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Boo Boo

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Everything posted by Boo Boo

  1. So right. I also think she's managed to make herself a victim b/c of participating in the BLM protest. Did she really lose friends over that stance? More than likely she lost friends because she's an abusive narcissist? I applaud BW for going to the protest, even if it was for her own narcissism. I do not think not going = the cast is racist. I think laughing over "Drunk Wives Matter" gift by a friend and then posting the pics online is incredibly insensitive and it makes me think if you don't see that it is offensive, you may just be a racist. I had hoped that Kelly wasn't calling herself black and it was bad editing. My God, she is just flat out stupid. The "I have black friends" is tired. That said, I could actually see Kelly having good friends that are black and I could see BW not. I see BW being the Dorinda and hand her coat to a black patron b/c she just didn't think he belonged there.
  2. The difference is: It doesn't take two to get hit by your spouse.
  3. My guess is it would be too expensive to divorce her with 7 kids. So he'll hang in there until they are all out on their own. Of course, he'll probably be in his late 60s at that point.
  4. That's an interesting thought. The only problem with that though is that it would open BW up to: "It's an open secret that your kids do drugs. No, it wasn't right of me to text her but I was drunk..." I have to replay the reuinion, but did BW look at all surprised? I mean, if this was b/c she was a big drunk, I would think she'd not remember texting a minor. The tears were quick and it makes me think that she knew not only remembered it, she lived in fear that it would be discovered.
  5. The other thing that really pisses me off about BW is unnecessary cruelty. It was completely unnecessary to hurt Sean by announcing to the world she was never attracted to him. I feel like she would rather hurt Sean to legitimize that she's now a lesbian.
  6. Agreed! I couldn't stand her season 1, started to like her early on season 2 and then she's gotten even better! She seems like the most grounded, most evolved member of the cast. And someone you'd want to hang out with.
  7. Gina definitely won the reunion. I loved it when she laughed derisively about the prospect of BW divorcing her lifestyle provider.
  8. I'm a weed user. I would never, ever, offer a minor the hook-up. I don't think that's the reason why it glossed over. I think it got glossed over because she's now supposedly sober and they are all chalking this up as alcoholism is the reason why. And that sucks b/c it's zero excuse in my mind because this wasn't something said in passing as a bad joke like you *might* do when you're in a stupor. She actually thought so much about Shannon's daughter that she texted her later. It took a lot of premeditation to do what she did. This is flat out grooming of a child. If Shannon's daughter had text "Please, let's go now." I wonder what would've happened then? I think people are glossing over this thinking women can't be sexual predators despite multiple cases of late of female teachers getting busted sexually assaulting her children. I hope this was just an aberration for BW and maybe it was a bad joke gone awry. But I can't help but think this was the feeler put out to see if she had a chance for time with this kid alone.
  9. I love it! I'm still so bummed that the actress Kim Walker who played Heather Chandler died at such a young age!
  10. Virtue signaling has such a negative connotation like "woke" that I don't like using that for a woman who is not white, married to a black man with a biracial black son; she's got a front seat to racism and it personally affects her. I don't think Kathryn truly believes she did nothing wrong, she just isn't going to admit she did. If she admitted she did something wrong, then she's essentially having to own up to racist intent. As to "letting it go" I don't think we'll ever see that on a Bravo reality show! (BTW, love your handle!)
  11. Again, she's married to a black man and has a biracial son. It's perfectly okay for her to express the way she felt -- windows can be replaced, lives cannot. I certainly would not have felt bad if my friend/workmate came back with that response. I would not have thought she was making me feel like I cared about the wrong thing.
  12. I really do not understand how someone married to a black man and mother to a biracial child could be considered a "virtue signaler" simply because she called out Kathryn on her racist messages. Maybe not the intent since you have "asshole" qualifier in front of "mentally ill alcoholic" but mentally ill alcoholic seems like a way to excuse Kathryn for her harassment of a black woman -- as if she couldn't help herself from her actions. It just reminded me of a thought I had earlier that if it weren't for her custody issues, I'm sure Kathyrn would've used the "I was drunk" excuse.
  13. Exactly. I'm kind of surprised that Leva, Venita, et. al. are being considered the bad guys here. I'm also surprised that Kathryn still has a job with Bravo.
  14. I guess this will sound like age shaming, but since I'm actually a year older than Stephanie's proclaimed age: I'm uncomfortable watching grandma trying to get some off the 27 year old she is basically trying to buy. What the hell happened to Natalie? I used to think she was very pretty, while being very nutty. Now I'm not even seeing the pretty. It's like her face has caught up to the crazy. All she wants is a baby and Mike's the quickest way to get it apparently. On Brandon, it wouldn't surprise me if he's been on his own and moved back to his parent's farm to set up this storyline.
  15. They may have had NOTHING to do with the incident, but there's nothing wrong with them confronting her about this. Frankly, I'd question why anyone would want to be friends, friendly, or just even around her but they don't choose cast mates. And I can't imagine if the cast had pretended this never happened and gleefully hung around her as though she never sent a monkey emoji to the person of color she harassed in email messages. It's a bad story line because Kathryn did just couldn't stop herself from being herself. The rest of the cast has to deal with the collateral damage of this. I don't see how else it could've gone down on this show without it being a storyline other than they fire Kathryn.
  16. I agree. Kathryn doesn't deserve to be handled with kid gloves. I do not for one minute believe she's felt any sorrow for what she has done and she doesn't want to listen or learn. The only thing she's upset about is that it came to light and she has to answer fo rit. For the life of me, I do not understand why Danni wants to have a friendship with her at all. What is there to like about Kathryn Dennis? She's not a person who has changed, grown, evolved at all since the show began. The only time she was even likable was when Thomas dated that hospice nurse playing the reality TV villain. During that season, there seemed to be a worse person than Kathryn (other than Thomas)! So why exactly does Danni even give two fucks about this relationship? If I had a friend sending racist (and yes, they were -- Venita was right about the "minority" comment along with the monkey emoji) messages, I would not want my name ever associated with her again. So I can't get on the Danni love train here b/c she shouldn't be trying to salvage a goddamned thing. (And maybe I'm just skeptical, but I would be willing to be the only reason that she has anything to do with Kathyrn is b/c she knows that , even after racist messages, Kathyrn is well-loved by Bravo and being friends with her helps secure her place on Southern Charm.)
  17. Yeah, I'm sure that's the case. I'm just hoping it's bad editing!
  18. Same here. I think Kelly is perfect for reality TV without trying to be a villain. You never know what is going to come out of her mouth and every now and then she says something that makes sense. I'm just praying that the editing Gods edited "I am black" out of context. Like maybe she was regurgitating Brownie saying "I am black" after going to BLM protests.
  19. I couldn't stand her at first, but wow she has finished strong. I started liking her a couple of episodes ago. Loving her now!
  20. OMG, Meredith just seems so joyless. She has such a whiny slow voice.
  21. Am I the only one that hated Elizabeth at first (esp. her conspiracy theories) but now I like her and that weird ass laugh?
  22. I was also struck by "I believe you said it." Either you heard it or you didn't. That weasel word of "I believe" tells me Shannon probably didn't. That said, I was also struck by Shannon being upset to be left out by "Gina doesn't lie, Kelly doesn't lie..." and repeating that she doesn't lie!
  23. Jeremy grabbing at his wife's breast during the TH is not what I wanted to see. and my God I cannot STAND Kary. I think she has the worst vocal fry! And I just don't like her. She's the kind of woman that will give you the backhanded compliment -- "Your boobs look great. One benefit to your weight gain!" I cannot stand her.
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