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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. Oh, she'll be there for the sentencing. And yes, I neglected to mention that she stepped out of the courtroom when it was announced that the CSAM was going to be shown. That was the only part of the trial she wasn't present for.
  2. Weird. When they lived there, I am pretty sure that they were renting, and the owner's name dug up. Did these two clowns buy the house? If so, that's likely where Jerannah will live.
  3. We need @crazy8s to check and see if Jer has an LLC that's property related. I'm pretty sure he has them for his aircraft.
  4. Is he happy? I think he derives pleasure in manipulating people, including his stupidly gullible wife. He'll be at the mercy of Boob's purse strings. That won't make him happy, as with Boob, money is conditional.
  5. Except when they showed the CSAM material to the jury.
  6. From the preview, it looks like the final challenge is a 3 course meal. I assume only one round.
  7. Teas were big with the Vision Forum crowd back in the day. But they upped the ante and usually came in costume. They idolized the American Revolution and WWII. Some of Doug Phillips' single daughters still dress up like they're headed to the USO.
  8. Nathan has been home for a couple of weeks now. They spent maybe 2 weeks in eastern Europe (and supposedly some of the time in Ukraine).
  9. Well, they finally left the Bahamas. Must be nice to be able to take a couple of weeks off "work" for the honeymoon. Not to mention the week or so the groom spent in Nebraska before the nuptials.
  10. Lucille seems to be the most conservative person working at Nonanntus.
  11. Butt goes viral. 🤡
  12. I'm sure the clowns in Oakland are poorer. And using the team bleeding money as a tax write-off. 🙄
  13. Ah, Connie Mack! Not that I'm old enough to remember him. 😁
  14. emmawoodhouse

    Tennis Thread

    I was just coming by to have a good laugh at Novaxx's expense. 😁
  15. I saw Brooke Williamson in the preview. The second judge wasn't shown, but I really doubt they were able to get Jacques.
  16. I think it was Like a Virgin in which she wore fingerless lace gloves. 😀
  17. They both left for money, too!
  18. Nope. A's fan. They totally destroyed their playoff roster from last season. Won a laugher tonight at Tampa, but I expect those to be few and far between. 😭
  19. The Rods were at a church in PA last week which is where Jill did her visitations. They've been to this church several times in past years. It's also the church of Jonathan's aunt, who introduced the lovebirds. But back to the visitation for a second, as I understand it, this was door to door god-bothering.
  20. No way Anna up and leaves. As noted above, she'll be all ready to make M8. Even if she's in her early 40's. Her mother has her last at 44, IIRC, and her sister Esther has had one or two in her 40's.
  21. What is it with fundies and tea parties of late? Joy, Abbie, Katey, and Esther Bates recently attended one in which they gave each other potted plants. Abbie didn't look pregnant, btw.
  22. Thanks @Ohmo! Can you divulge the point differential in Battle #4? Under spoiler tags, of course. 😁
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