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Everything posted by CallmeCray

  1. I’ve started wondering if maybe she and Rachel from VPR might be related. For rill!
  2. Ok, Danielle has crossed over into straight nutjob territory. She is a selfish CHILD. Grow the fuck up and be happy for your friend who you claim to love. THIS IS NOT ABOUT YOU. Get a grip!
  3. That’s the BEST thing that’s happened since the shit hit the fan.
  4. ^^^^JenE4 beat me to it! 😉
  5. I was only half-watching, so I’ll have to give it another go, but I am once again repulsed by Marysol and her making a stink about Leah’s being sober. Alcoholism is a DEADLY DISEASE, but she talks as if she’d rather Leah hop off the wagon so that Marysol’s trip is more enjoyable. She’s disgusting and could stand some time on that wagon, herself. She’s not in good health and is headed down a dangerous path, living off of cockies and a splash of juice with breakfast. I’m over Porsha, I thought the hug between Heather and Whitney was cool and I think there MAY have been some legitimate growth there. I pretty much tune Gizelle out and I’m amused here and there by Candiace and Leah’s bond. Leah could certainly benefit from some type of daily gratitude practice, because she is one hell of a Debbie Downer. I think she has more than just PMDD, tbh. I was happy to see Pepsi smiling more this round. I was glad he said his peace and expressed his frustration with the ungrateful b’s. Some of them were very gracious and apologietic, which was refreshing.
  6. James is such a fool, it’s ridiculous. As far as emotional maturity (or just general maturity, for that matter) goes, he’s like a 5 year old in perpetual tantrum mode. Ally’s not sweating it too much, she’s got his number and fortunately for her, it’s not their relationship she’s invested in, but being on a reality show. She’s figured out how to handle it gracefully and still get her camera time while he implodes.
  7. UGH…Rachel, with every damn episode, your behavior and intentions just get worse and worse. I was disgusted by her suggesting she and Tom Schwartz walk down the aisle together. Clawing for yet MORE attention? Good Lord, why don’t you just pull a train at one of the next events and call it a day?! Check off every damn box, just blow ‘em all and hop on a plane back to the states. FFS, she was a bottomless pit of neediness - mixed with a lil need for vengeance, which probably isn’t THAT hard to understand. No excuse, though - she was a wrecking ball of girl code violations and just downright shady shit.
  8. I was annoyed as hell already, but once I saw tears coming out of Pepsi, I felt a whole new level of disdain for Gizelle, the most selfish, boring housewife in existence. Fuck her. She’s knows she’s not interesting enough to be camera-worthy unless she’s creating drama by attacking others. Even then, she’s still uninteresting and advertises the fact that she’s just not that bright. I’m even more bored of Gizelle on this show than I am every time I watch Potomac, which is saying a lot. That said, I did think it was shitty of Candiace to body shame her with some crappy comment about her legs. I can’t remember the exact comment, but it involved the word “stove”. She looks like an ass for saying it and that eclipsed any amount of shame she was trying to heap onto Gizelle, in my opinion. Her immaturity is on full display when she really gets frustrated.
  9. I’m still laughing at the pink life jacket/Brinks security vest he was wearing while “DJ”ing with what sounded like an AM radio with a sing-along mike like my little sister and I had when we were 5 and 7. I think he needs his hair trimmed, because I got even more giggles in when the back half started falling during several scenes. Either he ran out of AquaNet, or he’s running out of hair.
  10. …but their meeting was “so ORGANIC!”, according to James’ mom! Sounds like she did the same thing his mom was annoyed with Rachel for doing, or am I misunderstanding?
  11. I’m ok with Quad being gone, although I can’t stand her ex. Quad was more of a pain in the ass as time went on and I think she was proud of being difficult. Her head has been way overinflated for a while, now.
  12. I may be the odd woman out here, but I don’t believe Ozempic is behind any of the bodies within this family. I’d put all my money on plastic surgery - with the same surgeon doing all of their body work. Looks to me like both Kim and Kris have had some serious work done to their faces, too - Kylie might have, as well - beyond fillers. Kim’s nose and mouth area looks far less reptilian now - whatever she did do, it looks much better. I suspect surgery in addition to fillers and Botox. I saw a couple of pics that looked like she might have tried to go back to something more like her original nose. I think we’ll slowly see Kim and Kylie’s fake asses disappear (via procedures) as they try to play it off as having been the result of weight loss. (Is Khloe’s already gone? I haven’t seen any pics of her other than frontal for some time) It would be damn near impossible to be so lean and defined in other areas of the body and yet retain that amount of fat in one’s butt and hips. Totally unnatural. Nobody ever believed them, they should do themselves a favor and come clean and be done with it. I’d think it would be a relief rather than having to continue to carry on the farce.
