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Everything posted by WhatAmIWatching

  1. When I started the recording, I felt sick that Ronald Richards taped and released that call, it seemed over the line. Then I realized that Tom called *him*. Why was Tom calling him? Was he going to try and intimidate and threaten him as in days of old? Was he going to try and placate him and play the good guy, as he did all the widows, orphans, burn victims, women battling breast cancer, and everyone else he stole money from? He sounded pretty off though, imo, so whatever he intended to do didn't work. He must have gotten stressed after Erika called him to tell him about the latest filing. I kinda wonder if she cussed him out or was harsh and this was him trying to fix it? I'm glad RR taped that, just to cover his own ass. I've been on the fence with RR making everything so public. He seems pretty sleazy and skeevy, but then I remember all the people Tom stole from, and how Erika has behaved when it came to light; how she spent all of that money, and refuses to return anything. She even called those poor people liars. I also remember all the judges, and other people in power, who let this all happen in the first place, and then I'm glad RR puts it all out for everyone to know. I sure wish they'd go after the judges, the people in power at the Calif Bar, and everyone else that were bribed or intimidated by Tom, and enabled him to run his massive grift. I don't understand why the sole focus is Erika. Yes, she and Tom benefited the most, but a lot of other folks need knots yanked in their tails too.
  2. She should have just written that we're all haters, pussies and hoes and got it over with, a la Rinna. Misunderstood my Aunt Fanny! Hateful, abusive, and freaking finally not being protected by the editors, is more like it.
  3. In the previews for the next episode he's sitting talking with a young man, and the guy asks Chleb if he loves her (yes) and basically can Chleb handle all that's in her life. Chleb is supposed to look thoughtful there, but to me his face said Hell No, and then the preview ended before he answered.
  4. Soo I was on Page Six for an article concerning the SLC HW's and I stumbled across this from June regarding Caroline Stanbury (currently on RHODubai, previously on Ladies of London): https://pagesix.com/2022/06/17/caroline-stanbury-slams-kyle-richards-account-of-when-they-met/ On wwhl, Kyle said Caroline Stanbury stole a jacket of hers! When Caroline called her on it, Kyle acknowledged in Caroline's DM that Caroline did return said borrowed jacket, and then purchased one from Kyle's store. So on live tv, she lied and basically called Caroline a thief and didn't bother to set the record straight publicly! She's such a piece of work! What is going on with her this year? I know she has had mean tendencies over the years, but from my memory, she's not been quite this evil before.
  5. I get it, and I do lose a lot of my compassion regarding her, but for me it's the way she treats people. People in her family, her customers and fans m, people she bumps into at the store (the "stalker" who complimented her eyes). She treats anyone she doesn't deem worthy like peons; far beneath her lofty perch, and not worth the air they breathe.. unless of course they can do something for her. (Ok, the family, I can kind of understand, because they've shown they can be awful to each other.)
  6. It's so silly that they are so far behind real life on the show! When will we see what they're currently filming, when the twins are 30? I don't understand why TLC doesn't just do a double season airing and get things caught up.
  7. Can you imagine? In my mind, I am seeing her acting soft-spoken and shy, until a juror frowns or coughs, and then she climbs up in the rail and gets all up in their face, with her long fingernail pointing at them, all while screeching obscenities and telling them how stupid they are. On a serious note: the fact that she wasn't offered a deal is pretty bad for her, no? Since all of her underlings already turned and pleaded, I guess there was nothing left to offer her, but it sounds like they believe she was the top dog of the operation and is going to get the book thrown at her. I would be seriously shaking in my shoes and not taking SM pics with my coworkers. Is Bravo filming their time before the trial starts? The Page Six article Jennifersdc linked mentions cameras following them and snaps of them doing promotions together, and pics of Jen all decked out in costly designer duds and handbags. She really doesn't get it, does she?
  8. Innnnterresting that she reached out to Brooks instead of Ayan though. Ayan would have shredded her! Lesa may have, too, but Ayan would have verbally dismantled Rinna. lol at the parody account tho. I know the Donn Gunvalson got me a couple times before I realized.
