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Lady Whistleup

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Everything posted by Lady Whistleup

  1. New Agey. All about manifesting positive energy and all that.
  2. Dom is the only racer I really dislike. For someone so woo and om she's very sour.
  3. while driving around he must see kids walking to school or crossing the street with backpacks. Also, Izzy.
  4. Gideon always wearing his backpack makes me sad. He wants to go to school like all the kids he sees.
  5. I feel for both of her sons, who are probably trying to make sense of their mothers' life and death. I hope people around them are showing them grace.
  6. There's a wonderful movie of Angela Lansbury as Mrs. Lovett in Sweeney Todd: It sounded like a long, well-lived life, so when she passed away I don't exactly feel sadness. More like a sense of respect that she achieved so much and that her work will live on.
  7. This is so sad: https://pagesix.com/2022/10/11/anne-heches-son-reveals-how-much-money-actress-allegedly-had-at-time-of-death/?_ga=2.137794736.1812205996.1665527956-972973328.1615308047 Anne Heche only had about $400,000 to her name when she died.
  8. But don't the Targaryens not just have blond hair, but a very specific kind of extremely fine, white-blond hair?
  9. Many mothers coddle and enable their sons. I'm a teacher and have encountered many mothers who refuse to believe their darling son is anyrhing less than perfect. Alicent seems to know her child well and that's to her credit. I'm more disturbed by her indifference to Helaena's suffering. As queen regent she could arrange for a nice safe home for Helaena to go to.
  10. I hate Alicent as much as the next person, but I stand by my opinion that her compassion for Dyana was about as much sympathy as anyone in Westeros will ever have towards rape between a royal and a servant girl. She believed the poor girl. Yes she was manipulative, but even today many rape cases are settled with money + an abortion. Giving Dyana a lump of gold and moon tea is more than I see Cersei or even Sansa (a victim of rape herself) doing. She also confronted Aegon later about Dyana. As I said, I hate Alicent, but she reacted decently to the whole Dyana situation. And Dyana probably thought she got a good deal, all things considered. The gold won't take away the trauma of course but it will mean she gets to start a new life elsewhere with that money, AND she won't have to worry about Aegon Jr.'s being born.
  11. Here's an interview with Paddy Considine: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/10/10/arts/television/house-of-the-dragon-paddy-considine.html
  12. Ok maybe this is particular to me but anyone find it so clingy that Joy is always following Austin to work while he flips houses? To my mind, work is a space you can have a separate experience and identity than when at home. I wouldn't want my significant other hounding me at work, no matter how in love we were.
  13. Alicent is some mother, allowing her daughter to be abused and raped by her psychotic son.
  14. The thing is that Rhaenyra wasn't just named heir 20 years ago. This decision had been challenged countless times by team Hightower and Viserys had always been adamant that his decision stood. In that way, Viserys was made of strong stuff. Like Ned Stark, he keeps his word. I also think that deep down, Alicent realizes that her cruel sons would make poor rulers. But she's too power-hungry and also too rigid in her thinking to accept Rhaenyra as an heir. The internalized misogyny is strong in Alicent.
  15. The thing about Rhaenyra (and Viserys) is that she's like many people who were born into royalty -- they actually sort of hate it. They feel entitled because it's their birthright but they're not keen on actually ruling. Alicent and her father are typical of people who try to work their way to the throne -- it's their dream, their ambition, getting on the Iron Throne consumes their lives. Alicent is willing to put up with sex with a man whose flesh is rotting off, a son who is a psychopath and serial racist, awful people like Criston and Larys, all to get the Iron Throne.
  16. One thing that Rhaenyra has over Alicent is Rhaenyra really loves the people she loves. She loves her father, her kids, uncle/husband Daemon. All of Alicent's relationships are very mercenary and transactional. Even her relationship with her father isn't warm.
  17. I thought Alicent and Rhaenyra were both more subdued and mature this episode. It probably won't last but ... I also enjoyed seeing the affection between Viserys and Daemon. It wasn't a very warm and cuddly relationship but the brothers did love one another. I feel like Daemon is getting the Jaime-character-arc pivot. He started off as loathsome but has become more likable, just like Jaime.
  18. I want to give Paddy Considine props. He really acted the hell out of that character.
  19. I've always thought Alicent was in love with Rhaenyra and the way she grabbed Rhaenyra's hand towards the end of the family dinner confirmed that. There's hatred there but it's also a sick, twisted love.
  20. I must say I really enjoyed watching the unbreakable father/daughter bond of Viserys/Rhaenyra. It's pretty rare in Westeros.
  21. Well she did believe the poor girl. That’s more than I expected.
  22. Well is Criston bionic? While everyone ages rapidly (Alicent's kids now look roughly the same age as their mother), Criston doesn't even get a silver hair on his curly mop. Alicent reacted with more compassion towards Dyana than I expected. At least Dyana got a good amount of money for her suffering. Alicent's children are so lovely. She must be all sorts of proud. Rhaenyra wants to marry her Strong children to Daemon's daughters? Just what Westeros needs, more incest! RIP Viserys. He was the closest thing the series had to a good man. I admire how much he loved Rhaenyra. He didn't abandon her for the new shiny thing.
  23. I don't mind blond streaks. I think for people with light brown hair like Jill it actually works. What she does need is a haircut. The ends are fried.
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