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Wandering Snark

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Everything posted by Wandering Snark

  1. And here's a BIG part of why BB US tends to be so boring, it's all so repetetive and scheduled slot in new players and watch it churn through a fully programed and pre-set schedule. Blah.
  2. She could have been a threat if she hadn't have borked her one HoH and instead put up X and Ky at the same time. As previously stated: "You had ONE job!!"
  3. Thank you. I can't say how much this has annoyed me. I bet she wears a fanny pack shoulder to hip as well.
  4. I'm so glad there are other fans out there. It's a classic. And it's got raisins. You like raisins!
  5. Classic. And yes, I too was like whoaaa DerF nobody is keeping track of your various non-wins no matter how close... "Damn D almost could have won that one, we better target him before he really does win one!" Says nobody!
  6. Whenever they mentioned Frenchie I thought "Franch Fries!"
  7. Big Brother 16's Victoria may still win over Azah and DerF though as she went through err was carried all the way to the final three despite not showing up at all on the show for weeks at a time. She was and always will be queen of the floaters.
  8. He seems to be legitimately unsure of why he is doing so badly in comps, like his latest breakdown showed. I think he views himself as this great player that can't believe his "bad luck". He's an odd case, but he definitely doesn't see himself as a goat to be taken to the end for an easy win (though he is!).
  9. Am I making this up or did we at one of these egg comps learn that shaking the eggs helped them roll more predictably when they hit the ramp? I remember one person did it then everyone else followed. To which I say "You sir/madame are NO Superfan" if you didn;t know that and I did as I purge most of my reality teevee infor from my mind around 48 hours after viewing 😉
  10. Yeah I think you're right on this one. I was wondering if once they "were able to finally play the game" if the guys would just pick off the women just like we've seen since the beginning. In my mind that would take a bit of the shine off the whole CO thing. As if to say 'Now that we're officially done with the CO let's just do what we want to do and hang together as guys 'til the end.
  11. I was shocked how quickly he completed that puzzle while others had like two pieces slotted in. But he did clearly throw the comic book comp (with the 'boom' 'pow' etc) so he gets a minus there.
  12. What really gets annoying is when it all just runs all together as they try to say 20 people's names between the voting sofa and the door. Apparently they did but the kibosh on shout out people's Instagrams because we saw that happen exactly once. I've long lobbied for this crap to stop but maybe at this point you have to meet a middle ground here and say 'Okay, you can vote and then greet two people then you have to head for the exit'. At least it won't be a constant half muttered stream of names said as fast as possible when moving away from the mic and toward the door.
  13. You really should look up the past two Australian seasons. You literally never know what's going to happen, it's a completely different game. Mainly it's because theirs isn't so structured... also there are no vetos or HoH rooms.
  14. Well that's a big win for the Cookout. Congrats. Now y'all are going to wish you'd voted X out one of those times he was on the block!
  15. This is the one that X has been gunning for/sacrificing for and that's a lot of weight to carry. This I think is why he's so pissed that Tiff is messing with the 6 plan. Tiff doesn't seem to care so much about the six being the last standing. She just wants that process to benefit her as much as possible while others dutifully go on the block and throw comps etc. to send their +1's out of the house. That doesn't 'work' for Tiff though as she is above the rule for the solo 6. The plan is to vote out Alyssa? Too bad, I want to win HoH instead. Welcome to the jury Tiff. Enjoy.
  16. I can see why he's salty though, he's been doing everything he can to keep the group going and undetected but Tiff is only playing for herself. And speaking of HoHitis, I love Tiff's regal wearing of the HoH robe to her nomination ceremony, like in case you bitches forgot who is HoH read the robe!
  17. I hope Claire gets to come back at some point when she has an actual chance to win. This one's gonna bruise though. I was of course waiting for karma to rear it's beautiful head and was happy Tiff didn't get out of this easy. How much do you think she wants to be back on that little disc now? Ya brought this on ya self Tiff. I can't see anyone not putting 1 and 1 together when Tiff says she's in a "deal" with everyone but Alyssa. All of whom are black. But that doesn't mean that Claire has to like it. Understand it as she said, sure. Be happy about it though? Not so much. I feel not one percent bad for Tiff but I do feel terrible for Claire.
  18. There was a lot of my talking back to Tiffany on the teevee tonight. "Oh they mad at meeeee??" Yes. There was a plan. You decided you have a better plan. Well, let's see how that works for you. And beyond that there was a plan for you to be the only one that COULDN'T win it goes deeper to the overall plan that didn't include "And I get to never go on the block AND keep my 'person' while al the others along the way did, too bad so sad." Enjoy Jury Tiff! I have said from the beginning that there is was and always be a crack in the CO and her name is Tiffany. I can't even stand to hear her voice explaining away every time she does whatever she wants while others take the fall for it. And poor Claire deluded really thinks she's on to something now that Tiff is in power again and that it will roll till she gets to be final 4. Having a white girl final four wasn't really the plan but I know, you "came up with" the plan so you get special exemptions. What's one little white girl to matter? What's shifting things for a week to your plan instead of the group plan? No biggie... Usually I'd also enjoy seeing everything burn, and I wish I could enjoy it like you can North of Eden but I just can't here, she pisses me off way too much. Telling people the rules and then claiming you are the only one that can break them just gets to me on a visceral level. I can only hope that this backfires spectacularly on her and soon. C'mon VETO! "Hey Tiiiifiny you say you want the Cookout to be the last ones standing... but... you are too selfish and entitled for it to happen. ZIIINGG!!!"
  19. My thoughts all season has been a more perky Juliana Hatfield 😉
  20. But First: think before you speak Julie. This season Julie is desperate to be seen as 'cool and fun' by the hg's like that one mom that wants to be 'hip' in the eyes of teenagers at their house. Julie has been using their nicknames and making 'funny comments' like this. Her not being not very good at it is the issue though.
  21. Yeah that was a real shocker seeing Big D go down early. Also he said 'I evote to' so clearly this week you know it's just 'his thing' that he hopes they will compile for that day before the vote where they reminisce about their 'journey'. I can't wait until he is evoted out. Too bad Alyssa was throwing up in the background as we checked in (and Julie didn't mention it) because that's her last chance. Speaking of last chances Claire has got to be feeling 'one of these things is not like the other' when she looks around the house... nobody has figured it out fully I beleive because they just can't even go there that the black people are systematically voting out the non-white hgs. We want to see good in people and believe it was 'just the game' but it's not. SB was claiming a 'good game move' but she clearly didn't figure out the racial aspect either.
  22. Are you suggesting production would help 'rig' a HoH comp?? Scandalous!! 😲
  23. And another amazing BB 'twist' fizzles out, shockingly. It was a little heartbreaking to see how hard Claire was playing so that nobody would mess with her HoH. Sad really. The CO did play that one perfectly though as they are all eligable next week for HoH now so Claire may have slit her own throat trying to "protect" Tiff's HoH. Which is bullshit but what 'secret power' hasn't proved to be so? On the point of the CO not being obnoxious about any of their moves in the DR or with each other I guess we can officially say that streak is broken as well with both X and Tiffany getting a leeetile power drunk. Oh well.
  24. Didn't they say there would be a chance to 'earn' more bucks during the week? Did they run out of creative power or time when someone said 'Just have them pick envelopes with bucks in them then." Earn huh?
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