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Wandering Snark

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Everything posted by Wandering Snark

  1. Oh yeah, and it was the way he said it that was the worst... SO condescending and superior.
  2. Hah, the struggle against BOTH is real!! I know that about half way through the episode I was happy I wasn't playing the "Drink whenever someone says 'blood on my hands'" game because I'd have been hammered ! Still waiting for the other common virus to take hold this season: MVWTH disease: 'Must. Vote. With. The. House.'
  3. Was just looking over the cast photos and realized it is time, once again, to bring up how this show cannot get away for it's terrible optics at times. It's never entirely their fault but it does continue to happen year in-year out. We didn't banish all the minorities to a 'slum' this year, thankfully. However the first male white HoH now has nominated an older gentleman and a pretty pageant girl that just so happen to both be black. That is the way we come back to the game after the 'breakthrough' season with The Cookout, huh? Interesting. It's also a real hit to the diversity of the cast, in the show's first week.
  4. I'm wondering the same thing *gives secret 'since s1e1' hand shake* this season just annoys me already for some reason. I am getting no vibe from this casting. Some people are so over the top (hello Micheal and Kyle!) I bet they thought 'Wow this HG is really going to be fun and light up the house! People will LOVE their big personalities!!!' For me though? Yeah, not so much.
  5. Terrance: 1. Please STOP referring to yourself as 'DJ Showtime'... I can imagine having to live with him and constantly hearing things like... 'Well you know what? DJ Showtime is going to 'spin' himself a salad!' Every day. Enough!! 2. "Daniel and I have that bond since we're both artists." Actually? No. HE is a performer and I guess 'artist' but you? Are a bus driver. Just like working as a server in a restaurant doesn't give you an "in" with the chef's scene, there is no 'cred' to being a Karaoke DJ in the performance world. You are NOT an artist. Back that unearned swagger down about 5 notches and we'll talk. Paloma: Welcome to the witch hunt! The one being the bitchy catty girl is actually YOU. You were the one that went around and told everyone in the house how badly you want Taylor to go home because she's "a liar" but that only proves that actually you are the biggest liar in the house. Talk about someone who has no self awareness? You're the one coming off as a petty mean girl. "Could still be the first voted out." *rolls eyes* It's pretty obvious one of them is going home due to the this backstage thing, eventually. Why would I be so certain? Because why would they need people to vote to 'save' one of the three unless one of them needed saving? Gah. The 'twists' drive me crazy sometimes.
  6. True, and they have a very low percentage chance of being gunned down while playing OTEV...
  7. Oh deer gahd. I hadn't imagined this being 'the new theme' for the season (until it fizzles out and/or is dropped completely as all season-guiding twists do!) but yeah... you're prolly right on this one. Ugh.
  8. This was my highlight of the show, two people talking to each other animatedly about how much they love their fake jobs neither knowing the other is completely full of shit. It just amused me to no end. I always love the "I wouldn't DARE tell them I'm a _____ so I'm telling people I'm a _____ instead" game. Reminds me of a story from when my sister was in kindergarten. The teacher happened to be a family friend and my dad a troublemaker. When it came to 'we tell what our dad does' (which I'm sure doesn't occur any more but did back then...) dad told her to tell the teacher he was in the Mafia. My sister didn't know what that meant at like age 6... but she get the feeling something was up. She told everyone my dad was a clown. Her classmates all thought that was cool. 😃 Oh I KNOW!! Totally gross. Cooties are real y'all!! Terrance having his pity party of one was really sad. One would assume that the GREATEST karaoke DJ of all time would know how to mix things up and get people together, ya know work the crowd. To our viewing he's done nothing of the sort. Like he's pre-given up already, with his lament that he's old and married and has two strikes against him already so he's just folding his hand instead of, you know, trying harder because of it?
  9. I haven't heard anyone exclaim "I have to go #2" since I was in kindergarten maybe?? It certainly doesn't come up in day-to-day convo. I cringed every time someone said it and it just made it worse that you had to count along for the sake of the comp. *shudder* I love this... it's kind of like a drinking game but with uncontrollable actions instead of drinking. I would laugh my ass of to see how many times these things would come up in the same "strategic" convo: "Okay, I'm going to go fill my water bottle, but *touches nose* at the end of the day It comes down to less blood on my hands. *shudder* Is it cold in here?" mauahaha
  10. Yeah those jeans had a million red flags! The waistline instantly struck me as well. I felt that all was right in the BB Universe as they revealed that we will in fact have at least one 'personal trainer' in the cast. There was SO much mugging and posing for the cameras at every opportunity by so many of the women it made my eyes do their usual reality teeve 'roll back and stick in my head' action. Yeah, super cringe. Do you think that or the videos is the better draw with the ladies?? That was a classic 'in every joke there is an underlying truth' moment you may be poking fun at yourself and laughing, yes, but those two factoids about him paint quite the picture of his life. This isn't a recent graduate ravaged by financial loan debt and cost of living forced to move in with the p's until you can get things under control type sitch here. This is not only a "I just LOVE living with mom and dad" situation but one in which he has chosen to HIGHLIGHT that situation for the world one tok at a time. Yikes. Yeah, nice work set designers!! Set the 'king' off in the upper back corner. I mean he even said 'I couldn't see any of the comps' when he made his choices and had to go with 'so whoever was first out please step forward' approach. Nice. That as the last image of the evening really summed things up. This season is ALREADY drowning in stupid 'twists' and 'clever' advantages/disadvantages. You can see right through them as if someone presented them in a pitch that no doubt included 'You know what would be amaaaazing??' There's an old improv adage in that you confidently work from the angle that the 'format' itself has already proven that it works. You don't need to try to make it 'zany' or 'hilarious' if you work the process you'll get there. Going over the top may be 'funny' but it gets a scene nowhere. It seems they take the opposite approach on BB takes. The yearly approach makes it seem as if they know that they can't just 'let the game play out' or it will fail. As if the base structure is inherently flawed, so they need to 'dress it up' and 'make it crazy!' with continual re-writing of rules and addition of so many complicated 'twists' in every episode that the game is playing the players instead of the players playing the game.
