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Everything posted by Rambler

  1. While I enjoyed seeing Harm again, I hope they give him more to do next week. In this episode, he just seemed like one of those generic ship commander characters that the NCIS team interacts with when they have to investigate a ship at sea. Well, except for the part when he landed the plane and was walking towards Sam and Callen. They were staring at him with such a look of awe on their faces that I was half expecting them to ask for his autograph. 🤩
  2. Odds not looking so good for a Lord Bronn of Highgarden at this point…
  3. It's kinda dumb that Father Bad Guy's plan depended entirely on Dan and Maze being able to fight through more than a dozen gang members in order to make the boss spill the beans on who the killer was. And why did the killer commit suicide if he was so devout and suicide is such a big sin in the Catholic Church. Was it just so Ella could make her shish kabob quip? Because if it is, I got a good chuckle out of it, so all is forgiven.
  4. Interestingly enough, this entire Eddie vs Erin fight could have been avoided if Janko had been wearing a body cam when she was interviewing the witness. According to articles I've read, all NYPD patrol officers have been equipped with body cameras as of the beginning of this year. It will be interesting to see if this show incorporates body cams next season. A lot of their story lines revolve around officers saying or doing one thing and witnesses/suspects saying the officers did something else. All that goes away if the officers are wearing body cams. It could force the writers to come up with new stories, instead of recycling the same ones over and over again. The Rookie features officers wearing body cams so it can be done, but the writers on this show are such hacks they will probably go on pretending body cams don't exist. Case in point, in this episode they spent the first half explaining that the ex-girlfriend had to be the killer because according to the building's camera, she was the only non-resident to enter the building. Only we come to find out that the real killer did indeed somehow enter the building in a manner that was never explained. Typically horrible Blue Bloods writing.
  5. Aww Gary Coleman is in hell? Say it ain't so. "Watchoo talkin bout Willis?" I must say, Chloe has the devil himself in front of her and she can ask him anything about God, Heaven, Hell, angels, demons, the whole rebellion thing, the famous people he's met in hell, and these are the questions she comes up with? She must be the most boringest person on the planet.
  6. Do you think they will show the trial of the judge next week or is this story arc over? Because if it's over, they kinda neglected to mention how the judge was able to gain access to a quarter of a billion dollar Defense Department account.
  7. ...and Agent Skinner not guilty!
  8. OMG Sebastian was turning up his nose at American cheese in grilled cheese sandwiches. The guy is dead to me. 😠
  9. On a positive note, I kinda get the feeling that Sansa doesn't need to worry much about finding enough food to feed all those troops anymore.
  10. By definition, an event horizon is the point at which gravity is so great that nothing can escape it, not even light. The ship flying into and out of the event horizon like it was nothing was just absurd. However, since this is a comedy show, when I see stuff like that, I just roll my eyes and go with the flow. I think it's the same thing with the time loop stuff. You just gotta shrug it off because I kinda think the writers didn't think it out as deeply as if they were working on say, a Star Trek episode. Although judging by that last episode of Discovery, I'm not quite sure how deeply Star Trek writers think about the subject either. 😄
  11. The delivery system seemed a little iffy to me. Even if the fan is blowing the mist directly away from you, I gotta believe some of that nasty stuff is going to blow back on you due to air conditioning, doors opening and closing or even the breeze from people walking past you. Also I can't believe that many people would tolerate complete strangers blowing mist on them. Maybe in an outdoor concert, but not inside an airport.
  12. The bad guy's plan left a lot to be desired. Did he think the diplomat was just going to stand there and wave bye-bye as his suitcase was stolen in front of his nose? Not to mention all the cameras and security at the airport. Each time the bad guy needs to smuggle drugs, isn't it going to be obvious that the diplomats from China keep getting mugged for their suitcases?
  13. Unfortunately the most important question raised in this episode was never answered. Namely, did the victim's two friends get stuck with paying the $10,000 bar bill?
