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Everything posted by kieyra

  1. Am I alone in really struggling with accents this season? I watch a lot of UK television but I'm losing so much dialogue on this. I may have to wait till it hits Netflix so I can watch it with closed captioning.
  2. Does anyone know of any sites that do old-school recaps of House of Lies? Meaning textual recaps, not photo/infographic recaps? A quick google doesn't look promising.
  3. Renard, I've seen the ep but unfortunately I've also seen Newsroom s3 and now you've juxtaposed those memories in my head hopelessly too. Apparently I will need to rematch this ep because if asked I would swear Mary McCormick's character was indeed a govt agent.
  4. Silly Angel, I'm really sorry to break it to you, but S7 is not premiering tomorrow. No one knows the official date yet. All Logo is saying is "spring". No one knows what's going on, just a lot of speculation. Here's Logo's schedule for tomorrow night, to be clear I'm not trolling: http://www.logotv.com/schedule/?day=01%2F26%2F15
  5. Glad you're here, Fisher King. I found Transparent and Mozart to be of similar quality, but Mozart is quite a bit lighter. I had to spread Transparent out over a few days, but I think I did Mozart all in one shot. Looking forward to your posts. (I'm used to other people doing the heavy lifting of episode analysis in the threads for the other shows I watch, but our poor under-discussed Amazon shows make me feel I ought to be less lazy. Fortunately paramitch wrote some lovely thoughts for several episodes.)
  6. Yep. I was never really a SH superfan, just enjoyed the lead chemistry, and way back in the beginning I remember being disappointed with the presence of the undead wife, and then the no-longer-dead wife, and impatient with any storylines regarding her. It wasn't because I suspected any behind-the-scenes shenanigans, racism/favoritism etc, I just knew that from a storytelling angle it made no goddamned sense. It wasn't necessary for the setup and was just a pointless distraction.
  7. I think the rule of thumb, if you're not a Nielsen household, is that live viewing via traditional cable or over-the-air TV is really not something they can track. However, they CAN track streaming from their sites/apps/Hulu/etc. So use the info accordingly.
  8. For what it's worth, Amazon is pumping out some pretty good original content, not just Transparent. Mozart in the Jungle was also a very enjoyable binge. $99/year is $8.25/mo, which I think is about what I pay for Netflix.
  9. My money is on Henry dying. Then they can say they tried to get rid of the Crane "family" drama.
  10. Yep. I am far more interested in the behind-the-scenes train wreck than I ever was in season two. It's become its own story.
  11. (Whenever anyone Likes one of my early posts in this thread, I cringe at my use of pronouns and "Dad". And I can't edit. But I suppose we mostly saw Maura in her "boy" drag for the first episode or so and perhaps the kids were still saying Dad. Still, apologies.)
  12. Unfortunately I am obsessed with the books to an unhealthy degree, so take any negativity with a grain of salt. I am somewhat disappointed in Mark Rylance's flat affect and constant hangdog expression. And mumbling. Book-Cromwell was restrained, but he was also full of humor and very articulate. Book-Liz was also good-humored, not the nag/worrier. And yeah, the first episode was fairly dreary. I worry that they will have lost viewers who gave up when there was no Henry or Anne Boleyn by the first half. I understand why they set it up this way--things *are* pretty dire right now. But I'm not sure viewers have a reason to root for Cromwell yet. I'd be interested to know how "unsullied" feel about it. Having said that--they're using a fair amount of book dialogue, and that makes me happy. They're using the non-linear time jumps from the book, and while I expect that'll throw some people off, it's something I enjoyed, so that makes me happy too. Walter (Cromwell's father) was suitably awful. I liked the casting of Rafe. And as apprehensive as I was about Damian Lewis, he and Rylance have great chemistry; Rylance actually emotes in those scenes. Great casting for Anne, too. Episode two is out in the wild, and (very mild spoiler) Edit: I'd encourage people to stick it out to episode two, it "feels" much more like the books and the actors have warmed up a bit.
  13. Was just coming to post--I haven't been able to pay much attention to the episode, but I do know every time I've glanced up at the TV, f'n Struggle Witch has been there all breathy, and it just made me think: Jesus, Nicole Beharie, keep on keeping it classy. And I hope she's got very smart people on her side letting her know that we see her, and we see what's going on, and that it helps her keep it together. It would take the patience of a saint not to be throwing some serious shade right now.
  14. He's married to Kate Beckinsale! His involvement in the show was probably the reason I ever originally started watching it. I have a soft spot for those silly Underworld movies.
  15. Not alone at all. I said upthread: "I was beyond bored with pretty boy serial killer way too soon.". For a show that wanted us to spend more than half the time watching the killer in his day-to-day life, they somehow managed to make that boring. But in addition to not finding the actor compelling, I'm also not a kid person, so I spent a lot of time fast-forwarding to Gillian Anderson scenes.
  16. Paramitch, here's hoping that buzz for this show and Transparent will continue to be a slow burn. Glad you're posting.
  17. I believe the Logo schedule for January 26th is up now and RPDR is not on it. Theories I've seen floated are: an editing or casting problem; or holding off on RPDR publicity to give Michelle the spotlight. She's currently on Celebrity Big Brother UK, and seemingly very popular, which could be a launchpad for a UK version of RPDR. The downside: Perez Hilton is also on CBB UK with her, and he is legit the worst human ever.
  18. I agree w/r/t the pregnancy, Ganesh, especially since they are doing editing, blocking and body-double tricks to show non-pregnant Jeannie in the flashback scenes *anyway*. From a devil's advocate standpoint, it gives us some comedy gold in episode 2 which I won't spoil.
  19. I was one of the people rolling my eyes at S1 of The Tudors and laughing that they made the gestalt princess Marygret, but in later seasons I thought they did a good job. And, I hesitate to say it, but I was okay with JRM, especially in the middle seasons. I thought he did a good job with the egomaniacal menace, enough so that I remember feeling fear for Jane Seymour when she spoke up on religion, and fear for Anne of Cleeves, even though we knew they would both escape the block. And I do regret that James Frain can't be this Cromwell too, but here's hoping the trailer gave us a less than full idea of what Rylance will do.
  20. Also: The show itself (or whoever writes the synposes) has now coined 'StruggleHenry' in my head.
  21. From the Spellcaster extended synopsis: And I've found a new possible insomnia treatment.
  22. I guess it was obvious the baby was Marty's. The faux Elon Musk caper was good, and I'll never not love Monica.
  23. This is me--I expected this to take off and go viral, and that these forums would be pretty active. I guess not that many people are using Amazon Prime for their original content yet. Even on reddit, the GG wins barely registered. I'm having the same problem with Mozart in the Jungle, also Amazon.
  24. I suppose it goes without saying that Girls isn't unique in using premium cable's platform for telling stories that involve sex and nudity? Or a shorter version: Lena Dunham didn't invent the HBO sex scene. She's just getting on everyone's nerves by being a woman while doing it.
  25. I'm not even sure who Keith is. I'm still an infant in terms of understanding reality show tropes, but is the thing where they don't give the likely winner a lot of screentime at the beginning?
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