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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. These pictures were taken maybe a week apart. Did Abbie suddenly pop? She also didn't look pregnant at the plant exchange tea party a few weeks ago.
  2. Here's a recent picture of Abbie. I'm voting not pregnant.
  3. I have no clue what those pies are supposed to resemble. They look inedible though.
  4. Everyone is guessing Little Rock, AR's state capitol.
  5. Looks like the happy couple is finally headed back to NWA. They spent nearly a week in Orlando after nearly two weeks in the Bahamas. Must be nice to have a job that will give you four weeks off when you're just 23.
  6. My bet is on Little Rock as well. How well does Jill know that psycho Kristen Nicole Young? They're in Conway.
  7. Yeah, it bothers me that Spurge was to!d that Daddy met Mommy when he was 17, but Spurge worries he won't live to see that day. These kids are terrified of death. I want to know what Jessa is teaching those kids????
  8. Which is why we've never seen Jessa's kids at Jill's house. Jessa herself has only been there once that we know of.
  9. That was certainly the case with Katey testing at the local Walmart bathroom. 🙄
  10. Jessa has posted more #sayings on FB. Henry's is especially disturbing. If someone can copy/paste here, it would be appreciated.
  11. But she had KNEE SOCKS!!!! Made the "outfit." Duh. 🙄
  12. Jer gave her photo credit on the original post.
  13. Well, they were living there because of Jed! I suppose he needed an accountability partner, so enter the twin! eta Did we ever determine which one was Jert and which one was Jernie? 😂
  14. It was proven that the downloaded files were opened.
  15. I missed that, as I typically avoid anything with Flay's name attached to it. 😄
  16. How about some love for the Browns? 😀
  17. Still pregnant. https://www.instagram.com/p/Ccd_KnLv-SH/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
  18. The older girls had a bit of talent, especially Nurie who could play piano or flute.
  19. And don't do that the kids younger than Sammers aren't as proficient at either instruments or singing beyond yelling. Not much of a road show there once these older kids leave.
  20. I've seen recent pics of both of them and neither looks visibly pregnant. But yeah, Abbie especially looks to be hiding her torso.
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