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Everything posted by Grizzly

  1. Maine to Amsterdam. Melissa seems very pleasant. But how is she going to be a match maker when she doesn't know anyone in Amsterdam? That cute little car that can drive in the bicycle lane. So easy to park but you're dead if you're in an accident. Interesting home choices. She did not get/want any of the Amsterdam charm that we usually see. I would have picked that one too.
  2. So Viet, which woman was your mom and which was your wife? Glad Chris won, I remember him from Chopped.
  3. If I ordered dessert at a restaurant and was served 3 cream puffs and some dollops of sauce, I'd want my money back. 😉 I hate coconut so was much more intrigued by all the dishes in the first round.
  4. I thought Stephanie had it over Maneet. Maneet's sandwich didn't look easy to eat and had a bit too much bread. Not enough fish in the soup. Steph ran out of time and couldn't clean her plates.
  5. I was rooting against Joe because of those awful green pants. I did think his dish was more creative. Would be happy if Shota goes all the way.
  6. I love the Easter version. Spring is not my favorite because chocolate and peanut butter (my favs) are not considered springy flavors. But they are all over Easter. My one dislike is how they eliminate bakers. How do they ensure everyone takes the correct egg? If I was in trouble, I'd try to take an egg not meant for me.
  7. I agree the dress Red chose was too skin tight at the salon. She almost looked naked. It was much better at the ceremony after being altered. Her husband was not my cup of tea.
  8. Chiang Mai, Thailand. They are certainly made for each other. Maybe I envy their joie de vive. Very impressed that they tried durian and Stephanie actually liked it. Hope they continue to have adventures and enjoy each other.
  9. I was so excited for David to go Hawaii! Nice couple, decent budget. I was surprised they went with the 2 story but ChitChat makes a good point. I noticed the realtor was Hawaii Life.
  10. Too bad, I was rooting for Michael. For me, FJ was an instaget. I thought it was one of the easiest clues of the night. Surprised 2 of them missed it. The jury is still out on Tamara. Not sure if she'll become too precious.
  11. Breda, Netherlands. Aussies moving to the Netherlands. I thought #1 was a good option. That was a great color in the main bedroom. Floor looks good in green. #2 was quite cozy. Great outdoor space but how many months is that usable?
  12. Stockholm, Sweden. I did not know that Stockholm was a bunch of islands. I need to get out more. Or watch more HHI. Anessa doesn't seem to like anything about Sweden. #1 seemed fairly spacious for city center. I've never seen a realtor as frustrated as Malin was about the guy who walked by at #2. For people who've never lived together, a studio could be too small. But they can entertain their friends at the bars. I adore Wolfie.
  13. Montgomery, AL. Oh darn, it's a repeat.
  14. Danny can stop somersaulting any time now.
  15. Chicago. I can understand Janet wanting a single family home. But why show her a 4 bedroom one? She doesn't need that much space, no matter how cute the outside is. I liked the condo. Penthouse in the city with a view of the lake below budget. Strip of grass on the balcony for the dogs sounds good to me. But obviously the one 2 blocks from her granddaughter was the one.
  16. Worcester, MA. Uncle Walter is my mvp. It can't be easy dealing with relatives. This couple is good, I can't tell which house they're selecting. They don't seem to like any of them. Worcester is not that close to Boston, surprised to see what half a million gets you there.
  17. Orlando, FL. Which next step are they taking in their relationship? She's buying the house on her own and charging him rent? Sounds like true love to me. And theme park workers don't make that much so her side hustle must be doing well. Tyler is attractive despite the man bun. Admittedly, they seem happy so if it works for them.
  18. I swore out loud when Darnell lost. But honestly, I didn't like his dish. I didn't think he used enough lobster and it didn't look like brunch, champagne or not. Wasn't impressed with Britt's hash either. She rubs me the wrong way, hope Jose takes her out. Eric should be proud they tied in taste. Happy for Adam and Jett. They should have an epic battle.
  19. Rochester looked very picturesque. The young ladies were quite easy going, pleasant and not picky. Enjoyable episode.
  20. Lyons, France. Ooh la la. David is a fine looking man. They are an attractive couple. Why such a small budget? Didn't they sell her 5 bedroom monstrosity in Miami? If he would spend more to buy, why not just buy? Can't picture them getting anything but #1. But the sexy bargain hunter promises to buy her a big house someday if they get #2.
  21. Gothenburg, Sweden. I'd love to hear the story behind her name, Holden. Makes me think of Catcher in the Rye. Apartment #1 had plenty of room. But we didn't see the bathroom, did we? #2, great location, great price. How can she request a studio and then complain about the smallness of a studio? I bet she takes this one and is just producer complaining. #3 is too far out. They did not need to show Petunia using the toilet.
  22. Providence, RI. No way did I think Worcester was that close to Providence so I had to look it up. 39 miles, so Auntie could babysit. #1 was good. But gosh, #2. I don't usually like white kitchens. I'd buy that house just for the kitchen. For #3, the built-ins in the main were great but skylights-big no! In my bedroom, I have the shades pulled and black-out curtains thumb tacked around the edges. Glad their happy with their choice.
  23. Finally! Although these scratch off episodes are considered "new".
  24. What was up with Nick's right hand? I couldn't tell if he had a glove on it or he kept it in his sleeve.
  25. I'm sorry they killed off Molly. She was so plucky, killing that first guy who tried to get her. And she liked fish. I was wondering if Ron would go back to kill the dry cleaner after seeing the cupcake thrown away. Too bad for Ted that he wasn't gluten free. That blue icing was off putting. Not sure if someone so compulsive to write silver squiggles on every surface would be stable enough to walk in public looking normal. The ep was OK but not the big payoff that a multi-arc demands.
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