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Lady Whistleup

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Everything posted by Lady Whistleup

  1. Noooo, not Luke! RIP to the brown-haired cutie pie. I feel for Rhaenyra ... no matter what her other actions were, she was a loving and devoted mother whose kids related to her in a normal, human way. It's weird that this was the season finale as it seems almost expositional and setting up for what we know will be a huge war between the Blacks and the Greens. Fuck Aemond. Killing Luke like that was so unnecessary. I'm not liking all the gruesome birthing scenes. It just seems a bit like labor-torture porn. Also not liking Daemon throttling Rhaenyra and trying to choke her out. Their relationship had actually seemed fairly normal, uncle-niece incest aside.
  2. She's incredibly jealous and petty towards other female singers and costars. She had issues getting along with both Rosalie Craig and Katrina Lenk (the Bobbies of the Company revival). They all smile on social media, but behind the scenes it was not the same. As I said, her talent is out of this world so she gets away with it.
  3. Jessa seems to think of Spurge as a breakout star. He always gets the most "sayings" mentioned.
  4. Patti Lupone is one of the most awful people to work on Broadway. I don't deny her talent, but anyone who has worked in the industry will tell you how horrible she is.
  5. It's weird. Whenever Gracie is interviewed, I see an intelligent, driven woman who could probably succeed in anything she puts her mind to. But she still seems to be chasing the one thing that DOESN'T fulfill her: skating. I know many elite athletes feel very lost after years and years of vigorous training and then it's sort of nothing. I think Tessa Virtue mentioned constantly being sick when she quit training so hard. But Gracie hasn't been competitive in many years.
  6. I once saw a film Brady made of him spending the offseason in an informal boot camp with other players. They were vacationing but really playing football nonstop together. I thought it was telling that during the offseason, he still spends all his time .. playing football. I don't think he has an off switch at this point. Football has been his life since he was a little kid. His body didn't give out on him the way they give out on other famous athletes either. Think of Kobe's last years -- the ferocious competitiveness was still there, but he had so many injuries he just couldn't do it anymore. Brady's body hasn't shut down yet.
  7. Otto made me really miss Tywin Lannister. Similar type characters, but somehow Tywin Lannister was so much more likable.
  8. I've always been convinced that Alicent loves Rhaenyra, and I think her reluctance to off Rhaenyra's family stems from that. It's so long ago but the friendship with Rhaenyra has become Alicent's Rosebud -- a reminder of when she was innocent and happy.
  9. That's Westerosi logic though. There's a premium on bloodlines. So even though Aegon is a drunken, rapist wastrel, he's a "pure" Targaryen. It's actually a lot like the ancient Egyptian pharaoh's who would marry their sisters. Their spawn were sickly and inbred, but it didn't matter, it was about "pure" bloodlines.
  10. Olivia Cooke did some good acting in that scene with Larys. You could tell how grossed out she was. It probably made her nostalgic for sex with Viserys. Please someone take care of Alicent's needs.
  11. This is my limited experience, but people with feet fetishes are usually VERY vocal about it. No doubt Larys told Alicent in no uncertain terms what turned him on. I'm just surprised that Alicent wasn't in some sort of foot stocking. Again, just an observation: men who like that sort of thing often have a stocking fetish as well. But isn't that not very devout and righteous of Alicent to be in the room while Larys rubs one out to the sight of her soles?
  12. Rhaenys has always shown herself to be a nice, decent person. Her skipping out was very true to character.
  13. Aegon is a psychopathic rapist, but in this episode, I was team Aegon. He has the self awareness to know he'd be a shitty ruler, and that Viserys never would have "envisioned" him king. Too bad his mother and grandfather are too power-hungry to listen to Aegon. Larys is gross. I didn't need to see him rub one out. Ew. Also, did Alicent purposely show her foot to Larys because Larys has a foot fetish? Criston continues to be bionic -- if anything, he's gotten YOUNGER looking. Peacing out by dragon is one way to leave. Go Rhaenys. I'll see how long Alicent holds to her insistence of not killing Rhaenyra. Her father is certainly pushing the other pov hard.
  14. In an alternate universe where women weren't so contained in the things they could do, I could see Jessa flipping houses with Austin. She has no aesthetic sense so her efforts at interior decorating are awful, but I bet she could rip out a faucet and install a new one with no problems.
  15. Horrible decisions by Aaron Boone in the 9th.
  16. Big bottom of the 9th meltdown by the Yankees.
  17. This is getting kind of awful to watch. Killer fatigue setting in, you can tell.
  18. Lady Whistleup

    The NBA

    Really sad news: Dikembe Mutombo has a brain tumor and is undergoing treatment.
  19. I feel like at this point it's a chicken and egg situation: is the marriage between Ben and Jessa sour because Jessa is such an unpleasant person, or is Jessa sour and unpleasant because she's married to a guy she doesn't like and can't divorce him and has four little kids with him?
  20. Walking around barefoot on a lawn is just asking for a beehive sting or a bad case of poison ivy.
  21. I rolled my eyes when Sharik said that she "sets very clear boundaries for herself." Yeah, that's important to do if someone at work is trying to hit on you and it's inappropriate. But when your dad is pleading for you not to quit on a race for a million dollars? Not so much.
  22. I feel so bad for Papa. He seems so sweet and patient.
  23. I feel bad for Papa. His daughter is so difficult.
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