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Lady Whistleup

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Everything posted by Lady Whistleup

  1. It appears the Queen and Mohamed did meet. I don;t know how warm the interaction was but I doubt it was as chilly as the Crown depicted. I sometimes think Peter Morgan simply never liked QE2 or was inspired by her character, because he often writes these little moments of shittiness from her .
  2. This episode really highlights what is lacking with Dominic West's portrayal of Charles. He's a good actor, and hits the right notes. But he can't make me care about Charles the way Josh O'Connor did. O'Connor wasn't afraid to make Charles arrogant, hateful, sniveling, whiny, vain, but he always made us realize that Charles was essentially a deeply insecure, awkward man. West is just so smooth. His interview with the journalist had none of the real-life awkwardness and cringe that Charles' actual interview had:
  3. I loved this episode. I actually like the Margaret-centered episodes because they show a different side of the Queen. It rings very true -- like a lot of sisters they had a complex, thorny relationship but there was a lot of love. The scene of them chatting on the phone at the end of the episode was as close the Crown ever gets to squishy adorable. In real life, Margaret seems to have lost interest in Peter -- the Queen had already created an arrangement that would allow for Margaret and Peter to marry. But for the purposes of a drama, this star-crossed lovers storyline is great. Was the Queen Mum really this awful? She's never been anything but awful in this series.
  4. Lady Whistleup

    The NBA

    That was a parody account who paid for the blue check.
  5. I don't know the exact state of Jen's ovaries (no one does), but I do know she was/is a heavy smoker, and that could have affected her ability to carry a child to term. Smoking often causes miscarriages and reduces fertility.
  6. That was a very slow-paced, leisurely episode. Not sure I liked it, but I did enjoy seeing Alex Jennings again, and also the bond between Sydney and Mou Mou was nice. I also liked the scene between Mohamed and Diana. It captured something people always said about Diana -- whatever her private demons, she was always able to disarm strangers with her charm and charisma almost immediately.
  7. Joy is now shilling a party pack called "Jesus's birthday party." Her SM rapidly becoming an infomercial.
  8. I really loved this episode. It did what the Crown does best: study how there's elements of manipulation and half-truths in every memory. Diana's tapes were Exhibit A of that. Was she sincere? Absolutely. Was she also being manipulative and selective with how she told her story? 100%. The actress nailed Diana's voice and mannerisms and even the super-posh accent. I also love Crown episodes that show a softer side to Philip. I feel like he's often portrayed as brusque and frosty. I love the scenes with Penny and his memories of Cecilie. I also love his talk with Diana. Again, love the tough-tender Philip. I feel like Jonathan Pryce is already making Philip a rounder character than we've previously seen.
  9. A slightly slower, more leisurely episode of The Crown. I like it. Lots of character building scenes without any big drama. I am not feeling Dominic West as Charles. To me, Josh O'Connor will always be Charles. He got the tics, the mannerisms, the awkwardness, the arrogance perfectly. West seems too smooth as Charles. On the other hand I love Elizabeth Debicki as Diana. I like how this season's Diana is a little harder and colder than Season 4 Diana. I know the Crown is heavily fictionalized, but that scene about Diana wanting to go shopping struck a nerve that was probably true. Charles and Diana simply had such different interests, and poor William and Harry were stuck in the middle. I am liking Imelda Staunton and Jonathan Pryce as E&P.
  10. Joy posted photos of her bump now. Because it's already been a week since her last update. For whatever reason Joy seems to take extreme pride in this pregnancy.
  11. Joys SM is getting more and more "curated" with sponsorships.
  12. The "school" for Gideon seems to be them scribbling on some tablet. This is depressing.
  13. Oh no! I had that three years ago and I was in so much pain for six months. Good luck. You'll need it. My pet peeve today is the people who "sing" talk. Like not sing, but you know the people who will "sing" the very end of sentences? Like "Hel-loh-oh-oh-ooooohhhhh" with the voice getting higher and higher pitched? They almost always think it's adorable to do that, and I'm always irritated by it.
  14. Titans only had one first down in the second half. Wow.
  15. The Rams defense in the last minutes of the 4th quarter was atrocious. No excuse for that.
  16. Well, never count out TB12.
  17. Massive peeve: standard time. I hate it getting dark by 5 pm. I usually go for a run after work when there's sun out, but with standard time it's impossible. HATE.
  18. Jesus. She has rough pregnancies. I hope they'll be happy with a family of three kids.
  19. Joy seems really into showing off her bump this pregnancy. I don't recall her being that fixated with showing off the bump in previous pregnancies.
  20. I like Joy's dress and her navy blue booties. She and Evy look cute.
  21. Another baby bump photo: https://www.instagram.com/p/CklqGrJp8bC/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
  22. Lady Whistleup

    The NBA

    I feel like his parents probably kept him home. He's a total loose cannon. That's my theory.
  23. Lady Whistleup

    The NBA

    I think they are trying to get KD traded to unload his contract and going to start over.
  24. Lady Whistleup

    The NBA

    If this story is true, then it's an unfortunate stain on Pop's career as apparently he knew about all the exposing allegations.
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