  9. Yes! I just watched the never before scene and it was Kyle grabbing her from behind while they were dancing. I went thru this episode from the start of the party and onto the current episode to the end of the party, and there was no mark on Sutton's shoulder until she sat down with Diana, so it happened between when she asked Diana to go talk and when they sat down. Also: Sutton wasn't as drunk when she asked Diana if she wanted to go talk. Kyle wasn't either, the. Suddenly, they were both blasted, so there must have been editing, or lag for the cameras to get set up for their "private" kiki in that other seating area. She was rude and condescending to Diana when they first sat down, but still didn't deserve the abuse she received from Kyle. Ugh, and seeing Kyle pull her chair right up on top of Sutton and leaning into her so much she was practically in Sutton's lap just before she started shaking her finger inches from Sutton's face, then the pushing and yanking of Sutton; forcefully grabbing her arms and wrists, and re-grabbing them when Sutton extricated herself, pissed me off all over again. Kyle is a menace. Kyle's "apology" at their lunch after was a joke. She pushed Sutton's shoulder again, albeit much more gently this time, and also asked Sutton if she was going to claim Kyle "punched her again", when Sutton asked for a hug. Kyle needs to keep her giant hands to herself. I wish Sutton would stahp with asking these terrible people for hugs when they've been abusive or argue with her. Sutton drives me nuts a lot, and has very annoying traits, but people don't get to assault her just because she can be annoying.
  10. It's idiotic of them to act surprised over a "scare" though since they both mentioned that they aren't using anything to prevent pregnancy. Although, if they've been together two years and haven't yet become pregnant, it's possible that Shep's sperm is pickled from his massive alcohol intake. Chleb apparently only wants to be on tv. Katherine is looking rough. Her need for constant drama and upheaval is so very unhealthy. I actually felt a little bad for her this episode, even though she's created a lot of this from the choices she's made. What in the heck was that pasta sauce? It was runny and gross! Did she mix ketchup and water and added some purple food coloring? I know Whitney is an ass, and Patricia can be too, but I enjoyed him catering to her, and playing chauffeur and escort for the farmer's market, and her ordering him around like he was her new butler. He's my age and acts like an 80 year old man! Patricia must feel lost without Michael. She seems a lot more frail than last time this show was on.
  11. I'm in! But I'm bringing popcorn. Think I have enough or should I get more? I can't wrap my head around her going through with a trial! This can't be the smart way to go.
  12. I sped through to look and yep, you're right, it was already there! I wonder if she scratched her shoulder or something? Because it looks like finger marks. But it does appear and disappear when they're all 3 there together--eta: nope that was just lighting/shadows. It stayed there. She also has something red in her hair on her left side. It looks kind of like a lip print.
  13. She was so darn smug when they were at that restaurant when she told them (paraphrased) that they would wake up one day and she'd be gone. That's why I had less compassion for her. She insisted on continuing the "relationship" with Sam without ever stopping to listen to what Leo was telling her. Leo must have been so offended that their mother believed in a stranger far more than their own child. I did have pity for her though, which she would hate. I still believe Robyn had a hand in the whole thing, with her pal Kendra. I believe she helped set Meri up, or at least knew about it and did nothing to prevent it. You take that ewww back! 😂 I adored Tiny Tim when I was little and played his music on repeat on my little record player. It wasn't until I was an adult that I realized what an odd duck he was.
  14. I have been wondering if she has the same thing as Robyn, where one looks pregnant but they aren't sue to the abdominal muscles. I think it's diastasis recti? (I spend so much time calling Robyn everything but her name, that I legit couldn't remember it for a minute 🤣)
  15. This one to me is the worst. People pulling these types of shenanigans either don't realize, or flat out don't care, that by lying over needing accommodations make it that much harder for folks with legitimate disabilities. It infuriates me! All over not wanting to pay the fee to fly their dogs, they make other people's lives much more difficult.
  16. The way she shrank into herself, avoided meeting Kyle's eyes and went totally passive and didn't shove Kyle off when she was being shoved, yanked and having her arms gripped made me think she's had physical abuse somewhere in her past. Is it odd that there was no wwhl tacked onto the end of rhodubai? Could Andy be avoiding dealing with this major disaster of a week?
  17. This is why I don't buy her recent "apology" post, which had zero apology in it, and was basically only a recap with justifications. She sat there while Garcelle and Sheree ever so politely and succinctly schooled her, so she's already known that she, Dorit and the giggle boys were way out of bounds. She lived this shit last year, she didn't have a Freaky Friday moment where she switched bodies with someone and had no idea what her body did all year, and the best she could come up with was 'I just saw the clips and that's not what I meant.' And she still hasn't apologized for physically abusing Sutton, and still no apology to Garcellle and her family. Not a word from the rest of the clowns, either.
