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Everything posted by emjohnson03

  1. I'm watching Season two on Pop! and man, this is great. Everything about this season is great. All the characters are distinctive and work so well together. Mark Greene is just the man and I love the way Carter is getting stronger and yet still the Carter that isn't saddled with so much pain. This show always had the right tone and even when it was a little overdramatic in this season and had a few issues with the plots, it never went into stunt territory. I know "Hell and High Water" was more of a vessel for Clooney to get the big time career he wanted but he was always part of the "team" and his character was part of many. This show really set the stage for the way we look at TV today and like others have said, has stood up to time. I suspect it will always be watachable.
  2. I'm always interested in timeline and length of time during seasons. Does anyone know how long Season Three lasts time wise? I'm always curious to know how much time passed between when Doug hit rock bottom and when he reunited with Carol. I guess you go through a full year in some of them but I always find it interesting to figure out how long some of them are supposed to be. Oh and I'm watching the Keaton episodes and had no idea she passed away. I always enjoyed her taking Benton down a peg, but doing it with such grace. Wasn't a huge fan of her and Carter but that's because she was so obviously pregnant during the episodes. But she had a strong role in the season.
  3. I was watching the Saturday marathon of Season One on Pop! and I totally forgot about the end scene of episode 14, when they all get together at Doc Magoo's. Susan was upset because Greene didn't back her up on a case where she lost a patient so she doesn't go but the rest of the staff is there and they are laughing and smiling, including Benton. I miss that in the later seasons, when they all separated (fairly so) but didn't interact then. Doug makes this speech about Carol being happy (which is another piece to their story) and then they all joke and laugh. And I also did very much enjoy Ross telling Benton he doesn't have it easy and they share a moment. For all the accolades the other seasons got, Season One is strong in building the core and the interaction was quite strong between them all. They all had their time with each other and they built on that going forward but not overly so. Sometimes less is more. As much as stories need to progress and certain characters take to bigger and more time filled roles, you are bound to lose some of the magic of how it all started. Alot of people talk about the finale of Season One, with most of the cast all together, celebrating their friendships and the love they have for each other, as they dance from Carol's failed wedding day as how ER will be remembered. I agree. And the slow piano is just icing on the cake as they pan over all of them.
  4. Does everyone have a favorite overall season? It sounds like Seasons 1 through 6 are the best, with many saying the farewell of Carol really signified the end of the core series and the heart and the lightheartness it found (even in the dark moments). What I so enjoy about this is that there is always loose ends but not in a frustrating way. You never know who attacks Mark in the bathroom and another storyline with that man who shoots his family and runs out of bullets for himself (I think that's the finale of season 4) I like that it was like a real ER at times, when the storylines never really wrapped up and like the patients, you never know what quite happens to them. I don't think I ever have even seen some of the last few seasons as everyone changed and it got so dark. I am always so shocked at how enjoyable I find the early seasons, and find that I will always sit and watch it and realize how ahead of the times it is. Those stedicam shots are just amazing as is all the movement of the characters, everyone has their time and even the supporting characters have such a strong role in the stories. I have a soft spot for Season three, love the slow burn of Carol and Doug. And many say that's the most well rounded and the show still focused on the ER and not too much on the personal lives that was crashing and burning. Everyone really was fleshed out so well. I'm glad that this show will always have a spot in TV history.
  5. Saw U2's, "Joshua Tree" tour a few weeks ago in Chicago. Bono and the band still have it. We were all close to the stage. I was super young when the album came out but who doesn't know all those songs. My friend got tickets in Boston but sadly sold them and I'm bummed. Would have gone in a heartbeat again! Amazing show!
  6. Best Romantic Comedy/Drama is Say Anything. I can't "Say" it enough, haha! It's so on point and is one of those 80's movies that gets the accolades but not always the hype alongside the other John Hughes films (which in their own right is just awesome). I just love the simplicity of it wrapped in a underlying dark story. It has so many layers and yet it's just perfectly toned. Who doesn't love Lloyd and Diane? I have always dreamed of writing a love story like that. Or living one similar too!
  7. Ok this wins, especially that last part. Everyone magically is better. And yes, Michael's plan, holy man would I be frustrated that I had to wait that long for it to come to fruition. And my favorite is them jet setting from place to place, as most shows do that, but it just makes it that more jarring in the context of this show.
