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Everything posted by WhatAmIWatching

  1. It's all good, NoWhammies! (I laugh every time I read your user name and sometimes have to say it out loud like the game show) It is so individual! My BIL has had thyroid issues, and then removal, and didn't have the same issues I've had. He also didn't have Hashimoto's, and I do, so I wonder if that's a little pice of the puzzle? Since they put so much out in public, it would be nice if ol Robyn would just say something about it. She could acknowledge it at least, so I can move on to complaining about something else about her lol! It also strikes me how much more fatherly appearing Kody is to Robyn's children that aren't biologically his.
  2. I'll argue with this and the post above you just a teeny bit. My wonky, giant thyroid is a pain in the patootie, and we can't seem to find the sweet spot that allows me to be an actual human all of the time, or even most of the time. I'm more human in bursts. After many years of treatment, I'm still quite symptomatic, which is beyond irritating, but then I also have a more than a few different issues that cause severe chronic pain that have some overlapping symptoms with thyroid stuff, so who knows with my odd body! But I am definitely not a Robyn, and I still get stuff done without household staff or whining, even if it takes me a bit longer than 'normal' people! (Okay, I sometimes whine quite a lot, but I still do the needful)
  3. THIS this so much this! I thought my loathing for K-dawg was coloring my perception, but I got that same feeling. So if he's at Robo's all the time, what is he doing? Is he 'working' (read: scouring the Internet for positive comments about himself; reading all the curly girl method blogs; researching the next mlm to invest in? ) It can't be the camera and any possible crew around, because they've had that and those same people around them their entire lives (the youngest ones at least). I'm starting to feel that Robyn is looking so rough, (besides possible thyroid issues, as that can take a lot out of a person), because she's having to do everything on her own, unless she nags the heck out of Kody to participate. I bet dealing with Kody all the time is like having a petulant child to raise. He exhausts me, and I only see snipets of him a few times per year! If this ends up being the last season for them, I do feel bad how it ended. If this was my life being shown, I wouldn't want this last episode to be my legacy. I wish I could emoji some of your posts more than once! Oh! (As if my post wasn't long enough) To touch on his absolute rage toward everyone and everything: what is that about? It seems that he's had a bunch o wives, a passel of children, and many moves full of mayhem to keep chaos at its peak, but why? What inside himself is he running from and won't hold still long enough to examine?
  4. I'd watch a Christine On Her Own show! I bet she would blossom once she got on her feet. I'd also watch the current train wreck if TLC pulled in some of you eloquent, thoughtful and well-informed posters, as sort of translators for each wife. I can picture (or is it pitcher?) a big meeting circle out on their property, with one or two 'translators' per wife speaking up and saying all of the necessary things they leave unsaid, (or half said and circled talked around for years). Of course, I'd expect some snarky asides with tips on exactly what to do with Kody's hair thrown in for good measure! I'd dearly love seeing someone giving the douche and his dark bride some well-earned what for, as my Granny used to say. It would be great to duct tape that lousy excuse for a man to one of those picnic tables, and force him finally explain their finances in great detail.
  5. I see your perspective and respect it! I'm glad you know I wasn't making fun of her (that would make me a hypocrite). I do make fun of her Strive nonsense and her 'healthy' meal pictures, because self-awareness doesn't seem to be a strong point, (well, with any of them really), and her food always looks inedible. (Even raw veggies. How does one manage that?) I will always unapologetically make fun of *everything* about Kody and Robyn because they are such hateful, manipulative trolls. I wish all of them would speak to each other how they speak in their individual TH's. They could've solved, or at least acknowledged, what their true issues with each other are if they did. I wish I was a fly on the wall when they each watch the TH footage for the first time! I bet there are fireworks. Either that or they ignore it all and sweep even more crap under the rugs.
  6. Janelle isn't happy. Look at her, she's humongous and half-comatose. Changing the way they communicate won't change diddly, unless they say what they really mean and feel, instead of dancing around the hard truths all the dang time. Forgive me if my typing is bad, but I think my eyes rolled out into the street when The Chin said she and Sol were high risk to once having pneumonia and rsv respectively. Chile, neither of you are high risk. I had to inject some humor during the absolutely horrible scenes of Christine's. (It was too much and made me rage with how uncaring and dismissive her 'family' was! Her entire heart breaking in front of all of them, and us, to watch. I also didn't believe it was possible for me to loathe Kootie even more.) All I could think was she needed to stand up and do the Citizen's Divorce like in the movie Man With Two Brains.
  7. I'm on mobile, and safari takes me straight to a log in page. Did they do another update to force people to sign up?
  8. That's what I don't understand! They don't have to be afraid to see doctors because they're polygamists (if they ever really were afraid for that reason) but they certainly don't take health issues seriously. Irresponsible idiots! I'm still angry with them over Truely. Janelle is a moron for letting that lip nugget go so long, but she's an adult who can make her own choices, while Truely was a helpless child. Blaming Ysabel for her scoliosis, and not responding quickly to Dayton's eye injury, showed yet again how stupid those parents really are. Their priorities are so messed up. So good to hear that your docs were quick and that everything is fine! I know the process to get to the all-clear is stressful. You didn't drag your feet in getting it tended to, or go visit a woo 'doctor' for pvc pipes and snake oil? what's wrong with you? 😆 I have cold nodules, which are the type that could potentially some day turn cancerous. Every so often, we aspirate them and check if anything has changed. Nothing to do about the goiter, though, but most of mine grows inward instead of outward, so eventually I may have to have the whole shebang removed if it ever starts impeding breathing or swallowing. I can't imagine ignoring something obvious happening like they do. I don't like doctor visits, but we are made of meat, and eventually something is going to go bad, so I suck it up and get things done.
