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  1. Mine too. I still don't think he's really Jamie but if he is, then I wonder if his focus on her is anger because she was able to find so many people but not him.
  2. I think that's exactly why she wasn't there. I think after Sir knocked Christian out, he put the gun in Christian's hands to put his prints on it, and then either he shot the new lady, or she shot herself. Like, what's the angle of the gunshot? Where's the local security footage of this supposed drive-by? I can see why Christian would run, if he's really a normal dude. Now, whether she's the one helping out Sir or not... it could go either way for me. On the one hand, it's feeling pretty obvious that it should be her because who else would it be, at this point? Unless there's someone who's been hiding in plain sight since the first season? But I wondered why Gabi didn't ask her if she mistook Christian for Sir. She barely looked at the picture of Christian before she answered that it was him. But her comment about taking care of Trent took it to the "helping Sir" place for me because it's either that (Sir's plan to take "care" of everyone for Gabi) or she was staking her claim (which is weird because how serious are they, really?) The fake fight definitely tricked me and I was pleasantly surprised Sir was captured. I was getting worn out on him managing to get away all the time, though I'm sure we'll see plenty more of that in flashbacks. I guess we're heading into "Hugh helps from prison" territory? I hope they don't figure out some way to let him go, there's no way, right?? In a normal situation, Gabi wouldn't be allowed to visit him, as she's a victim of his crime, but who can pass up that good ol' "Hello, Gabrielle," lol. I hope Margaret gets a DNA test done ASAP. And make sure it's a legitimate testing agency. Something's fishy...
  3. Sir saying that he and Gabi being sick at the same time was inevitable because they're ~*connected*~ cracked me up. I wanted her to say something like, "Then I guess I'm connected to the postman and the grocery cashier, too, since that's how colds work???" I was also weirded out that she was sick at the office. In a way, I'm glad that they didn't bring the reality that is COVID into this world but I was like, "girl, mask up!" I wasn't a fan of this episode either, though I was pleasantly (?) surprised that his backstory was not about him having lost a child.
  4. John Beasley (Irv) also recently passed. :( I was wondering if there were any Everwood podcasts out there and stumbled upon This Time Around, a podcast that just so happens to be doing an Everwood rewatch right now. One of hosts has seen the show before, the other hasn't. They're halfway through S2 now. I finally did a rewatch, finished the last episode yesterday. I think it mostly holds up, though some things did stick out for me this time. I was really turned off by how they treated Amy's mental health storyline and I think Hannah should have gone to Notre Dame and been done with Bright. With Amy, I think it was very accurate to the time period; I remember my mom didn't want me to go on antidepressants for similar reasons ("it'll make you a zombie, change your brain and personality permanently!") around the same time (which only meant that I suffered for nearly 15 years for no reason, yay). Watching that story play out made me so happy and appreciative that we've made so much progress on mental health. The way her parents treated her was awful. They dismissed her cries for help and hindered her progress every step of the way. And they never admitted that medication and other therapeutic tools were the right thing for her in the end, they never said, "you know what, we were wrong and we're sorry." I was also a little let down with how they treated Reid's mental health, in that they didn't show what help he received after he was released from the hospital. Did he even receive counseling? It seemed like he was left without any tools and then decided, "OK, I'll go back home and see what happens with my life!" And Hannah deciding to stay in Colorado was a disappointment. The way she and Bright ended on the mountain, agreeing to be friends for life was good enough. They tried but they were not a good match. I think if the show were done today, there may have been a discussion between them about differing sexual needs and if they could find a compromise. But I think I'd have been happier if Hannah got with that Australian guy (who was also religious and respectful, and more confident and charismatic than nervous Topher), and Bright went into future relationships with his newly developed respect for women and care for relationships. What did they expect? She chose to date someone she knew was the hook up king, and he knew sex was something he valued in relationships. Hello? I blame him more than her, as she was upfront about her views and never wavered; he should have told her it wouldn't work shortly after she told him. They could have remained friends and he could have developed the same way via the friendship. Hannah the character wore thin for me, though, after all this time. I probably related to her introverted meekness at the time but man, she was a nasty, judgemental little thing when she wanted to be.