  8. There was some articles released where that's discussed. Wentworth goes into some detail on how he is with his family, yes but he is at peace? And he says that Michael probably isn't. I think it's clear that there is room for a S6 and the show runners have said, if they get an amazing story they would be up for more but I think it would be a little bit down the line and nothing would be said for awhile if bring it back. (and again they would need all the cast to be willing, we know Wentworth is in but not sure about the others) They actually note that Michael was written to be a bit wistful in that final scene so I think it's interesting for all the talk it was going to be done that they are sure indicating that maybe they aren't. It's interesting for sure! Here's the article with all the info: http://www.etonline.com/tv/218655_prison_break_finale_wentworth_miller_creator_on_why_ending_isn_t_happily_ever_after/ While I would have loved to see them all sitting together, it's more fitting that it ends the way it started, Michael with his brother and then he's reflecting back on how far they have come. That's who Michael is. I will say, I could have done without the whole Linc going after Abruzzi's clan, I know it had to be done but it was just kinda wedged in there. Some parts I was just like, oh man, this is just taking me out of the story, especially the scene with Sara and what's his face in the hospital.
  9. Fun episode! Glad this season did right by Michael and he got the happy ending! Loved his "I love you" to Linc. So pure and sweet. The actual fight between him and Jacob was awesome, even if using doubles. I appreciated it. And the whole setup of re-framing Jacob for the murder, both genius and ridiculous. The truck alone made me cheer and laugh at the same time, Only PB! Goodness Michael looks so good when he's scheming and winning. Though Whip bit it (sad!) but somehow I think he knew that could happen. There were moments that I thought dragged a bit but the end made up for it. I loved seeing them all together, and of course they could have had some other characters to come back and be with them but it was never about them, as Michael fought to save Sara, his son and Linc. And sorry but Wentworth looked amazing in this episode. He really has worked hard to come back from some tough stuff and it shows. (shallow yes, but don't care because Went has always been on my "hot" list) What goes around comes around for T-Bag but this has to be his like third stint at Fox River. Fun ride for being so far removed from the last episode, and appreciate all the actors wanting to do it again. Kudos to them.
  10. There was a Russian website that explains what happens....not shot for shot but you get an idea, plus there are a few spoilery pictures out there. I'm still really excited even though I know things. Also, just have to add Michael walking around campus with Jacob. I love the fact that Michael and his brother have been on the run for years and no one questions who he is and in the age of phones and such, that Sara wouldn't have gotten wind of him being alive, even if Jacob did a good job of covering, he's not THAT good. (Because the cranes in the bottom of the sewer still annoy me) I know, plot holes for the sake.
  11. Who is on the Benton and Elizabeth train? He was so much cooler with her. So annoyed Eric didn't like them and put the breaks on it. After Season 5 I struggle to get into it, as there aren't as many good episodes. Doug and Carol are still the ultimate. Every scene, every look. I liked Mark but then he got like every other character, he just got to be too much at times. The show went a few too seasons too long but the show after all these years still holds up, especially the early seasons, and to think that was before all the crazy technology now. Payphones for the win.
  12. Twitter was amazing during this train wreck. I watched the original last week at work with co-workers and man, it was cheesy but it was so good. Patrick and Jennifer, man, oh man. And that final dance number. The less said about this, the better. I wonder how ABC will look at this and I do feel for the actors, but did anyone really see this and say, oh man, so good. Too much talking, too much extra story and just not enough substance. Who knew 3 hours could feel like 3 years. It was all around bad. Just bad. And lets not even talk about remaking the songs. I mean seriously? That's wrong on so many levels. The silver lining will be that I hope people find the original and watch it. And honor Patrick for what a great role.
  13. This was a good episode. Enjoyed a little more story on Jacob and Michael. Jacob is no Mahone but I did enjoy the cat and mouse game, even if alot of it was just a little too neat. Big fan of everything Ithaca and Syracuse (Cornell and Syracuse U), so that's fun they are running around there, however yes, one scene they are in NYC and the other they are back in Ithaca, um, that was fast. Ithaca is a beautiful place. One thing that bugged was in the DARK Michael found the cranes in the sewer and Sara didn't see them for that long? Ugh, bugs that Jacob would have grabbed the mail EVERYDAY. Of course maybe the cranes only came once a week but even then, Sara wouldn't have noticed them??! Bugs! Did love the callback to their date. That was fun to see that. I knew Jacob built the map because of the scene with Mike. He figured a way to get to Mike and that was pretty good. I was also a little sad that Linc after everything, fell right into his old ways. Michael risked everything for him and he repaid his freedom by falling apart? Ugh, because we need Abruzzi's son as another plot point that goes after them...*sigh I'm very confident though it ends all well for them, (well except Jacob, he's so done). That end scene was very well. Wentworth really sells the desperation and love in just his eyes. Hold on Mike, your dad and mom are going to keep you safe. (squee!!!) T-Bag and Whip is eh. I think redemption is coming for them. They will play a BIG role I think in the final showdown. Bring on the finale and happy endings!!