  11. I'm guessing close-ish to your age due to your Kate and Allie reference 😃 (Which I love) I was really waiting for Julie to say to the final three "This puzzle is approximately 5 pieces and looks like you, since we're a live show." I will add myself to those giving the BS Boss the side-eye. Those 'scans' felt a lot like a classic BB 'we want to decide the winner ahead of time but without being able to reallllly be called out for doing so' scheme. I mean, unless it went to the person wearing the most ill-fitting pants in which case I agree with the results. This really was a pretty boring evening though, I hope these houseguests have a little more spark than they displayed tonight. I agree though that the port-a-potty people got shit on. I mean it's different when everyone gets gopped up but to pick a third of the HGs to have to be uncomfortable for the rest of the live finale after doing their comp first was even more cruel than usual. Also, I would bet that the Elvis impersonator decided this was a better way to spend a summer as I hear from a local resident that Elvis' Estate is cracking down on Elvis-led wedding impersonations in Vegas! The house I feel is designed by someone who really needs to follow the 'take three ideas out before completing a concept' rule, I couldn't handle being encased in a house that busy for months. Also, given the theme I feel they can't fully pull it off without Gronk coming in telling us when to party.
  12. Ya know... the more reality tv I watch the more I feel that exact same way. I try not to take it out on my tv though, it's not it's fault it is forced to display this trash 🤢
  13. Saw this post just now, it flashes through everyone in about two seconds flat. Some people have their occupation listed, others info says nothing of their (lack of) employment and instead says 'Single' instead... *side eye* https://twitter.com/i/status/1544396262086266887 First cursory gleaming of info I say to myself "'They casted a Canadian??' Have we not learned ANYTHING in 23 seasons??" Scandalous!!
  14. I think it was just bad strategy on the behalf of Craig's team with the tower. They just didn't quite get in any kind of organized movements while Colton and Ray focused and just banged it out while the other team ran around like chickens with their heads cut off. No plan. Mike even said afterwards that he should have stepped up and tried to focus the group but he just sat there blankly gazing at the trainwreck. I think this show may have to dial it back a bit on the intensity/starkness of Camp Life in order to keep people more healthy... having so many medical DQs has really dampened the overall good vibes of the casting. Still hate Moro's vocal stylings. It's all so oddly put-on. I hope they do do another season but with a different host. I can't imaging that the feedback could be good on how people feel about his role on the show. Funny they seem to have done a really good job casting but then they got the hosting position so wrong!
  15. That's a pretty good summation actually. I was wondering about that moon like thing between Ash's eyes as well. I wonder if it is scarification. She has lots of tattoos so I'd guess that might not be far out of the question?
  16. That whole "I want you to learn to enjoy being alone while in a relationship with me." thing is, unsurprisingly, not that big of a selling point! It's like he wants to be able to do whatever he wants to and then have her be an "all-in" romantic interest (sex) when he DOES decide to spend time with her. I think this is a late stage version of "cooties" iirc. The 'grabbing her chin while kissing' thing made me shudder too... maybe it was the combo of the black nails that made it so obvious and extra. Trace is obviously one of those "Oh, you KNOW what you did!" kind of girls. Because why talk to someone when you can instead punish them for what they may/may not have known was wrong instead? Take this as a glimpse of what your sex like will be like with your new wife, who will 'withhold' sex to 'punish' you for your argument over what kind of bread to buy at the grocery store earlier in the day. She seems to be 'Miss I Have A Headache' as well. If this is your glimpse of how life with someone will be? Run. It should NEVER be that hard to guide yourself through the everything is amazing/infatuation days of a relationship that wane as time passes. He couldn't make any kind of commitment or emotion in 7 years of dating. Now he's all-in 'you are my world!' with Trace in like four days? Dude. What a mess he is. Speaking of being a mess, there's Hania. So you're vaunted 'open relationship' life doesn't play out so well when SHE is the one that sleeps with other people, huh? Thou shalt not try to have your cake and eat it too. Edgar is like, what, 12? Dude is going to be carded 'til he's 40. He seems to be one of those guys that feels things really intensely and can't control that he's a walking wound. So fragile. He'd be the type to romanticize a murder-suicide pact.
