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Everything posted by WhatAmIWatching

  1. hahahahahaha! According to Rinna, one thanks in person just isn't enough. I wonder what she would feel is good to send, as a further thank you, if it was a great time? A box of those rocket shaped popsicles? Phallic looking flowers? Singing telegram with the person dressed in a penis costume? A pack of hotdogs? I mean.. Erika just wishes she had a one, but she herself is a giant dick, so she's probably thanking herself all day long!
  2. "It's not your d*ick, It's me. I need some space" or "We need to talk.. about your lousy d*ck" 🤣 I haven't watched the episode yet. I'm not having fun with the show at all this season, it's too infuriating. I'm living for all of your comments though!
  3. Ok redid it. Here again is the article about the earrings, this time under spoiler for length!
  4. The second article about the judges is under spoiler just above ^^^^ . Spoilered for the length. I tried to edit the first one, to put it under spoiler too, but I don't know what I'm doing and can't figure it out!
  5. Earrings one: I deleted this one because it was too long. (I'm like Kyle, y'all) Full article is under spoiler a few posts below! I apologize for making a mess of this!
  6. Whoa: https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2022-08-04/erika-jayne-tom-girardi-diamond-earrings This one, too: https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2022-08-04/tom-girardi-erika-corruption-private-judges
  7. I think I missed something, as I didn't hear her defending Kathryn? At Naomi's party, Olivia asked Naomi why she went to Kathryn's party since Naomi kept talking crap about Kathryn. As she asked Naomi that, Venita, Gray Madison and Leva jumped on her. Why did they get involved? Then at the Garden party, Venita confronted her over walking away at Naomi's party, and also for what Kathryn did, and Olivia said she wasn't going to speak on it without Kathryn there. I didn't like the cancel culture comment one bit, but I can understand her being flustered by a gal, that she's just barely met, confronting her on two separate occasions over something Olivia had no part in. Go confront Kathryn again. To me, it seems like Venita had some misplaced frustration and anger. She's still upset over Kathryn's awful emoji and horrific comments, and she was mad at Madison for inviting Kathryn and Olivia to the joint party. I'm sort of not understanding Venita's pov, because she said "I don't like that girl" about Olivia when she had just met her, and has made it known since the previous season that she (justifiably) can't stand Kathryn, so why does she keep saying she wants to be friends with them, yet keeps confronting them? Why would she even go to Kathryn's party if she believes she's a horrible person? What has Olivia done that is so terrible? Has Kathryn done more racist stuff since that time or not, and are people allowed to learn and grow? (I can't stand her for myriad reasons, but I feel there should be room allowed for learning and growth.) What exactly is Venita wanting from both of them? Where is all this energy towards Madison, or even Patricia, who is known in the past to have racist artifacts proudly displayed in her home? (Idk if she still does or has learned since then). Why isn't she mad at Leva who started the whole mess at the table in the first place, but left Venita flapping in the wind?
  8. I wonder how much of a pay cut Tamra had to take? There's no way they brought her back at the same bloated salary she had before.
  9. Lmao! The Recycled Housewives of Orange County. I would love a housewives city shuffle, that would be hilarious. Sort of like the UGT shows but meatier. ehhhh don't care for Tamra much, unless she's changed a lot. I can't see how she'll help a thing? She was quite the Heather bootlicker, wasn't she? (Although l do still laugh about her drunken hiding in the bushes at Shannon's party.) So glad Vicki isn't back. Anyone that willingly and purposely helped a guy fake cancer is a major loser. That's beyond low. They should have axed Hip and Casita, since neither one brings a thing. I hope this won't be an entire season of piling on Shannon. Shannon is annoying af, but I'm very sick of the cast gang ups on one person.
  10. That, and they kept showing her standing around while the others were working, or walking off while others got down to work. I think the bad editing happened, because she was caught so many times shirking work, to firm up that storyline. It was wild that Storm was literally floating away on the nautibuoy and she was right there, but she had to call that other deckie to jump in and grab the rope. What was that about? Even the last docking, she was standing still clutching her radio, instead of rushing and heaving lines like everyone else. She must be used to a very laid back boat(s) or padded her resume.
  11. Ronald Richards tweeted that the lawsuit is some sort of PR stunt
  12. Yes, that's Garcelle's friend! It appears she's panhandling on the internet, but I hope that's not it, because that's supremely tacky and tone deaf if she is, especially when so many are trying to figure out how to pay rent, bills and buy food. She has a lot of these posted too, for different months. Those weird posts, combined with her glowing words about Diana, Erika and Rinna, have me side-eyeing her. Definitely don't need yet another villain (or willain) on the show, there's already four! (Four and a half with Dorit?)
  13. Wait... are you implying that Rinna hasn't owned it?? Watch out, Surrealist, the Farce Farts Five will come for you! Funny how Rinna is always adamant that people she doesn't like or is beefing with own it, but she never owns her own stuff, and never makes the same demand of her clique.