  14. I went back and watched all the Sara and Michael scenes because ugh, their reunion. Sorry, a fan post about these two below.... Anyways, Season one is still the best hands down. The characters, the intrigue, the story. I loved that Sara was always skeptical of Michael and yet she let him in just enough. And that Michael immediately found solace in her. Goodness Wentworth can be a little one note and yet, with Sarah he really brings all sorts of inner turmoil. Season Two was good too, and I didn't realize how long it took for them to reunite. It's really not till mid season til they are finally together. That is also beautifully done. Season Three, I just watch for how broken he is on Sara being gone. I didn't realize just how deep they got into that scene with him falling against the side of the wall and just destroyed he is. Season 4 is all sorts of confusing and you can tell Wentworth looks tired, (just in general) and yet he always brings the soft spot for his scenes with Sarah. I love how they play their relationship, push and pull at times but in the end, she's the reason for his motives, and not always his brother, especially with that "final" episode or as I would like to call, "What the hell was that?" Season five has had some good moments, but none more affecting to be then when he recorded that message to her. Of course their reunion but that's a given. They always play so well with their eyes. One of the strongest parts of the show is really their relationship. It's in bits and pieces at times and yet when you watch it all together, it really becomes the thread at which Michael survives on. Man Season three and most of Season 4 isn't that great, but I can always watch that kiss in Season one.
  15. Can I tell you how much I have to watch Meredith Baxter in the 2 Betty Broderick movies? Holy goodness is she good and the crazy part is how well she is at being crazy and yet true story!! I am riveted every time I watch it. She deserved all the praise for it. Lifetime and LMN are my go to's for some crazy movies. I always seem to turn them on my days off and watch. Some are really bad and yet I watch them....sigh maybe I need to find a better hobby...
  16. I just came to say, the music is always a blast. I have found SO many amazing songs from the show. Love that they showcase those bands that aren't so mainstream but always pop up in my Spotify playlist. (Looking at you Bear's Den and Boxer Rebellion). While the show can get too cartoony or the characters get too soapy for even me sometimes, the music grounds the scene alot and really pulls me. And the eye candy isn't half bad! So many good looking men on this show! Goes back to putting "Fortress" by Bear's Den on repeat.
  17. No. Everything about this was not anything I would see again. The soundtrack was on point though. What bothered me, and I know people aren't looking for some deeper love story but they were both so not emotionally connected and I know that's the point of Christian but if all they wanted to do was get laid, then fine, but they were trying so hard to make it so "real." For who? Because I saw Anna freaked out and unsure and then super sure and so in love with him...um, ok? Eric Johnson is in a bunch of Hallmark films so that was fun to see him here. He was a good baddie but I thought the movie had too many quick cuts. It was trying to follow the book and just fell so flat. There was one scene where Christian just shows up after crashing his helicopter and I had to roll my eyes because....really? It just felt like a Lifetime movie on steroids because it was Hollywood. Still sad that Matt Bomer wasn't cast (not like he would do it) but man, he's Christian to me.
  18. Goodness, I just LOVED this movie. It's not so Hallmark rom-com and romantic, in the traditional and cliche sense. The book is also amazing and has a little more meat to it. When Grace returns the cow to the farm, so much amazing in the book. I seriously just can't get enough of this movie. Probably the forbidden love part was what drew me, but I thought the two leads were great and I always enjoy a slow burn that makes sense and is believable. Seriously, you have to watch it and give it time because the scenes between Levi and Grace are *sigh. Big WIN and hope they do another in this similar vein! Don't worry, I have tweeted them like crazy! Can you tell I just can't get enough of this movie? hehe!
