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140 Excellent-
I am really late to watching this show but as long time veteran middle school teacher, I am very hesitant to watching any shows about education. This show is so spot on to teaching in a low income district that I am willing to suspend belief about lunches and bathrooms. I have certainly worked with everyone of those characters!
I seem to remember them mentioning earlier in the season that NK sent a probe to Mars that disappeared
Yes and I agree that the actor playing young Pope does a great job, I just wish I had not just seen Shawn Hatosy at the same age.
My wife and I just watched an episode of Homicide Life on the Street and Shawn Hatosy was a guest star in his first acting credit. Two things stood out; first I was originally impressed by the casting of teenage Pope until I saw Shawn at the same age. Second, as soon as they showed him as the grandson of a couple that was beat to death with a lacrosse stick, we knew he was guilty because Pope would definitely be capable of such a crime. We're curious if we will find out that rest of the Cody's are being set up like Pope by the strangers that are new to their lives
Watching Margo and the Russian guy struggle to get to first base was more cringe worthy than Karen and Danny sleeping together last season. I thought for sure that they were already sleeping together when they talked on the pay phones in the last episode, but no they took 6 years just to barely graze hands in the elevator. Margo kind of reminds me of Martha from The Americans. I agree with the previous poster about the coolness of the three different Mars ships.
I guess that I am a jaded veteran teacher, I find it totally realistic that Kate could rise up the ladder so easily. I have seen way too many incompetent people go from teacher to admin to the central office positions because they were new or different or Pearson-like
In Missouri, the ACT has been digital for at least 6 years, not sure about the sat since both of my boys only took the ACT
While I love this show. I sometimes wonder why parts of it seem like it is set in the late 80s-early 90s. I mean Charlotte was taking the SAT on a scantron sheet (both the SAT and scantron sheets are so out of date) and the vibe of the Lake area is exactly like Lake of the Ozarks was back then (I spent a lot of time there then, as I still do now)
This is totally what I said to my wife as soon as Deja mentioned music and then Randall just keeps talking and not watching the road. I taught my boys to drive in parking lots first not big city streets and still there was no music and very little conversation other than about driving
There is a line in a Jean Toomer poem about incandescent lips. If only Malik was taking 20th century American Lit instead of Russian lit
did anyone else notice that Murray looks like he is not actually in the scenes with the rest of the family last week? It looked like he was edited in.
LOL, I actually said something to my wife about how clean the house looked
We just finished our second watch of the series. As much as I liked the first view a couple of years ago, I found the series even better the second time around. I do disagree with those who think P & E will get executed in USSR. Their side won, Gorby retained his power and became stronger. Poor Oleg was probably screwed for a few more years since he was stuck in America. I did find it funny that with all of the clues Stan failed to put together, his light bulb lit up over E smoking when many many women were smoking at that time compared to now.
Wow, this show just keeps getting worse. we really loved the earlier seasons. What was up with that scene of Kevin running around sweating and moving quickly? It looked like an early 80s Mtv video from one of the British one-hit wonders.
we could not find one entertaining aspect of last week's episode. All of the sudden this season, Chicago has gotten much smaller