  17. That's a really good point, actually. I mention that for example they have 4 females one is Ash and another is Ashley. I mean, really? I think if we take this into account it solves a lot of mysteries/questions. I am a litttle shocked that Edgar cheated on Gillian. That means that two people looked at him and spent any time with him and said "Oh baby take me to bed or lose me forever!!" *shakes head* As I've mentioned in regard to Ash, the fact she has a full-length Daria on her arm both invites and answers a lot of questions about her. She keeps being all about Taylor and how sensitive and caring he is and I just see the smarmiest tempter in the group. He annoys the hell out of me. It was kind of amazing we had two 'friend zones' created in one episode, even if one was done out of spite (I don't understand Trace...).
  18. Yeah, another miss had me thinking about it, if you set up a challenge with six numbers, out of 10 or 100 even how many times could you pick out that #6 when shuffled about??? Good distinction there between "Hate and want to see maimed and/or embarrassed terribly" and "Love to Hate". Yeah that's the part that bug me is that clearly the phrasing has made Maryann think this is an every time deal but for Mike it means 'Whenever it's convenient for me to say' which has consequences in the game. So I hope Mike somehow gets a fake idol to play instead and doesn't know it until Jeff throws it in the fire. (Followed by an optional but welcomed 'Expect the Unexpected' Victory Dance, Touchdown Style by Probst)
  19. I continue to watch in spite of the announcer who only got worse this week. I thought his comment about if Ebonie were a real life tight-rope walker (instead of beeing 6 inches off the ground irl) she would be 'splattered all over the pavement below' was completely uncalled for. Add that to his 'vocal stylings' being a horrible mismatch to the show and, yeah he's a detraction at best. Other than that I am happy that we don't have to deal with the 'drama' of 'Metta wants to quit another show that he clearly doesn't realize what he'll be doing on but that his agent signed him on to do' anymore. Yeah that's how I'm taking it as well, I would at this point sum it up as 'mostly harmless'.
  20. Yeah, there is that... And there is always this too... it's just the way the show is. You just kind of let it wash over you and then put on your swim goggles and join 6 other people of both sexes to wash off the sticky. As for not knowing names, I usually use the cheat sheet with everyone's pictures and names. So... I thought this was a good episode as far as getting to know more of the people on the show. I still don't 'buy' Gillian, something about her irks me, maybe I hold it against her that she called Edgar 'sexy'. She kind of annoys me. I actually think Ashley and Iris can both look very good at times. Ash (c'mon now people you cast FOUR people and you get and Ash and an Ashley?) has a quirky look added to with the Daria tattoo and others. She's more of a 'type' a 'niche' girl I think. But they are all better than the mixed kettle of fish that are the guys... I think referring to the guys as 'facially disadvantaged' is kinda classic. As I've said I just think 'dweeb' when I see Edgar. So young too. I can't help but think that Gillian is the only thing he's ever known. 17 people... they've been dating since they were 17. Lascelles I guess is decent looking, unfortunate giant word tattoo. He seems to to be the only one with something to lose and knows he's been half-assing it. How else do you end up at year 7 with no apparent direction or momentum in your relationship? Luke just comes accross to me as 'goofy'. Ironic that his issue is he wants to be seen as taking parts of life seriously, like relationships... change your vibe dude. Yer goofy. Hania. Seriously? I can't help but hear John Cusak in 'High Fidelity' "Get your patchouli stink out of my store!" That he seemingly revels in being topless with that Austin Powers chest hair and wears Speedos doesn't help this either. I can't take him seriously.
  21. There was no logic to her plan except to cover her own butt, which she figured they would go along with due to her dazzling social game. She wanted the guys to vote for Mike and the women to vote for Lydia.
  22. (Added the [] for clarity...) Yeah I loved seeing Jeff have to forego the "yes there was one less/more vote than there should be here but you saw NOTHING I TELL YOU!!!" song and dance and say 'Yeah, there's like 2 of 4 votes here and we gotta say something about it now... but still, don't mind the mohawked man behind the curtain...' instead.
  23. Yeah it sounded in previews like he was calling for help so he wouldn't drown but in the episode he was struggling with the ladder and got kind of pinned at which point he gave out a panicked 'A little HELP here???' thing toward his team to help him with the ladder. In the episode he didn't appear to be calling out for the mohawk man to come rescue him.
  24. I guess they think that not saying the silly phrases dooms you to continue on without a vote and that's enough deterrent?
  25. I love that we got a glimpse of the burly guy with the mohawk from the crew that went out and got the key down from the pole. But he was only second in impressing me as Jonathan was freakin' legendary in that challenge. On the same note I also liked that they were forced to out who didn't have votes in the best tribal since the 'well, everyone has an idol or advantage except Cirie so she goes home.' tribal. The issue is that while I think that makes the show look dumb, Jeff thinks these are the thing that make Survivor 'So. Epic.' so it's not much of a 'win' for the viewer after all...
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