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Everything posted by Grizzly

  1. There were several great putts tonight. I was worried that we'd get people who just wanted to be on tv. But we had several true athletes, two women conquered Hole #2! Would have liked to see the lady try it in heels. And 1 guy made Polecano look easy. Liked the winner dressing like Rob, from season 2 no less. Still really enjoying this show, but not as many laugh out loud moments from the guys.
  2. Both brothers have put on weight. Drew certainly has the dad bod ready for when Linda gives birth. Anyone else wonder who or what was in the Commish's house that he needed a place to escape to? No wife or girlfriend was ever mentioned.
  3. Gold Coast, Australia. Maxine gets to deal with a couple for once. He seems fine but she's a bit of an airhead. Thinks money comes out of thin air. I'm working from home so the hour and a half one way commute my husband might have to do doesn't bother me. Bitch. And I hate her top. Speaking of tops, Maxine's was really distracting.
  4. Canada to Georgia. His hair, omg why? And there was nothing wrong with house #1. I don't think updates were needed. House #2, he didn't need to build a ramp, just skateboard down the driveway. I wasn't into #3 at all. She rubbed me the wrong way.
  5. Is it me or is Craig the only one who works around camp? He's hacking up firewood while the other guys are just sitting around. It must have been very difficult for Jodie to cross those ladder bridges with a double ear infection. I'm sure her balance is out of whack. But I wish she had been the one to go up the tower to look at the clues. Craig seemed so scattered. And Colton with his young eyes don't need no stinking binoculars. This show is proving that football players are not stupid.
  6. London. Was Richard on vacation? Toby has a good personality, he'll do. The couple has a certain charm. The basement apartment had a decent amount of natural light. Some colorful art would look great on those beige walls.
  7. The Muppets don't add anything but so long as they stay at the commercial breaks, I can put up with it. Why does the Polecano zipline stop before reaching the pole? I liked the moon hole, people do have a chance to make it across. Jaime was quite good, I'm glad she won.
  8. Paris. It's been a while since we've seen Adrian. Love her, "Get over it." Indeed. I'm wondering how old Jenny is. Oh, from what she said, 40s. Lola is so cute. Not sure why Adrian thinks she has to convince Jenny to live in a specific place. If Jenny wants to spend more to be further away from work in a quiet area with more space, let her. Nope going to sit side saddle on her toilet.
  9. You can do it chessiegal, concentrate on how hot Jordan is!
  10. California-not Bakersfield. They are buying this potentially million dollar house with land for grandkids that don't exist yet? Gee, no pressure on their son and his wife. DIL even looked away when Carrie mentioned grandkids. Maybe they should look in a different area since all the properties were hilly. Oh course the contractor bought a fixer. I liked Gary.
  11. Lancaster, PA. They were a good couple, they could disagree without being disagreeable. I could deal with the green kitchen but that green was everywhere. And none of the places had yards so I guess it's good they had cats. Not sure I'd use her as an interior designer but I'd hire him if I had wealth to manage.
  12. Some laundry detergent is missing out on a great sponsorship opportunity. How are their clothes not totally mud stained? Can't imagine how much pain the ladies are in.
  13. My issue with Carolyn is if she can't use Hawaiian flavors, she gets stressed out. In order to be the champion, you need to get out of your comfort zone. Part of the cookie salad debacle was that she got figs. She said figs weren't found on Hawaii and she wasn't sure if she could work with them. Compare that to Romy who had never made a cupcake or drank a margarita. He just smiled and did his best. That is why I am Team Romy, he has a great attitude.
  14. I really wanted to see what was in that upstairs loft area. And why didn't they do a bathroom? I guess I'm just nosey and want to see the whole place.
  15. Oaxaca, Mexico. Getting tired of Mexico but will watch for Taniel. I missed some of their story, why is their budget so low? You want character and color, Taniel will give it to you! Even the place close to downtown didn't seem noisy or busy.
  16. LA. That was interesting that a bank would loan you more money to buy a duplex. I would never want to buy in California. The prices you pay for such small space is ridiculous. But the pay for social workers must be pretty good.
  17. Yup Nicolle must leave first and then this will be a watchable season. And not to be shallow but she hasn't aged well. I've come to realize I did not watch TV in the 90s. As far as people I recognize, I hope the final is Jodie vs Tracey.
  18. Brisbane. Maxine always seems to get the single men who are a little extra. And a lot annoying. Not sure I care which place Eddie gets.
  19. Chicago. Location seemed to be David's main factor in making his decision. Price too. I didn't quite see the potential in house #3. As an only child, I cannot imagine being one of 11. Don't blame him for not wanting to share a bathroom.
  20. Great comeback in the challenge by Ray's team. It wouldn't have even been close if Craig hadn't looked over to see how they did their boxes. Wonder how they would have divided the teams if Eboni had been there? Colton is such a beast. Would love to see a competition between him and Jonathan on Survivor.
  21. Mike looked impressive without a shirt on. Bet Rocksroy was wishing he had some abs to show off. Lindsay kicked butt in that challenge and who knew Omar would be good at shooting baskets. When Jonathan was thanking the sit out people and said he'd make it up to them, I expected him to provide them with a lobster dinner.
  22. Riviera Maya, Mexico. I actually said Wow out loud when I saw the size of the kitchen counter at house #1. That rooftop area at house #2 was perfect for entertaining. How often do you go to shops and restaurants versus going to the beach? The realtor was pretty cute.
  23. And the husband was complaining his wife liked colors that were too bright while wearing an orange shirt. I'm surprised they are finding houses with 4 bedrooms for under 400k. Really like the house they picked.
  24. Maybe the writers were doing an homage to the whole Tony/Jean storyline. 🙄 I was getting all sorts of unpleasant flashbacks, been there, done that. Dr Grace was the only difference and the best part of this episode.
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