  14. Does anyone know what this is all about? Did Bravo seek out yet another grifter? Is she straight up asking for the internet to just send her money? https://www.instagram.com/p/CcQVcNur9Xj/?utm_source=ig_embed&ig_rid=75595dd4-484c-4cee-b16b-c0d53bda6549&ig_mid=5160FE9D-03B8-4AC4-A8F2-57F4262BF8F1 ..And then it looks like she said in an interview that Rinna is maternal, Diana and Erika are the most authentic on the show. She says Diana is very authentic and real, and Erika is transparent and honest m, interesting and takes responsibility. Whomp whomp we were rooting for you, Sheree.
  15. 👋 Me as well! He seems like such a dorky, awkward thing! I like his guitar playing and how protective he is over Patricia. I know he's had some not so nice moments on the show, but it seems like he may have grown up a lot.
  16. I agree with your financial assessment of the Gorgas. They also seem a little grifty, at least Joe does. I wonder how much income Melissa's provides? Didn't Bravo put the show on hold when Tre was "away"? I remember the Tre special they did, but I can't remember if they did a season without her or not. I thought they waited until she was out to resume a full season? Bravo made Tre the show. She used to be tv gold with all her mispronounced words, purposely showing how not very smart she is, and always organically having something going on. it didn't feel like activities just for filming like a lot of the other cast's segments feel. But at this point, she seems to be phoning it in, or actually hating filming now.
  17. I dove back in and watched the fauxtervention. That was a waste of airtime. I wonder if the scene with Garcelle and the cognac was chronologically before or after, because if it was after, then what was the point of the intervention? (Except to show that Rinna was wearing the same top she wore to Sutton's muddy yard party!) If you look at Dorinda from RHONY, when she's as schwasted as Erika's claiming to be, her makeup gets smeared, her hair ends up wild, her eyes are glassy and unfocused, and Bravo even writes [unintelligible] because she's slurring so heavily. I don't see *any* of that with Erika. Maybe some slight cotton mouth sounding speech, which had me wondering if she's partaking a bit of another substance on top of everything else, but that's it. No shame on you at all, it's all her. She's throwing out everything she can to distract, deflect, and garner pity to change public opinion -and possibly keep her job since she's not at all forthcoming about her legal mountain like we were promised before the season started. None of her legal mess has really been brought up this season, except in the "Aw, the poor thing is going through a lot" way. Wish we knew what her lawyers and Tom really say to her.
  18. Hahahaha, That is GLORIOUS! Hysterically awful. Thank you, NoWhammies, that is delicious! ..and now I'm going to have to listen to it a million times and add it to my terrible xmas music list.
  19. I think I wrote this before, but I swear in one of Rinna's first seasons, she mentioned something like Lois wasn't so sunny and happy until after her first stroke. I remember getting the feeling that Rinna had an unhappy childhood, and that her parents possibly weren't the nicest people. Then, add in what you wrote, that she hadn't visited for so long, (and I think that the girls had only been to Oregon twice in their lives?), and I too believe Rinna has revised a LOT, especially once the Lois we saw was such a big hit with the viewers. All that, combined with the detached and unemotional way she always spoke about her, (when alive and after her passing), and the use of Lois to sell lipsticks literally days after her death, makes me think that there's a lot more there. (To me, she comes off emotionally detached from her daughters, too, even when they're dealing with some very heavy issues. She uses their very serious problems for a storyline, and that is highly questionable and gross.)
  20. Gawwwd that felt very "Mommy, watch me!" and very elementary school Christmas concert. His voice isn't terrible, but it's not great, either. No breath support. That IS my favorite carol though, so he gets 1 point for that. I was mildly embarrassed, and then ERIKA! What was THAT? She sounded like my cats when they're play fighting. I died from the secondhand embarrassment. Oy Oy Oy, honey, no. I died again when the man behind her got up and moved away during her caterwauling. I was resurrected by all the side-eyeing, head turning and WTH glances. She couldn't carry a tune if it had handles and a 'this end up' sticker. I haven't finished the episode yet because I keep having to take breaks to release all the cringing. I do believe she is only tipsy and not drunk, though. She's far too put together and physically controlled to actually be as sloppy as she's attempting to portray. This act is just a distraction. Is she trying to get sympathy with that crap?
  21. Wellllllll... now I know why Lisa usually wears a hairstyle or wig that has bangs. I thought this was one of those face-morphed, silly pictures at first! That's a very "take me to your leader" lewk.
  22. RIP Big Lou! Lmao at PK having one glass. I don't drink, and even I know you don't get a Deewee from that when you're a man his size. ..Unless he borrowed Dorinda's glass?
  23. I liked Eileen, too. I also liked Rinna her first season. I even liked Erika when she first arrived, because the others were so shocked and bothered by her. It was hilarious how Rinna was put off by Erika's 'Erika Jayne' videos and antics, but then she went on to make her own underwear dancing videos for IG, and the spread eagled dancing on the table in PK's face 🤣 Lisa is the follower of followers! She's the follower-ist! Hahaha
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