  18. WHAT?!? Eat crow? What if it's LOIS! 😆 Weird how in the clips, when Erika was shouting GTFO to Jax that the sound was very loud and clear, but on the actual show, it was very quiet. He didn't hear her saying "get out of here before you get into trouble", so all he knew was this drunk woman was cursing at and telling him to leave for no reason. She may have been joking, but her voice did no reflect that at all. Right? It's sick and twisted that these grown-assed women can't hold it together enough while being filmed to not physically abuse a coworker, scream obscenities at coworker's kids, come onto adult children of coworkers, or talk about sex acts in front of a table full of kids (Denise's party).
  19. Oh godddd not Erika with the "your boys were so well spoken" micro aggression! Why not just say they were articulate, you daft cow! Kyle can't help herself and always has to have ott expressions and has to stick her 8th nose into everything. It's not about you, Kyle! Erika can speak for herself. Quit excusing her horrendous behavior! She only wants Erika going off the rails so her own life isn't under scrutiny. I will never forget her physical abuse of Sutton, and if she's that comfortable assaulting someone on camera, how far does she go in private? Lmao, Garcelle and Sheree shut Kyle tf down. That was amazing! Rinna Presley sitting there, wheels turning, trying to figure out how to keep Kyle, Erika and Dorit's mess from sticking to her. Can she switch sides and no one will notice? Lol. Yeah, you're backing the wrong team, you beast. Overly-verbose Dorit knows to keep her mouth quiet then, but I'll bet she's going to snark it up in her TH's or come for Garcelle and/or Sheree later.
  20. I'm starting to think that the foursome dinner malarkey was shot sometime BEFORE Dorit's talking head was taped (about how Erika's verbal abuse made her sick to her stomach). It might have dawned on her that all of it was a really bad look for all of them, and she was trying to belatedly do some damage control. Didn't work, imo. They're all garbage, racist people, as in Erika, Kyle, Mo, Dorit, PK and Rinna, who outed themselves with these latest SM posts and show previews. In order to relieve some of my outrage over this awfulness, I'm imagining the FF5 trying in vain to find a way to pin all of their mess on LVP. 😆 Their group texts must be fast n furious about now.
  21. She's a liar and sick and alcoholic! ...wait 😆 Look at Sutton's face! Kyle is physically hurting her! I know I've never treated any of my friends like that. With friends like Kyle.. Floor cooch and the hair-o-copter was already unforgivable and now we have all this!
  22. And remember Erika AND Teddi were upset and posting 'shame shame on her' in public over Garcelle, putting in her book when Amelia, who was 19, told her to fuck off. -It was about Rinna's own body/food issues possibly influencing her daughters in a negative way, that Garcelle first asked Rinna on the show- So that wasn't ok, but this is? Hokay. Got it.
  23. It there an apology in there somewhere,'cause I'm sure not reading one. She really needs to step away from SM for a bit! Uhh...she just saw the clips? Hello? Wasn't she there in real time when it was happening? She didn't want Sutton to steal Diana's camera moment? What, during the conversation between Sutton and Diana and Sutton said she didn't want Kyle there for? Have I lost my mind and did Kyle watch the same clips I did? Cheese and rice, I feel gaslit right now. No mention of her yanking and shoving Sutton around, assaulting her and leaving marks? That doesn't warrant a public apology? What about an apology for shouting at Sutton that she didn't believe her miscarriages really happened, and if they did, they were a long time ago so they don't count? Then onto: Oh, we were so happy that sloppy Erika was having fun, that her cursing out a 14 year old child was less important? Chicken and waffles, I can't. Her first words were "Did you guys know Erika told Garcelle's 14 year old son to fuck off?" And laughed. She's so full of 💩 No public apology for Garcelle and her sons? No mention that she's apologized to them privately like she did Sutton? I am laughing that she apparently posted this to her stories, like don't those disappear in 24 hrs? Not brave enough to post it on her main page I guess 🤷‍♀️ Kyle, you are full of it and are a horrible, nasty and abusive person. I'm just being HONEST, girl. You should have kept your mouth shut after your earlier post, because you just made it worse and I didn't think that was possible.
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