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Everything posted by kieyra

  1. We're doing a quarantine re-watch of House, and I was kinda "surely this showrunner has done something else by now". I had heard of this show but didn't know it was him. But ... I'm a few episodes in (I know this is the pilot thread and I won't spoil) ... and this is one of those shows that is almost a total casting fail for me; the opposite of House where everyone was watchable. Apart from Freddie Highmore, everyone's just about lulling me to sleep. Even Richard Schiff ... I feel like he's reading me a bedtime story. Just their voices in general, it reminds me of Elementary, a show I did actually like, but everyone always spoke so calmly and softly. Maybe it's an audio mix issue? Either way I just keep checking out mentally. Quarantine brain probably doesn't help.
  2. It's morbid that we have to look this up now, but apparently it was cancer, not COVID19.
  3. I enjoy this TV podcast by Dan Fienberg and Lesley Goldberg from THR. This particular episode’s first segment discusses different ways Hollywood might start getting some shows back into production.
  4. I would like Eve so much more if we had ever actually seen her being a badass agent. :) She mostly gets by on luck and bluster, which has been one of my complaints about the character since season one. I agree with the poster upthread who said the writing for V seemed off. Lots of odd moments. The OTT “happy dance” she did about getting promoted seemed WAY out of character for someone whose emotional spectrum rarely strays far from “bored” unless she’s with Eve or actively killing someone. Konstantin being able to sneak up on her also felt wrong. And what was with that little touch of her throat at the very end? Maybe I missed something, but it was like some beat in a supernatural show, like she could sense Niko being stabbed in the throat? (I also missed where she was going and why she was walking along the train tracks.) I don’t know what’s going on with Geraldine and Caroline, but I love the work both actresses are doing with those extremes.
  5. As someone who has dragged myself through the show very recently, I noticed that there are a decent number of big, showcase battles that I don’t care about at all. I assume they are required for some reason, maybe because it’s a big budget show, maybe because of the GoT legacy, maybe they have a lot of CG and practical effects and stunt people who need jobs. But they seem so out of place in what appears to aspire to be a more cerebral show. I’m suddenly remembering that during season one I managed to fall asleep during a big set-piece battle with Gatling guns and all.
  6. I will somewhat ruefully admit that I’m a viewer who couldn’t make it through S1, but was unexpectedly intrigued by the S3 trailer. They got me with Aaron Paul, the Blade Runner-esque mood, and “Dark Side of the Moon”. So I pushed through S2, finally got to S3 ... and realized that the show advertised in the S3 trailer didn’t really exist. And (to get to why I used your post to jump off), even when I did get to that “Dolores and Caleb meet on a dark street” scene hyped in the trailer, it all fell flat. I guess a lack of chemistry is part of it, but the writing did them no favors either.
  7. I was going to jokingly suggest the Metal Gear Solid franchise, then saw it’s in the article. Jokingly, though, because:
  8. Agree. He seems like such a product of the modern world. How old do his oldest portraits look in the credits? I can only picture the one with the party hat.
  9. Also important for flashback sequences.
  10. The 'RuPaul's Drag Race' Reunion and Finale Will Likely Be Done Over Zoom
  11. Ha. When the phone rings and they all freak out, Lazslo calls it “the clanging chimes of doom”. Then the last person they emailed was “Sir Bob Geldof”.
  12. I expected to see a bunch of concern here that V might have hurt the baby, because I think the show wanted us to worry that she (or D) might do something ... but at least it seems like I don’t need to feel bad for being amused by the baby in the waste bin. Or at least, I’m not alone. 🙂 That said ... is it supposed to make V seem *less bad* that she didn’t do any harm to the kid? I’m always wary of the show trying to make me believe she can be cured of being a sociopath/psychopath. Re: V’s parentage. Everything about that scene with Konstantin, from them being in bed together to him saying he’d seen her baby pictures, reminded of the season one line, almost a throwaway, when V asks (Eve I think): “don’t you think it’s weird he and I have never had sex?”. I also don’t think it’s an accident that Konstantin’s daughter Irina is a brilliant, spoiled, multilingual brat. But maybe this is all too obvious and this show will throw us a curve.
  13. Funny you say that. I'm a bit late to Westworld (season one reliably put me to sleep for some reason), but I'm currently on season 2, because I'm interested in pushing to season 3. I can't shake the feeling I'm watching BSG with a much bigger budget. "You made us in your image" and all that.
  14. Lordy, I finally got around to settling into watching this for some light distraction, and in the first school scene everyone is wearing surgical masks. (Due to the chlamydia scare.) sigh
  15. Fun fact: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superbowl/ is about Superb Owls. And they approve of this episode:
  16. Exclusive: Gentleman Jack's Gemma Whelan confirms season 2 filming has been pushed back to September
  17. It took me a while to remember what you were talking about, since all I could remember was that he was married to a woman. (I was always annoyed by how quickly they killed off his character so I tend not to pay much attention when I rewatch the early episodes.) I've just read the script from that episode and it seems to be shooting more for bisexual ("Uh... I just fall in love with whoever I fall in love with"). I do understand this still falls under the umbrella of the tropes, though.
  18. Men in general don’t survive long on this show unless they’re named Konstantin.
  19. Ha, I was doing some yoga mat stuff (lower back exercises) and I had to keep sitting up and squinting at the screen.
  20. I liked it. I’m always happy to see Danny Sapani and Gemma Whelan. The parallel of Caroline and V’s single tears was ... something, I guess. (I love the character, but I don’t believe in a V who is cured of being a psychopath by her love for Eve, so ...) I like V and Dascha together. I still don’t understand Eve’s purpose in the show. She’s like the female character in a show or romance novel that every man wants to be with (think Sookie Stackhouse) but instead she’s the (asset of really questionable value?) that every agency or (investigative newspaper?) wants to run. It’s like her obsession with V is supposed to be some kind of super power. Except that when she’s with V she doesn’t seem to actually like her.
  21. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/hollywood-netflix-reveals-first-look-at-ryan-murphy-drama-1288220
  22. I thought it was strangely vehement, yeah. My gut reaction was that he didn’t want to lose their line to legit business (and money) since he was having serious second thoughts about being “in the game”.
  23. Next week is the series finale, right? And we find out what happens to Kim and Saul? And Nacho?
  24. His side piece was killed by V. The British spy people made it look like a suicide. He’s tormented over her death, and the fact that her family thinks it was suicide. I got the impression he was in some kind of mental health facility/home but I wasn’t paying full attention.
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