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Everything posted by Rambler

  1. Wow Magnum reaching new levels of stupidity with this one. "I got a great idea! Let's prevent the armed killers from leaving all these innocent potential hostages." Then later he says to one of the killers "There's an armored car full of cash out there. Just take it and go." Except the killer can't go anywhere because the armored car is blocked in thanks to your brilliant plan. Also it needn't be said that deliberately backing an SUV into a beautiful Porsche is a crime against humanity. You are dead to me Thomas Magnum!
  2. I just want to know what cellphone provider Hugo was using so I can sign up. He was getting damn good reception for being in an underground bunker in the middle of a forest.
  3. If someone just provided you some valuable information you couldn't get anywhere else, why would you turn around and kill them? You just wasted a potentially valuable source of future intel since it was established that he had files on other high value targets. Either Covid has killed all the competent Chinese spies, or the writers overstuffed this episode with so much personal story crap that they forgot they needed to establish a motive for the murder.
  4. I guess the idiot who bought the artifacts didn't realize that you're supposed to authenticate them BEFORE you put your money down. I don't see why Kumu just didn’t notify the authorities about the looted artifacts since I’m pretty sure the state of Hawaii would have confiscated them. Now the rich guy gets to keep all the other looted objects. Nice going Kumu!
  5. Eric should use his newfound wealth to hire a bunch of security guards. Knowing how this goes, it's just a matter of time before the Russians, Chinese, North Koreans, Iranians, drug cartels, white supremacists, disgruntled ex-CIA agents and/or Microsoft kidnap him in order to gain access to his new technology.
  6. The pirates were caught by surprise when a "Stormtrooper" actually started hitting what he was aiming for. Obviously the same guy that designed the Death Star designed that refinery. One shot straight down the exhaust port and KABOOM!!!
  7. When Jubal was asking for volunteers to stay behind, for a split second there I thought everyone in the room was going to volunteer as a show of solidarity for poor Elise, but nope they looked like they couldn't wait to get out of that room fast enough. Even the two that stayed behind looked rather reluctant. I guess Elise wasn't all that popular with her colleagues. Maybe they found that she was the one that was stealing their lunches from the fridge.
  8. Nothing like Danny throwing one of his trademark temper tantrums in the first scene of the first episode to let us know that no improvements were made to the writing department during the long hiatus. Baez tumbles down the stairs and immediately turns into whimpering blubbery mess that Danny has to console. She is supposed to be this badass Puerto Rican cop who doesn’t take shit from anyone you idiot writers. Way to ruin the one character that I actually like in this show. So the lady detective who had the case before also went out and questioned the suspect without informing anyone about who he was or where she was going? Quite the coincidence. I have always thought that Danny was the stupidest detective imaginable, but at least he thought to bring along a partner, so that makes this previous detective even more stupid than he was since she didn't. I know that's hard to believe, yet the evidence is right in front of us. If this killer is part of a multi-episode arc, then they set it up in the most boring way possible. What is it about this killer that makes him even remotely interesting? Does he have a unique signature or M.O.? Nope he just puts a bag over his victim's head and leaves them in a park. Any motives established? How about we skip over that part for now. Any weird quirks or creepy vibes? Nah, the only time we see him, he answers the door like a normal human being. Wow this is keeping me on the edge of my seat. If this story will continue over multiple episodes, at least establish that the killer is some sort of diabolical genius that can outwit the police before making that one fatal mistake. But no, in this case, the killer is an idiot who leaves his business card with his victim, which leads the police straight to him. Not to mention whatever evidence he left that lead the previous detective straight to him. I don't get what they are going for here. It takes a dumb detective to catch an even dumber serial killer or something like that I guess.
  9. Kitty was like "Yum! I smell something much more delicious than this dry old kibble I’ve been getting." If I was that old lady, I would be sleeping with one eye open from now on...
  10. He probably told the president he would turn over evidence of election fraud. 😁
  11. So now Stormtrooper officers wear a bright orange shoulder pad? Typical shoddy Imperial design. They might as well be waving a flag saying "Shoot Me First!"
  12. From NIS to NCIS: A tradition of 40 years of crappy building security.
  13. Too bad the missile was a fake. "Angry Karen" would be an awesome name for a missile.
  14. It just feels like they are recycling the plot where Fornell's ex-wife was killed and Fornell went all rogue and Gibbs had to lecture him ad nauseam about not doing anything stupid and he went out and did stupid stuff anyways. Gibbs should be on to this idiocy by now and not letting him go off on his own. At least we can be thankful that Fornell's daughter didn't die or else we might have gotten a repeat of the ridiculous scene where Fornell had Gibbs channel the spirit of his dead ex-wife.
