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Everything posted by kieyra

  1. Yes, that scene happened with her father. It played as cancer to me at the time.
  2. Similar to others: started a little slow, timeline confusion, etc., but as soon as Saul started explaining the scam to the skaters I knew I was back in the hands of a talented show runner. Amused by the "no cars ever look alike" complaint, though. In my zip code (hell, in my apartment parking lot) it's a battalion of black Nissan Altimas.
  3. Perez Hilton has been evicted, it's safe to watch CBB UK for Michelle.
  4. Some more thoughts: Great scenes with Cromwall and any number of women: Johane, Mary Boleyn, Jane Seymour and Anne herself. I can't remember if the scene where he imagines himself touching Anne's bosom is lifted directly from the book(s)--if anything, I recall that Cromwell wasn't particularly interested in her in that way. But I could see him trying to imagine what it was like to be someone who was smitten with her. Or just generally admiring her craft with seduction. The Cromwell/Mary B./William Stafford scene was fantastic and just about blow for blow from the books, as was the Henry Percy confrontation. And I love Uncle Norfolk, of course. I see now that a scene from the trailer with a woman in bed saying 'aren't you afraid'? was Johane not Liz. I'd argued that Liz wasn't the worrier type, when the trailer was released. I seem to remember that Johane was also fairly no-nonsense and not prone to being weepy either, even when they ended their affair, but I suppose she's meant to represent his heart and domestic life (for the moment). I wonder if we will see Christophe. I'm already shaky on whether the Cromwell 'son' we're seeing is Geoffrey or Richard, I have Rafe pegged at least.
  5. Briefly, but I'm thrilled with how much of the book dialogue they are keeping intact. This has been an amazing episode for that. And Rylance comes alive when Cromwell is dealing with any members of the aristocracy. "They could tell Boccacio a tale, those sinners at Wolf Hall."
  6. Dark/evil Katrina isn't a thought I find comforting. As I said in the therapy thread, that means the show becomes about Katrina's redemption. CFD 2.0.
  7. It's sad, because there was a time when I classified kid-Roscoe as one of the few kids on television who didn't annoy me. I suppose if they write a teen who isn't obnoxious they get called out for realism.
  8. Oh, I had to watch the final sex scene from behind my hands, but Dawn Olivieri totally committed to the Jeannie parody and it was nauseating. :)
  9. Usually he's the punching bag, yes. But didn't Clyde offer to let him help out on the app in the end, or did he pull the rug out and I missed it? The last scene with Marty and Monica was horrendously awesome. Props to Dawn Olivieri.
  10. I'll go one step further and said I think this could have easily been a one-hour show. (Well, 42 minutes or what have you.) I was disappointed as soon as I realized it wasn't. It definitely left you wanting more.
  11. One of my go-to sites for recaps recently slaughtered their site, and I've been looking for new news sources. I guess I know one I won't be clicking on now. Overall, though, it looks like tomorrow's episode is a return to CFD days. :/
  12. I don't think cared about sex either, she just wanted her husband "fixed" so her family could remain intact and she could live down the shame. The ending was pretty tragic.
  13. Yeah. Laurel = Katrina, Laurel does not equal Abbie. They just screwed up the Laurel arc badly, I guess. Unlike Katrina, Laurel had a rightful place in the story--although I would question whether the "female love interest of the superhero who is also clueless" archetype is even workable in 2015, hence the Iris character floundering on Flash--it's just that when her time arrived she was thoroughly unlikeable. I should point out that in neither situation do I blame the actress. I have nothing against KC. They just wrote Laurel as shrill and selfish, then they killed off a better-liked character in service to her story. Even now the writing for her has me scratching my head, but I won't risk further spoilers. (Folks with netflix, if you haven't checked it out--go watch the first two seasons.) EDIT: mods, I was typing while the post above mine was being posted. Sorry!
  14. Quick delurk: The hair. I really appreciate this show for what it is, but I do not understand why anyone involved with this show, or JLM himself, allows that haircut to go unchecked. It makes him look like an escaped mental patient with an unfortunate skull deformity. Maybe it's some inside joke, but goddamn is it distracting.
  15. De-lurk: Anyone who thinks Evil!Katrina would be an improvement, think again. Evil!Katrina will mean the entire show becomes about Katrina's redemption. And Ichabod refusing to give up faith in the woman he loves. And Abbie trying to convince him otherwise, and ultimately being proven wrong. Because, as we know, Katrina is everything. And even setting aside the Katrina-obsessed showrunners, this show is not capable of creating an actual villain, from what I've seen.
  16. I don't know enough about fashion to know whether Santino's got taste or not, but in the last few seasons he's just seemed kind of stoned and out of it all the time.
  17. Tangential, but I highly recommend Ross Matthews' podcast: http://www.podcastone.com/Straight-Talk-with-Ross-Mathews So far it hasn't mentioned RPDR much, but I expect now that the news is out we'll start hearing more about it. And less tangential, don't forget Ru and Michelle Visage's awesome podcast: http://www.rupaulpodcast.com/
  18. Santino will be around, he's just been demoted to guest judge. :)
  19. Yes, the thing with Ellie's kids has been super weird. You don't let a 12 year old call the shots and decide he's going to break up with his remaining parent. He may think he hates her right now, but they need to be together at this of all times. And doesn't she have a baby somewhere or something? I get that she blames herself for being a crap parent and maybe feels like she doesn't deserve to have her kids with her, but it doesn't reflect well on her that, again, she's allowing her guilt to force her to let the 12yo call the shots in the family.
  20. What was the tweet that KS sent to Ichabbie fans?
  21. I'm checking this out, and I'm about halfway through season one. I like the idea of the show, but so far it's kind of all over the map. I'm also a bit squeamish so I'm having to skip a few scenes, mostly stuff involving animals (sigh) but also a general inability to watch sustained blood vomiting. (That's on me, not the show.) Also, Frankenstein is my least favorite myth of this genre, so that plot is largely lost on me. The actors are all nailing it, especially Eva Green, who I didn't know before this show, I think. The seance was hard to watch, but she committed in a way I think few actresses could pull off. I wanted to stop watching and I couldn't. I'm happy to see Billie Piper and I like the weird accent she's invented. I find Dorian to be ridiculously hot. No shame. But I'm failing to follow all the arcs or to understand the character motivations, aside from the obvious.
  22. Thanks for taking one for the team. Can we get a Katrina quotient? Did Abbie get to be a lead character? I haven't watched the show since a few episodes before Deliverance, any info appreciated. :)
  23. I don't see how the show can come back at this point. I know a lot of us here are invested in the story of what has gone wrong with it, but how much are people paying attention outside of this bubble? I assume the ratings are shot, and I don't know if the behind-the-scenes fuckery is causing enough negative buzz that people might come back out of curiosity if something major happens. Meaning Katrina is killed off. Nothing less would cause enough impact. Just my opinion.
  24. Nowhere else to post this: we were watching last night's episode of Girls, and there's a scene where the main character, Hannah, tells off five different people in a room, one by one, and then leaves. My significant other, who only tolerates my RPDR addiction, turned to me and said, "The library is CLOSED".
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