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Everything posted by Grizzly

  1. This week they get to keep the piano. Goat yoga is cute to watch but I'll not be doing it. Loved the dogs. Hillary surprised me by getting along with the rat but I'm sure David would have something smart to say. The design was the usual improvement but I hate having to go through the bathroom to get to the closet.
  2. I noticed that too. Hope that doesn't mean Sarah is the next elimination.
  3. Milton Keynes, England. Great to see Richard get out of London. But why does he think they could spend more? If that's the real budget, that's what they can spend. The 2 bed place seemed big enough. Glad she was able to find work. That was a sweet office set up. Hope their family has a nice guest space for them when they visit the US.
  4. Durham, NC. Two young professionals with a more realistic budget. Agree with Taylor that house #1 is too small. It wasn't laid out well. I thought #2 was a good option. Did #3 have a second bathroom? Really only that European bathroom needed renovating. The kitchen was fine. I thought at 309, it was going to be a train wreck. I never thought of NC as a big snake state.
  5. LA. At the first place when the wrestler was worried about where she could park her car, I was thinking her neighbors would pay to have that car not be out front.
  6. Longview, WA. How many pairs of ripped jeans does Brianna own and does she wear them to work? I would like to be friends with Kaheen, yum. The mom gave good advice, it was a pleasure to have her along.
  7. Happy to see Rocco not looking as puffy as he did last year.
  8. The barn house looked so big, there had to be space somewhere for the piano. I would've chosen to repurpose and keep it rather then send it away. Don't know why new chairs would make the lady sit by the fireplace. And why are her kids watching TV during business hours? Can't believe Hillary promised to make that a dog safe space and thought it would only cost $5000. She knows better.
  9. The Hague, Netherlands. Floor will find the middle ground for this couple. What parents don't understand is kids are very adaptable. These 2 are worrying about the kids adjusting and I think the kids will do fine. It's the husband who might not be able to cope.
  10. Island in Virginia. Really, Alana is willing to buy a 2 bedroom vacation home for 2 families just because it's cute? Sure, the kitchen was gorgeous. For 1 family. Project house was too expensive plus renovations. Off island did seem to be the best value. I'll never understand these people.
  11. They say that there's someone for everyone. And that guy is fortunate that Chelsea finds him sexy. Cuz ugh. So inappropriate. Phil, on the other hand, was quite dashing when younger. Wonder what the point of bringing in a loved one was? It looked like there were Chicken Guy employees helping out.
  12. I'd say it's more Hazel thought she had her whole life figured out and didn't need school. We all know Hazel is smart. She's just not interested in academics.
  13. Huntsville, AL. Do they make military uniforms that fit her? And what does she need a huge house for? DeAndre will be 18 soon. He seems like a good kid. Poor boy has inherited his mom's booty. Peach's saving grace is she doesn't want a white kitchen. The house is nice but I still don't know what she's doing with all of it.
  14. Akron, Ohio. I don't hold out much hope for the girlfriend. He doesn't care to get her opinion on the house. Realtor is certainly playing the long game, sticking with him for 4-5 years. The barn house was interesting but having the garage open directly into the living space had hubby shaking his head about exhaust. House #3 had a lot of space. Be interesting to see it when he's done.
  15. How does this woman own her own company? I hate her voice, I hate her clothes. Neither of them are dressing to impress. Unlike Samantha, who is very stylish. What are they doing to Phillip, the hat looks ridiculous. I like the house they chose but the fireplace is fine.
  16. Puerto Vallarta. Taniel again 🙂. Is he reminding anyone else of an actor? The woodwork in house #1 was gorgeous! Where were they going to work in house #3? Oh, desks in the bedrooms. Wonder if the walls will start closing in.
  17. Marietta, GA. I just told my husband if he wants cows, it's over. Their choice makes no sense. That house is ugly.
  18. I loved Amanda's mauve jacket tonight. Now we have 4 women advancing to the finals. Has that ever happened before?
  19. I remember that Gibbs. He of the devil may care grin and and would have a mysterious woman pick him up at crime scenes in a convertible. Then they gave him the dead wife and child back story.
  20. Dr. Grace was the therapist that helped Gibbs after his heart surgery. She was played by Laura San Giacomo.
  21. I'm starting to not want any of these people to win. Eboni, just no. Phil signed off on that grade school looking menu. Chelsea acting like because she worships Guy, should be handed the win. Cayton not able to take some constructive criticism. Chase, I'm OK with but it's hard to take him seriously. Kevin has me going back and forth. He'll say things that make him sound like an egotistical jerk and he looks pissed all the time. And then he'll smile.
  22. Belgium. At least they admitted they knew going in that closets were not common. The daughter was cute wanting a small room so she didn't have much to clean. Can she quickly grow up and be on HH? I am so shallow, Nabil is not making my hot list.
  23. Monroe, WA. That's a new twist, they want the house the other one grew up in. Why does he need projects in the house when he wants to build a Casita. That should be project enough.
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