  15. I thought it was pretty obvious that the lady doctor who was all "Grrr, grrr stop asking me all these questions so I can get back to treating my patients" in the first episode was the killer, since they led her away in handcuffs and all. Although I guess it was understandable if much of the audience had fallen asleep at that point since nothing all that exciting happened during these first couple of episodes. At least I appreciate that they appear to have dialed Carter's obnoxiousness level way back this season. He seemed like a normal human being for once.
  16. I guess no one ever explained the basics of defecting to that Russkie pilot. When confronted by a soldier of the country you are defecting to, you are supposed to immediately drop your weapon, put your hands in the air, and say "I wish to defect". Shooting said soldier isn't exactly going to endear you to the officials in charge of granting you asylum.
  17. Maybe that's what he wants you to think. What if he knows exactly what he is doing and is actually turning to the dark side of the force while looking all cute and innocent? How awesome would it be if by the end of the series he turns into… wait for it… Sith Yoda! Of course there is no way that Disney would ever let their little moneymaker turn evil in a million years, but one could dream.
  18. I liked how they showed the Bantha's highly developed survival instincts. The sandworm comes charging out of the cave mouth and the Bantha is like "Yep that dude can run away and make all the noise, meanwhile I'll just stand here all quiet-like while he's being swallowed whole and the sandworm won't even notice me." Of course that didn't work so well in the final fight. Bantha is like "Ho-hum I'll just stand here while this guy right next to me starts running away… Uhhh any time now… Hey dude!!! That thing is charging right at us, why aren't you moving your ass away from me!!! Oh shi…""
  19. Boy it sure took a looong time for C-Span to cut to the "Technical Difficulties" screen. I thought it was hilarious how the screen said "C-Span Your Unfiltered View of Government", but then they went ahead and filtered the view of government in a way. I was missing the classic technical difficulties music playing underneath to make it perfect. I appreciated how the spurting blood must have swerved to avoid all the supes in the room in order to splatter directly on Ashley countless times. I wonder how long until that goldfish A-Train gave to Deep dies a horrible death...
  20. I thought Black Noir is supposed to be some sort of super-ninja type? When Butcher spotted him on the rooftop, he kinda looked like a three year old trying to play hide and seek.
  21. It bugs that the Boys are wanted terrorists who have their faces shown all over the news and yet Frenchie and Kimiko can run around Stormfront's news conference and nobody recognizes them. MM and Hughie can have dinner in a restaurant with Annie and nobody gives them a second glance. Starlight is even more famous and has her face plastered on posters, appears in commercials etc. and yet she can walk with Hughie down a crowded New York street and nobody knows who she is? At least make it more realistic and have her put on a pair of glasses, that way the audience could be sure no one would be able to recognize her.
  22. I have been rooting for Stephanie this whole season because I always root for the underdog (never had an underdog last this long before) however, for the finale, I switched over to Team Melissa. I just felt that she has been so dominant this season that for her not to win would have felt like such a letdown. I would still have been happy if Stephanie had won. I absolutely did not want Bryan to win. I like him, but he has just been on Top Chef too many times after his first season, judging and whatnot. I have always had this funny feeling in the back of my mind that Richard Blais and Brooke Williamson were handed their titles as rewards for their judging appearances on Top Chef after their seasons. At least now I can feel a tiny bit better about the other two winning since maybe the fix wasn't in after all. So congratulations to Melissa, you made the year a little less sucky for me.
  23. I guess Stephanie didn't learn the lesson about how she was eliminated in her first season. Nick made a terrible component for his dish that both Stephanie and Shirley begged him to remove, but he stubbornly refused to do so. It was so terrible that the judges laughed at how bad it was, but since Nick had immunity she was the one PYKAG'd in one of the more famous eliminations in Top Chef history. Maybe she now has some insight as to what he was thinking since I seem to recall that she was quite bitter about it afterwards.
  24. I believe Top Chef only hires servers for Restaurant Wars, the rest of the time they use the restaurant's regular wait staffs. It's hard to believe that an iconic restaurant that's been open for 40 years would have incompetent servers, so there's that. Then if he didn't want the duos mixed together, why didn't he just say so? There have been plenty of times where the chefs give instructions on how the meal is to be eaten. This whole elimination seemed like a bunch of, for lack of a better word.. Malarkey.
  25. I wanted to tell the Japanese chef that probably the main reason she doesn't find bits of shell in a traditional Kaiseki meal is that the chefs that cook it aren't in a competition under a tremendous time crunch. If this whole chef thing doesn't work out for Stephanie, maybe she could find another career as a song writer: "That’s so cold… cuz it's a freezer". The lyrics sent shivers down my spine.
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