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Everything posted by Grizzly

  1. Mexico City. I'm sure it's just a story but you're going to uproot your 4 kids and move to Mexico without any plan of how you're earning money? It's possible they've done this before from what they said, but I couldn't live like that. That penthouse was really nice, I'm surprised Ashley caved so quickly. They must quite a savings if they can fork over 3k a month on rent are going to start a business from scratch.
  2. Phoenix, AZ. Quinton seems like he has a good head on his shoulders. Mom needs to cut the cord. And that pink/fuschia outfit, my eyes! She is going to drive away any potential daughter-in-law. None of the properties seemed to be what Quinton wanted. Liked that he got the condo.
  3. I had never seen anything Colton was in before. So just based on what I see here, I like him. Know what it's like to have a gay man date you for the sole purpose of convincing himself he's not gay. Not easy for anyone involved. Nice speech Ray made at the end. Makes the preview for next week a head scratcher.
  4. My takeaway from tonight; Jonathan has a brother. 🤗
  5. Brisbane, Australia. Jesse is so deadpan, he's great. I know newlyweds can't get enough of each other but that 1 bed guesthouse seemed pretty small. Didn't think #2 would be it since no furniture and way over budget. If they're happy, I'm happy.
  6. Marietta, GA. Mocko and Cash, are they trying out for the next buddy cop movie? Not sure they are serious about adopting. Every once in a while they thought a bedroom could work for a kid. They were more concerned about where their gaming would go. House #3, what an odd spot to put a huge chandelier. All that space made Cash actually think about children. They've got a lot of stuff. I know I should hate them putting that shirt on their dog but it made me laugh.
  7. Yeah I noticed he and Knight didn't have any scenes together and thought that weird. Liked how the tortured guy called him Batman.
  8. Now that felt like a classic NCIS episode. It was nice to see Fornell in a good frame of mind. And Dr Grace taking care of the whole team.
  9. Kim went home because they couldn't taste the sesame in her cake. I loved the colors in Nancy's outfit. Can't believe Duff spent 10 minutes on that bird head. Added nothing to the piece. Wonder if Romy knew how useless that advantage was? Most of the cakes were beautiful.
  10. I wonder if the chefs can request Simon or Justin? Sort of as a superstitious thing. That's who presented them the last time they won.
  11. Dustin and Fabrizio are my favorites. They are good looking and can cook. I will definitely try adding wine next time I make Kraft macaroni and cheese 😋
  12. Tamarindo, Costa Rica. Another corporate couple looking to slow down by running a B&B. Sarah, oh I don't get many requests to look for B&Bs. 🙄 Nick has striking eyes. These properties look more like resorts than what I envision B&Bs to be. They all seem ideal. Not sure what they needed to do to the place they bought to get it ready for renters.
  13. Lancaster County, PA. Babies buying houses. Makes me feel so old and underpaid. What makes her voice so annoying? Is it an accent or her cadence? I couldn't really watch.
  14. I guess sticking it out for 2 days is a considered a win for Metta.
  15. New Orleans, LA. They are believable as a couple. What I can't believe is he wants modern with a pool for 300k. And she's paranoid about water coming in the house but lives next to a river. They picked the cheap house with a great backyard.
  16. I thought the HH should just move in with the realtor. They are flirting like crazy. And are so full of themselves. Didn't realize Denver had so much modern architecture. He bought the first place.
  17. Glasgow, Scotland. Funny seeing the Aussies all bundled up and the realtor was wearing a blazer. With house #2, it was right on budget but Julian said it was too expensive. Why set that as the budget? And then they pick the 1 bathroom place far away from the train. I'm very confused.
  18. Salem, MA. The husband reminds me of the actor Matt Jones on Bob 💕 Abishola. Love old houses but I don't think I could live in one. #3 was practically a museum. I thought the one they picked was a good compromise and under budget.
  19. Wasn't there an earlier episode where Parker distracted some woman by talking about birds while McGee hacked his way into her security system?
  20. I didn't understand the preheat. The challenge was to reimagine an upside down cake and nearly all of them made....... an upside down cake. Dennis should have been able to switch his flavor if he wanted. I'm liking all the guys, guessing one of them wins. And I have to root for Kim since she's from my state.
  21. This show is so frustrating, the chef I root for hardly ever wins. Eric was a bit snarky tonight, he might have a future in this.
  22. I don't care about the bakes anymore. I want to see a dance off between Eddie and Ron! They are both so sexy in their own way. The bakes this spring have not been impressive. Carnival was pretty bad but the one team had me at "That'll do, pig, that'll do."
  23. Charente, France. What I didn't understand was they were leaving Brussels to get away from the hustle and bustle. Doesn't Belgium have any rural areas? Sure, if you can move to France, why not. But they made it sound like it was their only option. I would never want to run a B&B, you're always working.
  24. I really hope those shorts were not chosen by Lydia. That is a lot of white thigh. I thought there was a nice mix of tribal life tonight. I liked the catching and eating of the crab, the sharing of religious viewpoints, the budding bromance, and Mike finding and losing an idol. Jeff better hope Maryanne doesn't develop a crush on him.
  25. Nosara, Costa Rica. Ugh don't like what the wife is wearing. Homeschooling 4 kids? And he works from home too. That's a lot of togetherness. They sold their home in Southern California, wonder why their budget isn't larger. Sarah is working hard. How can they say the container house has more space when he doesn't have an office and there's no backyard? Call bs on their budget, house is a way over and that custom homeschool built-in looked pricey.
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