  13. Ugh, this whole episode so far is crazy embarassing. I don’t think the viewers are the only ones who feel that way, either. There must be no budget for this show. They’re banking on our being gullible and not knowing how fake every last bit of this is - the “clothing line”, the “performances”, the “bachelorette party”, and Georgi pretending to know how to smoke. It’s like they’re not even trying.
  14. I’ve read that when they were in school, they were teased and told that they looked like Troll dolls with their frizzy hair. I think there was also teasing about being short. I’m not sure how old they were when it started, but it seems like they’ve felt “less than” for a long time, judging by the fact that they’ve changed everything they can about themselves. The realization that looking like an entirely different person won’t magically give them confidence has to be a tough one to accept. Worse yet, the men who are attracted to their current look will be of a different caliber than those they might have attracted before they were transformed into blowup dolls.
  15. Ding, ding, ding, WE HAVE A WINNER!! 🥳
  16. It is so embarassing to watch both James and LaLa repeatedly lose their shit when their own shitty actions are thrown back in their hypocritical faces. James even ups the ante and says he would do it again. 🙄 I love how “I was drunk” and “that was six years ago” are attempts at justification used to hurl at someone who is repeating facts. That anyone would feel entitled to behave in such a way and not only get a pass, but act “holier than thou” in order to deflect and dodge accountability is just gross. “Chucklefuck” is a compliment in comparison to what some on this show deserve to be called as a result of their character, or the total lack thereof.
  17. THANK YOU! I just don’t think I’ll ever understand it. Narcissism is just never a good look, and Bravo casts are rife with it. When I think about it, reality TV is an overflowing trough directly in the line of sight of a herd of ravenously hungry egos. 💡
  18. Ok, I’m old-ish and have a horrible memory, I give up. I’ve been trying to remember an example of this type of dynamic happening on any Bravo shows that I’ve watched. I either can’t remember (which is the most likely scenario), or wasn’t a viewer of such shows. Please help an amnesiac sister out! 😂 Inquiring minds wanna know!
  19. I agree with you and am also eager to see how they do move forward with this. My own gut is that the only one who will be immune to having to film with Rachel is Ariana. Of course, I could be totally wrong. I’m still not sold on Ariana refusing to ever film with Sandoval in the future. These people are all wannabe actors and actresses, so I see every single one of them seizing the day and taking advantage of this storyline for their own benefit. I can’t help but think their desire for camera time and the most compelling roles in this storyline are the ultimates goals for each of them, all other factors aside. Either way, the cliffhangers this question creates is a dream come true for Bravo, and as far as ratings go, is like Christmas morning for Vanderpump Rules. As all of the upcoming episodes air, time passes and some of the drama of this situation dies down, it’ll be interesting to see how many of the pearl clutching ride-or-dies are willing to budge a bit on their ultimatums regarding with whom they will and won’t film. I guess we’re all in for a long wait!
  20. Dammit, now I’m gonna have to actually watch the show! When will these “reality stars” ever learn? Anytime you sing, we are laughing AT you, not with you.
  21. I highly doubt ANYONE will be fired, and I’d put every penny I have on every damn one returning, including those who “refuse” to film with Rachel. They all want to stay on the show, so I am guessing they’ll be filming with her. This so-called dilemma regarding who will stay and who will go is a storyline, in itself - and Bravo and all of the players involved are in on it. I don’t think anyone will be leaving the show unless they choose to, and I’d be shocked if any of these fools are ready to give up the money or the “fame” that being a Chucklefuck affords them.
  22. It is unreal just how emotionally stunted these chicks are. They are living in an alternate reality.
  23. Thank GOD they do, because the alternative might have been that they’d all have their own SONGS! NOBODY wants THAT!
  24. Yep, I can still smell that musty scent from the hotel rooms in which the curtains were made of that fabric. Yecchhh.
  25. This is my favorite line I’ve ever read here - which is saying a lot, considering this place is chock full of comic geniuses. Thanks for the belly laugh!
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