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Everything posted by Gharlane

  1. What was that about Bert, one of Schwartz's triplet brothers, being in rehab or the hospital for cirrhosis of the liver caused by heavy drinking after being mugged?🤔 I think it was more like "Hey, we need another moron, maybe from reality TV somewhere." I am so envious! 🙂 But he put so much work into it! 🙄
  2. Jesus "gets us", but the makers of that footwashing commercial clearly don't get him.
  3. I don't think Arianna's attitude and behavior is doing her any favors, either. I found myself getting annoyed when Schwartz invited everyone to Lisa Vanderbuck's Lake Tahoe bar/club and Arriana decided she would speak for everyone.
  4. This filmed about a month after the scandal, so we're watching something from several months ago that we have moved on from awhile ago. I am questioning their decision to use 'stale" footage for the new season.
  5. That was included in the cost of attending Tom's party.
  6. It appears they are all people that he or Bravo pay to be there, since most of the cast refuse to be near him. Wasn't that confirmed at the time? Back in the old days, we used to call it "Goth Night", but that wasn't anything close!
  7. Wow, not sure if I will be able to make it thru this season! EMO night was lame as hell. Go away, Billie Lee, you desperate fame whore! I don't believe your claims that people said nasty things to you, not to mention knew who you even are. I was alarmed at them getting hangover IVs. 😲 Sandoval visits wisely matron Lisa Vanderbucks and confides he was suicidal. I am betting we'll be seeing a suicide hotline blurb at the end of this ep. I was amused at the cahier giving LaLa and Ariana a dirty look. Wow, the news about Shwartz's brother came out of nowhere! How sad. Hey, it's the SUR alley!
  8. If they foolishly got a mortgage with a variable rate, and I have no doubt they did, it would change whenever the Prime Interest Rate changed. I am sure,however, that both parties are being dishonest to some extent.
  9. Boomerang is a broadcast channel here. I discovered it by accident when my cable went out last week.
  10. It didn't occur to me that Sandoval's "assistant" is trying to not laugh at the ridiculous situation she's in, but the way she texts doesn't help. I cannot think of examples rightnow, but reading them gave me a headache.
  11. Hey, he needs that flute for his Le Petomane act.
  12. I didn't notice they were dehydrated and wondered how they kept sliced fruit from losing their freshness, then I wondered why anyone wouldn't slice them themselves.🤔
  13. I grew tired of Sheldon by the second season or so of tBBT, so I have no idea why you'd want to watch a show about him as a child.
  14. I hear it all the time! I've observed that most radio commercials are just the audio portion of a television commercial. I don't think I've seen the TV version but it might not have reached our area yet.
  15. She believes in astrology, so she cannot have one by definition. Wasn't there something fishy about her when she appeared last season? 🤔 It seems like on this show, the more we see someone the more of an asshole they become. I know this group is extremely incestuous, but did James and Kristen cheat on Sandoval? I have to wonder if they had to round up people for Sandoval's party because he no longer has any friends who'd want to be seen there? Or a nice hotel room! I've soured a bit on Schwartz but think it's unfair that people harassed him and the staff at S&S over Sandoval.
  16. Define: Love. 😏 They certainly had a relationship, but was it more than physical? 🤷‍♂️
  17. So what was the deal with Sandoval's white noise generator? Did he think it was a noise cancelation device? OMG, that commercial is so awkward and lame! I did notice until you mentioned it.
  18. I had totally forgotten about that but my ears perked up when successful businesswoman Lisa Vanderbucks alluded to that! This is not a good omen... Now that you mention it, I hadn't thought about how Scandoval would affect TomTom, unless everyone knows that they have no involvement there.
  19. If memory serves, Sandoval said he was planning on breaking up with Arianna between seasons .
  20. Sandoval needs another one. It's not helping!
  21. Ariana and Sandoval need to grow up. Their living situation in the house reminds me of something from an old sitcom including recruiting someone to pass messages between them. Speaking of which, is Ann profoundly stupid? For that matter, why the hell does he even need a personal assistant in the first place? Naturally, Arianna is going to be petty and refuse to allow him to have a birthday party, even though it turns out she wasn't even going to there! Oh, look! It's Billie the Thirsty Famewhore trying to horn in on every scene at the party! 🙄Meanwhile, successful businesswoman Lisa Vanderbucks celebrates(?) the closing of Pump. On the other side of the hills, DJ Muppet Baby considers dropping by Sandoval's party. What could possibly go wrong?
  22. Upon the rerun before the new ep, I get the feeling this isn't sincere and was either producer-driven or her way of getting camera time vis-a-vis fighting with Arianna.
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