  9. I see what you're saying and agree, and if any of the of the wives start talking about the state of their love tanks, ala Vicky G, I will have to drive across the country to hand out some throat punches. It's just that, it's also been 20+ years for 3 wives, and what? over 10 for the chinny-chin-chin? I would think, by now, the wives would have realized that Kootie isn't up to it, or doesn't give a hoot, and would have found coping skills and ways to peacefully co-exist, and maybe even find ways to enjoy and emotionally support each other, without everything resting on Kody's Festivus pole. After all, they're having to spend not only this life with each other, but eternity, too. Aren't their edges smoothed out yet? It's like a group project at work or school. There's always that one slacker that won't do their part, or does subpar work, so everyone else pulls together to get that good grade anyway. Sure, there's lots of complaining at first, but then you get on with it. These ppl seem stuck in the complaining part. My husband is a fixer, but I'm one who likes to vent my spleen when I feel like I've been wronged by someone. I've learned, over the years, that if I need him to actually *do* something, I'll tell him about it. If I want to parse and analyze every word and facial expression ad nauseam, I hit up my sister, or girlfriends, who enjoy that as much as I do. It's not that my husband isn't supportive, we just are viewing how to deal with an issue differently. But then, we're monogamists, so we're probably doing it wrong.
  10. I'm rewatching this ep right now, and I found where Robo keeps Koty's balls! Holy goiter, Batman! I have large one, too, from Hashimoto's, but hers is massive! It was even jiggling during her backyard talk with Janelle. (And yes, I rewound those scenes twice to watch it dance) Yes. They're just phoning it in now, what with all the flashbacks and rehashing. They're the production version of Janelle.
  11. Wellll, okay...I could mayyybe get on board with this IF the other wives were a support system for the upset/unhappy/what have you wife. ( I couldn't do the multiple spouse thing, but I'm not good at sharing. Just ask my husband when he wanted a bite of my ice cream bar last night 😆) It's strange to me that after all these years of them being together, that they haven't figured out a way to make things less fraught, or found a way to be a cohesive unit. From what we're shown, none of them seem to know -or care to know- each other very deeply.
  12. I don't believe he's going from house to house at all...unless the cameras happen to be there. This -to me- would also explain how frazzled he is with it,(besides his normal OTT 'I'm so busy' blustering), he's not used to it; there hasn't been an established, well-worn routine.
  13. I taught preschool during my young adult years, and needed a specific amount of college credits, certain classes, and a certificate to do so. I lean toward the above mentioned belief that she's a class parent, because, otherwise she would've plastered getting the required educational units (and how hard, and how much work it is 🙄) all over SM eta: and why on earth would she choose that when it's obvious that she doesn't like kids that much?
  14. Oh I agree! She annoys the crap out of me almost every scene she's in! I would've laid some home truths on her many seasons ago, and called her out on her pass-agg bs each time. Which is prob why I wouldn't be allowed in their family. (Though I do enjoy some of her snarky comments recently, and hope she keeps that up.) Wait, work?! The word/action to which they all seem to be allergic? 'Job' must be as scary as 'monogamy' to them 😝
  15. Thank you so much! It makes me sad to read that, and I wonder what she would have been like if she'd been able to go off to college, away from her family, and have her world view challenged. (At 19, I didn't know who I was, yet also knew everything lol. I'm glad I didn't choose something as large as a marriage or kids until later on. I wasn't responsible enough to handle anything of the sort at that age.) What you wrote reminds me of when I worked with a woman who was the pickiest of nit-pickers, and tried taking charge of every single thing that had nothing to do with her. I found out much later, that her husband was a super controlling person. In hindsight, I see her grasping control over minutiae at work as a response to being controlled at home. I have compassion now, but at the time I was annoyed and couldn't stand her always trying to control how I did my work, instead of focusing on her own. I also have to question all the therapy they've had. It seems a lot of Meri's baggage could've been worked on, with the guidance of a good therapist, to help her figure out exactly what her deep down self is trying to tell her, and bring what she really wants to light and move forward from there. (Unless, of course, she's never put her infamous walls down far enough for a therapist to get at the meaty stuff.)
  16. Are any of Meri's behaviors learned from her childhood when her parents were practicing polygamy? I wonder if she's repeating what she saw modeled, or if playing the victim (but vehemently denying it) worked well for her during younger years, to get her needs/wants met. Did her mom leave polygamy? If yes, is it known why she did? I also wonder if Christine's mom still lives with Christine and why she left polygamy? It looks to me like their retirement plans might be moving in with their grown children. 🙄
  17. Ok I had to register just so I could vent about these morons! I can't tell anyone I know that I watch this stuff 😂 I am old, so it wouldn't be me having more kids, but no one in my family and friend circle, of child-bearing age, were even considering getting pregnant, (on purpose!), during this pandemic! Especially during the beginning when the world was turned on its ear. Wth are they thinking? There's no way in heck I'd fight anyone for Kloddy's Vienna sausage! I don't know what it is, but he has always made me very uncomfortable, and slightly nauseous (on tv and in still pics). Maybe it's all the weirdness he exudes? He is just one giant red flag.
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