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Everything posted by chitowngirl

  1. Voiceover-I'm so sorry for your loss.
  2. I would love to get my hands on the naturalization records in the Cook County Building! My great grandparents all came from Luxembourg and Germany right to Chicago and their papers would be there. I suspect the average Joe just can't go paging through there. From what I remember about getting my own birth certificate for my passport, you take a number, wait, fill out a form, wait, and then you get your document. Maybe for doing genealogy research it is different.
  3. Claire tackles spring cleaning, while Phil worries that Luke is getting better than he is at just about everything. Elsewhere, Haley tries to get Alex's mind off school by taking her to a music festival; and Gloria and Jay promise to give up their vices of Spanish soap operas and cigars, respectively, but it's easier said than done when Gloria attends Cameron's faculty talent show and Jay goes with Mitchell to pick up Lily at camp.
  4. Derek definitely. Amelia, maybe, because she's family. Probably Christina!
  5. T is for Teeth which Ross got blindingly whitened.
  6. One episode I haven't seen mentioned yet is when Ross comes on to his cousin. He even justifies it by rationalizing that she is coming on to him. Yuck.
  7. Didn't ER do an episode about a night shift in the ER and nothing much was going on in terms of patients?
  8. I thought the bird flew away when they reversed the vacuum cleaner. I find Matthew Perry's slurring s's very distracting.
  9. Oh, most definitely! My husband was watching with me. The only reason it was on was that The Music Man was on before it. He hates musicals (but loves opera, go figure!) and he was riveted and loved it. He liked that there was dialog and not just song, song, song.
  10. I watched Fiddler on the Roof last night for the first time. Wow, that movie did nothing for me.
  11. But...but...it was Garrett's caramel and cheese popcorn....! And Haley is 21 years old. Yes, she lives with her parents, but I don't think she needs to be tracked down like she's 12.
  12. Emily just doesn't seem to gel with the group. Bernadette and Amy fit in pretty seamlessly.
  13. Do you think they should have kept the same format after Joan died or should they have rebooted it to be more of a Fashion Rap-Up? The former TV Guide channel used to to a Fashion type show after award shows and they basically did what Fashion Police used to do-show tons of celebrities, comment on them and moved on. I enjoy a little snark as much as everybody, but I tune in to see what everyone was wearing. And I can go online these days if Fashion Police doesn't show me all the celebs. Heck, Yahoo has them up immediately!
  14. The gif was Meryl Streep and Jlo's reaction to Patricia Arquette's speech about equal pay for women. eta-We're not into overtime yet. The Oscars are scheduled until 11:30. They get 3 hours.
  15. See, now J-lo's dress makes sense since she is presenting Costume Design.
  16. Zanna Roberts Rossi looks like she should be doing the walk of shame on Sunday morning. With the rain, I guess E is reduced to everyone in the studio except Ryan.
  17. Did they ever wrap up his songwriting lawsuit? Last I remember he was looking for his notes that one of his parents had to prove he wrote it alone.
  18. I haven't seen the show in 20 years, but I watched for the first 20. I tuned in out of nostalgia.
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