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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. The cold sore is worse. https://www.instagram.com/p/CH_n9z0JxF3/?igshid=19vb3a4lntb
  2. A Nathan/Nurie update. For some unknown reason, they've been in Texas. https://www.instagram.com/p/CH_mMHjpu3h/?igshid=1jzv6w04ju82f
  3. I don't think these were posted, either. Hilary really is a famewhore. https://www.instagram.com/p/CH9cJetDDGZ/?igshid=urqd1bxkz5ah
  4. Well, Whitney has 1/3 share in the sweatshop clothes. They seem to be doing well.
  5. Second photo dump from Hilary. https://www.instagram.com/p/CH9c11CDjr9/?igshid=dk9pvwsdllg3
  6. Cute https://www.instagram.com/p/CH-6MI4AJrh/?igshid=jm5xnmhoq7z1
  7. Jason was so toned down from the cornpone schtick that I almost didn't recognize him! I liked this version better.
  8. Announcement https://www.instagram.com/p/CH-6MI4AJrh/?igshid=jm5xnmhoq7z1
  9. I think these are from the 10th. Justin and Claire are wearing the outfits they got engaged in. https://www.instagram.com/p/CH9dOOfj1QW/?igshid=1my11hbfgvvn6
  10. Agreed. I was actually expecting an announcement this morning.
  11. At least they said that a 24 year old who lived on their own wouldn't be subjected to parental rules.
  12. Hunting trip was successful. https://www.instagram.com/p/CH9Ue7-j3Ki/?igshid=19go15pir0cj7
  13. They also vascillated between calling it courtship/dating/dating with a "purpose." Stick to one!
  14. They claimed that they set their own boundaries. Then Derelict goes on to say he regretted not holding hands before engagement. Jill then says that would have to have been cleared with Boob. That doesn't sound like they could set their own boundaries.
  15. Must be Kaylee's "week." And no masks in sight (as usual). https://www.instagram.com/p/CH9Hq4Hp5AM/?igshid=1uu1b5ts0da9b
  16. If she keeps to her schedule, she's due to be pregnant around February.
  17. Interestingly, the plane Jer (and passenger Jed!) used to fly with Jana earlier today is not one that can be publicly tracked. I think Jinger's had the baby by now, or is close to delivering.
  18. Lydia just can't win. Her "mystery man," Olivia's brother, just posted a happy 3 month anniversary picture with his girlfriend.
  19. No, they're being looked after by Hannie at their lodgings in OK.
  20. Hannie is Jinger's last buddy, but she's babysitting for Joystin in OK this weekend.
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