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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. Jill's on a roll. I didn't listen to her message. Her facial expressions were far more entertaining. 😂 https://www.instagram.com/p/CH6V6jipxSY/?igshid=vhnpdhbk3qie
  2. Suck it, haterz!!!!! David DOES work!!!!111 https://www.instagram.com/p/CH6T2UeJGOf/?igshid=17emdige9ut1m
  3. Lonely J's out for an afternoon flight. https://www.instagram.com/p/CH6O41KFSG0/?igshid=10xkkowjavkxj
  4. Aww, Jill responded to my question. I asked if she still had the necklace that Derelict gave her when they made the relationship official (I didn't add the last part). She still has the necklace, but one of the boys broke the chain. She says she's going to get it fixed.
  5. I still see her clothes on HSN, and it's not all on clearance.
  6. Burrow just tweeted "See you next year." eta visuals. https://www.instagram.com/p/CH6Fi2JDCRx/?igshid=1oaw7wnq7jc54😢
  7. Anna posted that pic yesterday with Josie at the sale. So we know she didn't go. Why Jordyn? She was on Jessa's buddy team.
  8. Does this mean Meech is also in town? Don't these people listen to the advice not to travel? https://www.instagram.com/p/CH57Civltpp/?igshid=1bh4twrwhvsbp
  9. I'm sure it was. Jill also didn't get social media until fairly close to her wedding, so it was easier for TLC to control the narrative.
  10. Oh, fuck off Jill! 😁 https://www.instagram.com/p/CH3YvpZJiw8/?igshid=7dntjmrybus1
  11. Love how Jill put "courtship" in quotes. FU JB. https://www.instagram.com/p/CH5phjPAf6Y/?igshid=rmy2uz8efstf
  12. I'm about the same age as Edward, so I also caught the discrepancy. I haven't watched subsequent episodes to know when they take place, but this could have taken place in '85 since we don't know when (or if) Margaret actually discovered her cousins.
  13. Yes, Felicity's birth was filmed. Jeremy will have to film this one and give up the footage to TLC.
  14. Lydia's crush is reportedly Olivia's brother. Her family is still very much fundie, aside from a couple other siblings who have also broken free.
  15. I wonder what happened between the births of Ethan and Micah. Hosanna and Ethan had birth certificates. The rest weren't made whole until Micah needed a driver's license.
  16. All hail the Empress! 😁
  17. Nick Satan! 😂😂😂😂😂😂 And accurate. 😁 But yeah, an assistant in the Pac-12 isn't going to make assistant in the $EC coin. I imagine they rented the "chalet" for show.
  18. I just figure his feet are sweaty and smelly. 😁
  19. Sadly, putting the entire troupe on display is a big part of their grifting shtick. 😕
  20. But do you do it and post about it to you million and a half followers?
  21. Derelict, get your feet off the coffee table. Ick.
  22. And Diana likely had no idea what that ring cost comparitive to the other rings. I don't think a 19 year old girl is that versed in gemology.
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