  19. Anyone excited for "An Uncommon Grace?" airing next week? I'm a sucker for these types of stories. If you haven't read or seen the movie "The Outsider" run to it! Very similar. I also read the book and thought it was excellent so I have high hopes for this one. The cast looks good and I'm hoping because it's on Hallmark Mystery channel there is a little more meat to it and more angst. Don't get me wrong, love happy ending but I want to see some trials along the way to make it a little more fulfilling in the end. Here's the link if anyone is interested. http://www.hallmarkmoviesandmysteries.com/an-uncommon-grace
  20. Oh it's Christmas movie time! I'm not going to watch ALL of them but def going to watch "Finding Father Christmas" with Erin Krakow and Niall Matter. It looks good and I think the both of them are going to have good chemistry. And of course "A December Bride" which I'm probably going to snark on since I don't like Jessica and Dan is so-so with other actress (see Erin Krakow :)) I just think he's so pretty (I know vein but I own it, lol!) Can you see I'm a When Calls the Heart fan! :)
  21. I'm not sure how it will implode but it will because she can't escape the publicity and I'm sure he will be caught looking at other woman. He's trying so hard to convince everyone at how real it is. Please...you can say whatever you want because you spend NO time with the person. Get your SEC job and shack up a hot blonde. Sounds about right. Jo-Jo your first instinct was right, RUN GIRL!
  22. Ok jumped on the bandwagon for this show. I love it! It's terrible but I feel terribly fact based. Never would I go on a reality show but all the more reason so. I mean the way they play people is both horrendous and masterful. When you live in a bubble it's easy to see how you can be influenced by very common sense things. Everyone plays off everyone so well of course the whole Chet thing may make me crazy because I don't see him fitting it so well this season and the whole 2 show thing is a bit much. Their bachelor is ok but not too dynamic but I like it, it gives the show an opportunity to bring out the surprises even more. It's a slow build with some of this stuff so I'm not bothered by some of the storylines. I cannot wait to see where Ruby goes because she's gonna play some big role at some point. I hope they throw a twist in there with her (but in a good way). Love me some Coleman. What an interesting idea to bring in ANOTHER person to run this show but he's not really running it, he's just outside looking in and waiting to pounce I think. He's totally using Rachel like everyone is using everyone but it will be interesting to see the final play because you know it's gonna be revealed (and maybe in stages). I know people don't love the glasses but I think everything this show is deliberate so there's a reason he's "nerdy" and a "documentary" guy. It's all part of the show. He's good looking too! I do wish he didn't pounce on Rachel so quick, they had sexual tension but I wish they waited to play it out a bit more by a slow drag (but still sexy) Everything is a show on and off camera. Love it!
  23. Has anyone seen 16 and Missing? It was done last year about a girl who meets an older guy online and he turns out to be the person who killed her father years before? The timeline didn't make any sense but I gotta say, the guy who played the stalker dude wasn't half bad looking. I know terrible but at least he wasn't some old creeper. He was legit a good looking guy who of course ended up being crazy. Oh Lifetime never change!
  24. That is true! I am in a younger demographic so I do see them as more old, and usually I don't mind. And you are right, they need variety with the ages because romance doesn't have an age to it. You are right in thinking that it could be more serious because it's older. It's just crazy to see these 2 on a show in the early 90's and now they are in a film together so many years later (still looking great) but beyond their young, hip selves! And yes, so true about The Golden Girls attracting younger people. Oh my is that show always hilarious and still relevant.
  25. What was up with the glasses Vanessa was wearing? I know big and bold is in (I'm a an avid wearer of them myself) but I didn't like them. They were so distracting. I can take or leave her but she was kinda blah in this one. I really enjoyed David and I'm glad to see him doing films for Hallmark. He fits in very nicely with the mold of men who aren't so pushover and who have charm and effortless adorableness. I feel he doesn't have to try hard to be likable like some others. I just always hate how pushy some of these storylines have to be, sometimes it's just not natural. Next week's movie does look a bit old to me, if I can say that. I actually do enjoy Josie and Jack but it just reminds me how long ago Melrose Place ended and how much time has passed. I don't know if they are gonna be good but it does seem a bit more like my parents are falling in love and not young people...yeah I'm ok with that. Stop the Wedding is my favorite and I don't think any one else is going to overtake it. I think Niall is going to be the next Hallmark guy and will put him in alot of films. It is interesting he's done so many. When Erin was doing her guesses of her co-star I never thought of him because he had already done so many films this season. Not that I mind, I like him alot so I do have high expectations for his films. I do think him and Erin will be one of the better Christmas movies. And sadly Dan and Jessica's Christmas movie will probably NOT be a winner but I will watch for Dan and all the pretty.
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