did not want to listen to Janelle's concerns or have a real conversation about how to fix things. It was all me, me, me. I was angry at Janelle for going but I can also see she might be thinking there could be something to fix - obviously there wasn't. Hope she had a VERY expensive dinner and made sure Kody and Robyn paid for it.
  22. That was infuriating that Meri said that - because when Meri asked Kody and Robyn about inviting Janelle's boys over for Christmas eve Robyn said "that would be scary.." that does not sound like someone who can have a hard conversation when Robyn cannot put aside differences to extend an invitation for Christmas Eve. This last episode was very painful to watch - it was so slow - it could have been 5 minutes and we would have learned exactly the same thing.
  23. I think that once the kids grew up - even without Robyn in the fray (and believe me I do not like Robyn and I think she is manipulative and selfish) and if they were in the one house in Lehi - they still would have broken up. The problems were there even before Robyn joined but their collective focus was raising their many children and financial survival. As the children have been growing up, they all have been forced to interact less as parents and more as sister wives and husband. And Kody married Christine to stop Janelle and Meri from fighting - so that isn't the greatest foundation for a marriage. There were many problems from the outset. Perhaps Janelle might have stuck it out, because of her faith. I do believe that Robyn exacerbated the inevitable break up and probably in a weird way did them all a favor in allowing them to see Kody's true nature and lack of romantic love or desire for them. Robyn was able to manipulate Kody because he truly loves her and did not really care about the Original Three. I also believe that while the marriages may not have survived had Robyn not entered the family, I do believe Kody would have a better chance at good relationships with his older children had Robyn not been there. The children would not have competed with Robyn and her kids for their Dad's attention and see the blatant unfairness. So while the marriages may have still crumbled I think Kody may have had a better relationship with his kids. Either way he is a narcissist who who knows?
  24. IIRC that was Meri's second home in Flagstaff - the one with the elevator and waterfall after she got asked to leave the first one. The home currently on is her third rental home there. When Robin and Meri had the argument on Coyote Pass in a past season they both stormed off saying they had to go look for a rental. And honestly I personally have a really hard time believing that Meri's second was not that much more than Janele's ranch rental. If you go back to Vegas Meri always had to have a bigger rental, a bigger house, etc. And the fact I can recall this is really sad...
  25. There was an early episode where Kody specifically said they divided up the money equally among the wives, it was per wife not per child - I can try and figure that one out it was in one of the early seasons. I remember being surprised and angry because feeding one child vs six children is a HUGE difference. And explains why Leon had a nice room with a huge bed and Meri and Kody took trips to Mexico. Then when they were in Vegas talking about the rentals, Janelle talked about Meri getting a bigger rental with one child and also how she watched Meri spend money when she was struggling and worrying about feeding her kids. That was in Season 4. And Meri said "I am sorry Janelle for taking what you thought was yours." And again, if she was about "the family" then she would have been more equitable and made sure the other kids had enough.
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