  5. Rolling Stone: Fake Bands, Real Songs: The 50 Best Tunes by Made-Up Musicians (#39) I hadn't watched the series since it came out but years later, the songs popped into my head and I had to listen to the soundtrack again. I blasted it on my way to work more than once, lol. Just finished my first rewatch and still loved the whole thing, songs and show. Unsaid Emily broke me yet again, seeing Julie finally be able to touch and hug Luke and the boys... ugh, I hate that it wasn't renewed. I wasn't the biggest fan of the final twist but so wanted to find out what would happen. And what would happen with their fourth bandmate (and would he tell their families? How long before they found out, anyway?) What was the endgame for the boys (would they cross over or would they be angels on earth?) What would happen with Julie and Luke (not much more at the time, considering the actor's ages, but considering he's dead, what did they want to do?) What about Julie's mom (when would the band realize they'd apparently met her before they died, and it was suggested that she was involved in them appearing to Julie). I'm glad we got what we did but can we get a movie and another album, pretty please?
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  7. 'Good Sam' Canceled by CBS - Hollywood Reporter
  8. I actively hate most of these people. :) LOL. Seriously though, I'm not rooting for anyone other than Lex and Donna. I'm so happy to come here and see that this was the season finale because I had finally decided to stop making myself miserable by continuing to watch (why does it always take me so long?) It's not even a delicious hate watch, it's just miserable. I don't want most of these people to succeed, especially the Griffiths (particularly the parents). And what kind of show is that, where you don't want any of the leads to win? I mean, a little bit of me is happy when Sam prevails but mostly, I just want her to leave the hospital with her soul intact, instead of dealing with these backstabbers (and that will never happen). How Sam has any kind of empathy or ethics is beyond me, considering her parents. The other week when Vivian's husband left after confronting her about the cheating, she just raised her arms up like, "is this really happening to me?!" Uh, yeah?? Terrible people. It was getting a little better when Griff finally extended a seemingly sincere olive branch but he's back on his bullshit, which goes to show that he's never going to change. And Vivian gave up so much for him; her work, covering up his DUI, cheating on her husband with him. Why? I have some sympathy for her giving up her job, as that tends to fall on women when families are started. But I'm pretty sure he's been an asshole the whole time, so why not protect yourself more? Caleb is a weeny, I'd rather her be with Malcolm. I'm kind of glad Isan has dirt on Joey. That's about the only cliffhanger I want to know the answer to, what did he do in Vermont. And I'm glad Lex told her ER boss that she wouldn't go there with him (until she was his boss, though I still hope she never does). He's a jerk, and his little, "let's not bother with words, just focus on my sex appeal" schtick... no, just no. He's nothing more than a steamy hookup, and that's not worth jeopardizing her career for. At least she seemed to love Griff. I guess narcissistic bullies are her type? I just finished the episode and still had to go over past forum posts to remember most of these people's names. Sorry to the actors but here's to a cancellation.