  14. I think the most valuable lesson to be learned from this episode is to never order three prostitutes at the same time because the two you aren't having sex with will inevitably start chatting about things you probably don't want to know about.
  15. As a quick PSA: When you hear someone breaking into your house, it's probably not a good idea to run all over the place talking loudly into your cellphone. If someone is stabbed to death in a bar fight, I would suspect the killer would be covered in blood. CSI: NY not doing a good job of finding the murder weapon at the scene. The place has obviously gone downhill since Mac Taylor left. I would have appreciated it if the writer could have told us why the bartender hid the knife. Something like: Killer: "Dude! I just stabbed a guy to death in your bar! Instead of running out the back door, I think I'll just stick around until the cops arrive. Could you please hide this knife for me?" Bartender: "Sure you're my best customer! The bar would probably go under if you went to jail. Of course I'll commit a felony for you!"
  16. I get this funny feeling that the old woman is still alive and will use her magical powers to revive Bajie. Since he died, he will probably come back with some sort of ridiculous superpower. If he is dead for good, I won't miss him much, although he was good for a chuckle or two occasionally - like speculating on what a hawk tastes like while the others are trapped in the car with looks of disgust on their faces.
  17. I didn't realize this show was back (way to go AMC advertising department) so I binge watched the latest three episodes. My thoughts: Awesome fight scene between Sunny and the Widow just makes me wish that they had made the entire season about Sunny and the Widow fighting for control of the Badlands instead of the Pilgrim and monastery storylines, which are garbage. Yes Nick Frost is terrible in his fight scenes, but the guy who plays Pilgrim isn't much better. They both look like a couple of big potatoes fighting. The Master is your cliche Buddhist monk type who only speaks in riddles that no one understands. I find myself hoping that someone will smash that smug look off of her face. MK is useless as always. Tilda is underused, but Nix seems like an acceptable replacement. I miss the crusty dude in the wheelchair, he was cool. If the Black Lotus are such awesome fighters and they hate the black eyed people, why aren't they trying to stop Pilgrim? On a more positive note, Emily Beecham in a fight scene against herself is probably the greatest thing I've seen on television this season.
  18. The thoughts going on inside the boat chief's pea-sized brain: "I have some pertinent information to tell the captain that could stop a thermonuclear war that would kill millions of people and end life as I know it. On the other hand, if I speak up, the weapons officer's reputation might be damaged for a short time until he was cleared. Oh well, when you put it that way, I guess it's best to remain silent."
  19. I had to laugh at Higgins being shot, thrown from a boat, and treading water for hours, and yet she somehow managed to end up on the island with perfect hair and makeup and no sunburn.
  20. If you are going to kill someone shoot him right away, don't just knock him out and tie him up so you can pull your whole mustache twirling routine. I guess the bad guy didn't watch very many James Bond movies growing up...
  21. Of course the one semi-regular in the cast who is black turns out to be a dirty cop. Why am I not surprised? Can’t wait to see what sort of shenanigans Erin’s secretary is up to. She looks very suspicious. /s
  22. One thing that has been made very clear to me from watching these types of shows is to always step very carefully when taking a stroll through the woods because if you should happen to trip and fall, you will invariably land face to face with a rotting corpse.
  23. I must say Adrienne dish looked rather pedestrian. Like someone had plopped a cube of meat and a chunk of broccoli on a rice cake and called it a night. It looked like something you would find at a PTA potluck rather than the final five of top chef. It kind of made me glad that she wasn't moving on if that was the kind of thing we could be expecting in the finale. At least Eric's dish looked looked ambitious.
  24. I think the lesson we can all take from this episode is to never put a Mr. Potato Head on a robot as it might result in the extinction of the entire human race.
  25. The plot didn't make much sense at all. If a drug is being tested for efficacy, then it is in the drug company's best interest to notify the FDA of any manufacturing problems right away instead of trying to hide it. Otherwise the additional deaths would be blamed on the active ingredient in the drug, thus greatly increasing the chances that the drug is going to be rejected.
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