  9. Unfortunately I'm not surprised but I'm still frustrated! I thought this was a really cute (and emotional!) show, with awesome songs! What a lovely Christmas gift. :(
  10. When they did that, I actually growled, "just do it already!!!" I became Weller. It scared me (and my dog). 😄 It could just be that Patterson became friendly enough with Rich through their adventuring to be close to Boston now as well but yeah, throuple vibes. And I wouldn't be that mad about it, as I was starting to get into Patterson/Rich. - I enjoyed seeing so many past characters. The ambiguous ending... I wasn't expecting that at all! I figured we'd get a flash forward, nothing more. But I guess I liked the twist. It was a depressing bookend to how the show started but it lets us get involved in deciding the end for ourselves. My initial reaction was, "she dies? Oh, so you tricked me?" It did seem a little too perfect but I'm leaning toward her surviving, since there were some details she couldn't have known about (Patterson and Rich's adventure). Unless in the afterlife, you could know those things. So maybe all those hallucinations were meant to be her processing and repenting for her actions, and having done that before she died, she got her happy dinner in heaven? But... I don't know that a few hours without the antidote would kill her that quickly. Yes, she's been flooded with ZIP a million times but really, it would kill her in what, 36 hours? How quickly was the ZIP killing her the first time she had the hallucinations? She had gotten a little more of the antidote, too, so that should have bought her some more time, plus the initial dose, no? Ah crap, I have no clue. LOL. And reading the creator's thoughts on it in the media thread doesn't help. Apparently there are clues but I'm not picking them out. This show was goofy but entertaining from start to finish, and I thoroughly enjoyed coming here to talk with you all about it. 🙂
  11. So... why does Ivy want to ZIP the country? (Or is that plan over now, based on her scurrying off?) I'm sure this was all explained in an earlier episode but I got nothing now. The pressure plate bomb was pure Blindspot. It was ridiculous that the terrorists would leave Boston to die in such a convoluted way rather than just off him like they'd been threatening. (You'll hack faster if I point this gun in your face and even faster if I remove one of the tools you need to do it!) But the bomb was a dud (or Kathy cut the right wire?) so... I'm glad we spent all that time on that. Why the hell did Weller and Co. show up to the warehouse with the sirens going? Dumb. Right after Weller made the comment about them losing their memories, I thought, "I wonder if Jane will lose her memories again, bringing the series full circle." And. Welp. Apparently her love for Weller didn't give her super speed to just run back out the way she came. She could have hit the airlock and did a badass slide out the door, containing the ZIP vapor. But this is more ~poignant~.
  12. Well, I expected Weitz to bite it at some point but I was still sad about it. But I'm ticked off about how Madeline won all the way to the end. Got her little speech and died on her own terms. Infuriating. Why didn't Zapata at least wing her?! Her lawyer got the death she deserved. Had to chuckle at Weller's love for Jane giving him the super strength needed to take out a bunch of bad guys. Goofy as hell, lol. Thrilled that Patterson survived, loved Rich's reaction. Didn't realize there would be two episodes tonight, off to watch the next one.
  13. Me too. My first reaction to her death was, "this is a load of horseshit!" but thinking on it some more, I think Madeline's comment about doing an autopsy is a clue that Patterson's not dead. Because what the hell do you need to do an autopsy for; you know what happened. But that sets it up for them looking for remains and not finding any. Plus, the inclusion of the tunnels that Patterson and Rich never got to use in their escape... somehow she got out of that room. Though it was played just as seriously as Reade's death was, so who knows. Not here for Madeline suddenly feeling some remorse now that she's ZIPped her kid. When she was taunting Zapata about "the destruction she leaves in her path," I was like look in the mirror, honey. Zapata didn't kill Reade or Keaton (can't remember the third person she mentioned, Blake?), you did.
  14. I really enjoyed this! I got (what I think) was the "best" ending the first time, and only "messed up" twice, which I was proud of since the pathways to good options weren't as obvious as I expected. The second time I played, I got to the wedding again, thinking I somehow did well again, only to have Jacqueline tell me I messed up. I definitely want to go back and try some other options... I got several "story ended too soon" endings but I wonder how many choices can still get me to the wedding. I was pleasantly surprised by how they added in different takes on replays (at first I thought I was losing my mind, lol). The Reverend's "NY bagel" line delivery was the same the first two or three times and then different the last time I played. Exploring all the options is already a way to get us to keep watching but knowing there are so many different takes to catch is great, too. That's what I thought too! I mean, it was right by 'splode him, which also sounded cute and probably fun. Nope. LOL. I don't know how I felt about all the extremely dark endings (watching Kimmy kill the Reverend was like watching a totally different show) but it was probably in line with choose-your-own-adventure books. I caught Mimi on a second run-through at the start of the karaoke scene but after two short scenes, she disappeared. It felt like one of the random scene changes rather than one of my choices leading to her being there. I was like, "best 'wrong choice' ever!" I guess I should have known it would be an interactive spot since the skip button was on the left side of the screen rather than the usual right (unless Netflix moved it over there and I haven't noticed).
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